A pushover, or hard to push?


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
Many women talk about how they want an ideal man who gives them anything they want and hardly says "NO", what about the oposite? Do that make you want him more if he loves you will all his heart, but he doesn't give you all you want, and is kind of a hard ass?
No...I can't love that.:nono:

I like having my way too much!:yep:

In the bedroom is the only place a man dominates. (mostly...:lick:)

I want What I want When I want it!...ya dig?
Lol... my ex was like that. We argued way too much. I guess I want to have my cake and eat it too, cuz I definitely don't want some little pushover, but I do luuuuuv getting my way...
A lot of women say they want a guy who will give them everything they want, but then when they get a guy like that, they drop him with the quickness. Women and men want a balance, I believe. Overall, a nice person, with the ability to stand up for themselves!