A Prayer Request


Well-Known Member
I am so glad I have found this site. In fact I believe God led me here as I told him I was going to embark on this hair care journey and ask Him for direction.

Please say a prayer for me. So many things have been difficult and confusing in my life and I have been praying for God's guidance and help.

Please pray for my job. I have been promised a raise for a new position and they have not followed through. They even hinted that if and when they do it would be tiny even though my new responsibilities are more. I pray that they are fair with me.

Please pray for my immigration status. The story is too long to explain but the Lord knows my struggle.

Please pray that God guide me in my relationship. I have met the most amazing wonderful man who I believe could be my mate. However, things are not going smoothly. I pray the Lord guide me, because even though I love this person if this is not God's will then I know there can be no success.

Thank you for your kindness and prayers. God Bless you all.
Will keep you in prayer. I pray daily for the members of this site who have requested prayer and for those who are part of the fasting and prayer team. I believe that where there is much prayer, there is much power!