A prayer for the Christian Forum


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
Dear Ladies,

I don't know why anyone else comes to this forum, but I come to enjoy the fellowship with other Christian women and the dialogue on the Word of God. Some days I laugh, some days I feel sadness or compassion when others pour their hearts to us. This is a forum for women, so there are topics that require maturity to be discussed. Married women CAN talk sex. It's their God-given right, not a sin. Christian singles CAN date and not fornicate. These are real issues that only mature people can really talk about without accusing anyone of not being saved or "real". Please seek understanding from God if you really don't know what's going on...

This has laid heavy on my heart today and it's not to start a fight or to act "holier than thou" to anyone; so I won't entertain that. I just feel a sense of sadness, because God is NOT MOCKED and when I see others attempt to do so, I boldly pray:

Father, even though this is the Internet, these are real women in Christ who "meet" to exchange ideas/thoughts or just to talk to someone. I pray that your remove all negative spirits from this board, the spirits of deception, nonchalance and chaos. The spirits of depression, anger and bitterness. I pray that you bind them in the name of Jesus!! GO! Satan you are bound in the mighty name of Jesus! I am the Righteousness of God and whatever I say is so. Satan I bind YOU!

Father, I pray that you draw those who seek you to this place and repel those who don't.

I pray for a free flow of love, compassion and understanding, that it washes over every word posted, every thought put into words. Allow us to laugh in your presence and to experience your joy. I believe that all those who seek you, who seek your healing, who seek answers and are burdened with the troubles of life will truly feel blessed in this place today. Let us not be deceived to not think Satan and his kind aren't among us. Let us not be moved by the wiles of the Enemy but to stand fast in your Word and to believe that even on the Internet, we have the victory.

Lord I thank you for your blessings among us. I thank you for healing the sick; for assuaging the hearts that ache after the death of a loved one; and for even allowing some to laugh again. For you tell us in Prov 17:22, a merry heart doeth good, like medicine.

We will laugh in this place...a holy laugh. For we know what you are with us. :rofl: Thank you, Father. I believe what I have prayed and I have received it in your Son's precious, holy name! Amen.


CreoleSugar: I prayed a very special prayer for you this morning on my way to work and I don't know why; but, I truly hope you around, and that all is well with you. My heart goes out especially to you as you make a testimony for God. God loves you, and so do I !

Your sister in Christ,
Dear Ladies,

I don't know why anyone else comes to this forum, but I come to enjoy the fellowship with other Christian women and the dialogue on the Word of God. Some days I laugh, some days I feel sadness or compassion when others pour their hearts to us. This is a forum for women, so there are topics that require maturity to be discussed. Married women CAN talk sex. It's their God-given right, not a sin. Christian singles CAN date and not fornicate. These are real issues that only mature people can really talk about without accusing anyone of not being saved or "real". Please seek understanding from God if you really don't know what's going on...

This has laid heavy on my heart today and it's not to start a fight or to act "holier than thou" to anyone; so I won't entertain that. I just feel a sense of sadness, because God is NOT MOCKED and when I see others attempt to do so, I boldly pray:

Father, even though this is the Internet, these are real women in Christ who "meet" to exchange ideas/thoughts or just to talk to someone. I pray that your remove all negative spirits from this board, the spirits of deception, nonchalance and chaos. The spirits of depression, anger and bitterness. I pray that you bind them in the name of Jesus!! GO! Satan you are bound in the mighty name of Jesus! I am the Righteousness of God and whatever I say is so. Satan I bind YOU!

Father, I pray that you draw those who seek you to this place and repel those who don't.

I pray for a free flow of love, compassion and understanding, that it washes over every word posted, every thought put into words. Allow us to laugh in your presence and to experience your joy. I believe that all those who seek you, who seek your healing, who seek answers and are burdened with the troubles of life will truly feel blessed in this place today. Let us not be deceived to not think Satan and his kind aren't among us. Let us not be moved by the wiles of the Enemy but to stand fast in your Word and to believe that even on the Internet, we have the victory.

Lord I thank you for your blessings among us. I thank you for healing the sick; for assuaging the hearts that ache after the death of a loved one; and for even allowing some to laugh again. For you tell us in Prov 17:22, a merry heart doeth good, like medicine.

We will laugh in this place...a holy laugh. For we know what you are with us. :rofl: Thank you, Father. I believe what I have prayed and I have received it in your Son's precious, holy name! Amen.


CreoleSugar: I prayed a very special prayer for you this morning on my way to work and I don't know why; but, I truly hope you around, and that all is well with you. My heart goes out especially to you as you make a testimony for God. God loves you, and so do I !

Your sister in Christ,

Lord God, Our Lord God, Our God!

Praise the Name of Jesus! Our God!

Jesus! Amen!

There is nothing more I can say. The annointing right here is far too strong to ignore; O' Lord, Our God!
"The Joy of the Lord is our Strength..." :love3:

Praise the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Praise Him, forever!

Praise Him, Our Lord! Praise Him! Praise Him, Jesus! :Rose:

In this Forum, There is still God! In His fullness thereof, Our God Reigns!

All because He loves us...because He loves us 'all' so very much.
Amen!! That was a beautiful prayer. I'm in agreement with you and we know that if two or more of us agree, it's DONE!!

If you don't mind, I'd like to add that if there's anyone that's been offended or unintentionally hurt in the Christian forum and decided not to return, that the Holy Spirit would draw them to return, minister to them and heal their hearts at the same time.

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Dear Ladies,

I don't know why anyone else comes to this forum, but I come to enjoy the fellowship with other Christian women and the dialogue on the Word of God. Some days I laugh, some days I feel sadness or compassion when others pour their hearts to us. This is a forum for women, so there are topics that require maturity to be discussed. Married women CAN talk sex. It's their God-given right, not a sin. Christian singles CAN date and not fornicate. These are real issues that only mature people can really talk about without accusing anyone of not being saved or "real". Please seek understanding from God if you really don't know what's going on...

This has laid heavy on my heart today and it's not to start a fight or to act "holier than thou" to anyone; so I won't entertain that. I just feel a sense of sadness, because God is NOT MOCKED and when I see others attempt to do so, I boldly pray:

Father, even though this is the Internet, these are real women in Christ who "meet" to exchange ideas/thoughts or just to talk to someone. I pray that your remove all negative spirits from this board, the spirits of deception, nonchalance and chaos. The spirits of depression, anger and bitterness. I pray that you bind them in the name of Jesus!! GO! Satan you are bound in the mighty name of Jesus! I am the Righteousness of God and whatever I say is so. Satan I bind YOU!

Father, I pray that you draw those who seek you to this place and repel those who don't.

I pray for a free flow of love, compassion and understanding, that it washes over every word posted, every thought put into words. Allow us to laugh in your presence and to experience your joy. I believe that all those who seek you, who seek your healing, who seek answers and are burdened with the troubles of life will truly feel blessed in this place today. Let us not be deceived to not think Satan and his kind aren't among us. Let us not be moved by the wiles of the Enemy but to stand fast in your Word and to believe that even on the Internet, we have the victory.

Lord I thank you for your blessings among us. I thank you for healing the sick; for assuaging the hearts that ache after the death of a loved one; and for even allowing some to laugh again. For you tell us in Prov 17:22, a merry heart doeth good, like medicine.

We will laugh in this place...a holy laugh. For we know what you are with us. :rofl: Thank you, Father. I believe what I have prayed and I have received it in your Son's precious, holy name! Amen.


CreoleSugar: I prayed a very special prayer for you this morning on my way to work and I don't know why; but, I truly hope you around, and that all is well with you. My heart goes out especially to you as you make a testimony for God. God loves you, and so do I !

Your sister in Christ,

This is very powerful sister laela, i feel i have been drawn to this forum and i hope to grow in understanding along with my sisters. May god bless you always amen.
God bless you Ladies today.... where two and three are gathered... :circle: He's in our midst. :yep:

Glory be to God!

The Enemy's efforts are weak.... We'll keep laughing.


Amen, I love what you wrote. Just goes to show that God brings people into your life for a reason even though we're not talking face-to-face. I really enjoy coming to this forum because some of you ladies have given me the courage to say/do things I otherwise would have never done. God Bless to All :yep:
Hi, LHCF2009!

To God be the Glory!!! I am glad you are encouraged...:clap: May God bless and keep you as you grow stronger in Him. AMEN! :yep:

Amen, I love what you wrote. Just goes to show that God brings people into your life for a reason even though we're not talking face-to-face. I really enjoy coming to this forum because some of you ladies have given me the courage to say/do things I otherwise would have never done. God Bless to All :yep:
Dear Ladies,

I don't know why anyone else comes to this forum, but I come to enjoy the fellowship with other Christian women and the dialogue on the Word of God. Some days I laugh, some days I feel sadness or compassion when others pour their hearts to us. This is a forum for women, so there are topics that require maturity to be discussed. Married women CAN talk sex. It's their God-given right, not a sin. Christian singles CAN date and not fornicate. These are real issues that only mature people can really talk about without accusing anyone of not being saved or "real". Please seek understanding from God if you really don't know what's going on...

This has laid heavy on my heart today and it's not to start a fight or to act "holier than thou" to anyone; so I won't entertain that. I just feel a sense of sadness, because God is NOT MOCKED and when I see others attempt to do so, I boldly pray:

Father, even though this is the Internet, these are real women in Christ who "meet" to exchange ideas/thoughts or just to talk to someone. I pray that your remove all negative spirits from this board, the spirits of deception, nonchalance and chaos. The spirits of depression, anger and bitterness. I pray that you bind them in the name of Jesus!! GO! Satan you are bound in the mighty name of Jesus! I am the Righteousness of God and whatever I say is so. Satan I bind YOU!

Father, I pray that you draw those who seek you to this place and repel those who don't.

I pray for a free flow of love, compassion and understanding, that it washes over every word posted, every thought put into words. Allow us to laugh in your presence and to experience your joy. I believe that all those who seek you, who seek your healing, who seek answers and are burdened with the troubles of life will truly feel blessed in this place today. Let us not be deceived to not think Satan and his kind aren't among us. Let us not be moved by the wiles of the Enemy but to stand fast in your Word and to believe that even on the Internet, we have the victory.

Lord I thank you for your blessings among us. I thank you for healing the sick; for assuaging the hearts that ache after the death of a loved one; and for even allowing some to laugh again. For you tell us in Prov 17:22, a merry heart doeth good, like medicine.

We will laugh in this place...a holy laugh. For we know what you are with us. :rofl: Thank you, Father. I believe what I have prayed and I have received it in your Son's precious, holy name! Amen.


CreoleSugar: I prayed a very special prayer for you this morning on my way to work and I don't know why; but, I truly hope you around, and that all is well with you. My heart goes out especially to you as you make a testimony for God. God loves you, and so do I !

Your sister in Christ,

Powerful prayer and most certainly in agreement with it!

Blessings to you, always... :rosebud:
That was nice. I pray for love and understanding as well...

We are all real people with feelings...

That's all 4 me... I feel funny when I have sensitive moments online with 5000 ppl I don't know, but I wanted to spread the love too :grin:
Father, even though this is the Internet, these are real women in Christ who "meet" to exchange ideas/thoughts or just to talk to someone.

This is the truth! It's not "just" the internet, not "just" a place to throw out our own ideas and feelings. This is a real place, living and breathing, dynamic. And the Holy Sprit moves here. And we should continue to come here seeking God's glory, seeking to grow in wisdom and understanding, seeking to draw closer to God.

The CF has been the source of tremendous blessing to me and I join in agreement with you that the Lord would see fit to continue to use it as a blessing and a witness.
THANK YOU LAELA!!!!!! I have seen a "shift" to say the least in some of the recent posts on the CF and I felt/saw the need for prayer. Though I don't post much, I am a daily visitor to the forum and understand exactly why you felt compelled to post this prayer. I come into agreement with you and the rest of the ladies on this prayer for the forum and will continue to do so in Jesus' name AMEN.
So true, Nicola! I remember when I first joined this forum eons ago, I was a "Keyboard Nazi" :lachen: Now I'm saved, God has put me more in tune with the fact that there are real people behind the computer screens and to be more mindful of my communications.

ITA w/ you....the Holy Spirit moves here.

Stay encouraged as your heart heals from the recent death in your family. :rosebud:

This is the truth! It's not "just" the internet, not "just" a place to throw out our own ideas and feelings. This is a real place, living and breathing, dynamic. And the Holy Sprit moves here. And we should continue to come here seeking God's glory, seeking to grow in wisdom and understanding, seeking to draw closer to God.

The CF has been the source of tremendous blessing to me and I join in agreement with you that the Lord would see fit to continue to use it as a blessing and a witness.
Hugz to you, Sis!!!


THANK YOU LAELA!!!!!! I have seen a "shift" to say the least in some of the recent posts on the CF and I felt/saw the need for prayer. Though I don't post much, I am a daily visitor to the forum and understand exactly why you felt compelled to post this prayer. I come into agreement with you and the rest of the ladies on this prayer for the forum and will continue to do so in Jesus' name AMEN.
Amen And Amen!!! Beautiful prayer Laela, & much needed! I too am in agreement with this prayer.

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Thanks for the prayer....

Can we come in agreement for true unity as well?? That would help...:kiss:

Sometimes we (as christains) spend so much time divided..we lose track of the real enemy IMO. Sometimes we (as christians) get too cliquish "common folk" who want to know more about us and GOD...get put off..ya know....

We don't have all of the answers..but sometimes we act like we do... we could be nicer and more welcoming..sometimes we turn up our nose too quickly without true decernment....

thats just my two cents...I am not saying that we all have to agree about everything, but I am saying that the cliques don't help, practicing LOVE would help...

yep..LOVE even in correction...

..thats my goal anyway (on and off of this board).

I pray that God would remove my own two-by-four so that I can see and that he would help me to humble myself..daily....

Let Gods will be done...
Dear Netta,

I appreciate your comments and sharing what's on your heart...

When like-minded people come together, they are happy and excited to be in the company of people with whom they have so much in common, ie. values/beliefs... We're all one in Christ, but our differing beliefs are apparent on the board and people tend to gravitate toward those who have more commonality with them. This is what I believe may interpreted as being cliquish... I don't see the connection with walking in love, as those are two different things. I pray that we all Let Go and Let God and be free from People Bondage. This is my prayer.


God bless you today! :bighug:
Dear Netta,

I appreciate your comments and sharing what's on your heart...

When like-minded people come together, they are happy and excited to be in the company of people with whom they have so much in common, ie. values/beliefs... We're all one in Christ, but our differing beliefs are apparent on the board and people tend to gravitate toward those who have more commonality with them. This is what I believe may interpreted as being cliquish... I don't see the connection with walking in love, as those are two different things . I pray that we all Let Go and Let God and be free from People Bondage. This is my prayer.


God bless you today! :bighug:

Hey Laela, God bless you too! What I mean by "walking in love" and Cliques is that we are instructed to love all people-sometimes cliques (even though they may indeed be innocent)ultimately divide (and can hinder love from flowing to all people freely throughout this forum IMO) Share the love is all I'm saying... I don't see anything lovely about division on a Christian forum designed for "true fellowship". In fellowship we all sit at the table together....but I really didn't mean to hijack your thread (I was just explaining, my thought process)...

LOL :bighug:

Its nice that you took the time to pray for GODS will here and to that I say AMEN, let his will be done..

:yep: :yep:
... Big hug back at ya, sis!


Hey Laela, God bless you too! What I mean by "walking in love" and Cliques is that we are instructed to love all people-sometimes cliques (even though they may indeed be innocent)ultimately divide (and can hinder love from flowing to all people freely throughout this forum IMO) Share the love is all I'm saying... I don't see anything lovely about division on a Christian forum designed for "true fellowship". In fellowship we all sit at the table together....but I really didn't mean to hijack your thread (I was just explaining, my thought process)...

LOL :bighug:

Its nice that you took the time to pray for GODS will here and to that I say AMEN, let his will be done..

:yep: :yep:
It's a POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something'

Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set free!
Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health

I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised Against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I declare:
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
**our Households are blessed;
** our health is blessed;
** our marriages are blessed;
** our finances are blessed;
** our relationships are blessed;
** our businesses are blessed;
** our jobs are blessed;
** our children are blessed;
** our grandchildren are blessed;
** our parents are blessed;
** our siblings are blessed;
** our ministries are blessed;
** our decisions are blessed;
** our friends are blessed.
** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.


Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW.Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God.

A kid asked Jesus... how much do u love me? Jesus replied, 'I love! you this much.' and he stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.
Thank you Lord for the annointing that is present. Bless you all my sisters in Christ.!!

I am really excited about this forum. I have passed it several times and commented every now and then, but for some reason God has been dealing with me, because I knew there was more. More love and more people with a like mind. I have been posting in the Ent. thread for sometime now, and I really became discouraged and sometimes when posting came out of myself and became angry over things that don't really matter and even asked for my membership to be cancelled. I'm just so glad that I have opened my eyes and I have a place to come to when downtrodden, and a place to come to when somone else is downtrodden and burdened and help lift them up w/o judgment.

Please pray for me, I'm always standing in the need of prayer. I will continue to pray for you also.

Thanks Sistahs for caring

Thanks for the prayer Sister Laela!
It's a POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something'

Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set free!
Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health

I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised Against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I declare:
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
**our Households are blessed;
** our health is blessed;
** our marriages are blessed;
** our finances are blessed;
** our relationships are blessed;
** our businesses are blessed;
** our jobs are blessed;
** our children are blessed;
** our grandchildren are blessed;
** our parents are blessed;
** our siblings are blessed;
** our ministries are blessed;
** our decisions are blessed;
** our friends are blessed.
** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.


Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW.Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God.

A kid asked Jesus... how much do u love me? Jesus replied, 'I love! you this much.' and he stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.
:yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep: :amen: :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:
Beautiful prayer.... ITA with claiming and believing it as it is being asked... :yep:

God bless you... I love your username!

It's a POWERFUL PRAYER! When you are DOWN to nothing ... God is UP to something'

Father, in the Name of Jesus, bless me even while I'm reading this prayer and bless the one that sent this to me in a special way. Open doors in our lives today, Save and set free!
Give us a double portion of your Spirit as we take back everything that the devil has stolen:
****Emotional Health
****Physical Health

I cancel every plot, plan and scheme the enemy has devised Against us in the NAME OF JESUS. And I declare:
NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US WILL PROSPER. I speak LIFE into every dead situation. And, I thank you that nothing is over until YOU say it's over! Speak prophetically into our lives and to our situations:
**our Households are blessed;
** our health is blessed;
** our marriages are blessed;
** our finances are blessed;
** our relationships are blessed;
** our businesses are blessed;
** our jobs are blessed;
** our children are blessed;
** our grandchildren are blessed;
** our parents are blessed;
** our siblings are blessed;
** our ministries are blessed;
** our decisions are blessed;
** our friends are blessed.
** Mortgages are paid and debts canceled; our hearts' desires are on the way; According to YOUR perfect will and plan for our lives.


Say this prayer, and then send it to EVERYBODY YOU KNOW.Within hours countless people will have prayed for you, and you will have caused a multitude of people to pray to God for each other 'Safety is not the absence of danger, but is the presence of God.

A kid asked Jesus... how much do u love me? Jesus replied, 'I love! you this much.' and he stretched his arms to the cross and died for us.