
I've used several products from their line and decided I wanted to try the twist and loc gel for my daughter's hair. Well, I tried it, and so why did it leave her hair feeling sticky and dry with like a white buildup on her hair? I understand this particular product has coconut milk listed as the second ingredient, which I thought would make for a good product from all the raves about coconut milk. Does this happen with coconut milk? I read on another post that a coconut milk user said her coco milk had a gel-like consistency. Has anyone else used this product and had a better experience, if so please let me know so I won't have to throw it away? Maybe I did something wrong. TIA
Gotta be sure you don't use too much. You only need a little on each twist or else the hair will have a grayish cast.
Sorry, I haven't used their loc and twist gel. BUt I had the same experience with ORS Shea Butter - it just sat on my hair and made it dry. My hair loves their Olive Oil Lotion though - go figure!

Did you use it on wet or dry hair? Which is better? I like the olive oil lotion better than the shea lotion as well, but I believe I favor the olive oil cream overall, while the carrot oil cream worked pretty well also. The shampoo left a buildup like it had conditioner in it and it took a long time for me to wash the shampoo out completely. I don't like that when I'm in a hurry and just have to wash and go.