A Place of Total Surrender


Well-Known Member
Sooo...I started typing...and this is what came out...so I thought
that I would share...maybe it will be a blessing....its unedited so excuse any typos...:perplexed Just what was on my heart...its kinda long

“When I think of the goodness of JESUS and AAALLLL He’s done for me, my soouul cries out Hallelujah!! I thank God for saving me!” Praise the Lord Saints! Giving honor to God who is head of my life…….

I can still hear the jubilant voices of the church mothers beginning their praise report during Thursday night testimony service….waving arms, dipping low, shedding tears, bucking in the Spirit…all while sharing the impact God had on their life in their distinct southern drawl. Looking up from my tic-tac-toe game, I would see the authentic joy and happiness they felt about a situation that God had brought them through, a need that God had provided for, a sickness that had been healed, or a loved one that had been saved.
As the testimony came to its pinnacle, the drummer would catch a beat. The piano player would bang out some notes and before you know the church was enraptured in the strong rhythm of the “shouting” music. From the worn padding of the wooden pew in that Apostolic church, I would jump out of my seat, wiggle my body around, and excitedly clap my hands to the music. I would watch in wonder as one brother ran from one side of the church and before I could blink had made it to the other side. I saw sisters fanning sisters as women jerked back and forth moved by the Spirit. Men and women alike filled the aisles doing their holy two-step with an occasional variation with a leg swung through the air. It was a site to behold: the tear stained, sweat dripping, awe-inspriring faces of the saints praising God. Although I was only six years old at the time, I knew that what they had was real. I knew that the joy was real and above all else I knew that God was real.

“Look what the Lord has done, Look what the Lord has done, He healed my body, He touched my mind, He saved me, just in time…ooh Im gonna praise His name…His name is just the same…Jump up and praise Him...Look what the Lord has done.”

Well, sixteen years later, that feeling has never left me. There have been some trials, situations and circumstances. There has been intimacy with God and silence and distance. Yet, the same God that inspired those church mothers to belt out their praises to the top of their voices and make their bodies bend to and fro, dwells within me and fills me with the same joy that they felt. I have come to understand that there is nothing in this world like serving God. There is nothing that compares to coming to a place of total and complete surrender to the will, call, and purpose of God. There is nothing more liberating than laying it all down at the foot of the altar and saying “I surrender.”

“I surrender all, I surrender all, all to thee my blessed Savior…I surrender all.”

People used to say that a hard head makes a soft behind…well that’s true. It also makes a heavy heart. Whenever you aren’t obedient and submissive to God’s will for your life you find sorrow. You find frustration, heartache, disappointment, depression, and a myriad of other negative emotions. Yet, when you lay down your life for Christ and say Lord, I give it to you, my wants, my desires, my dreams, my goals, my aspirations, my relationships, my everything. When you say it and mean it with every fiber of your being, you will experience a liberty that is unparalleled. You will experience a joy and a sense of fulfillment that no person, circumstance, or situation can touch. You will feel whole and complete….and though you may be standing still….in your heart you will be doing your own little two step, blazing your own trail through church aisles, and moving your body to the compelling sounds of the wonderful healing tunes of God’s music.

Will you surrender? Will you give God your life? I am not speaking of just salvation.
I am speaking to those of you who know and walk with God but still wont lay down your problems at his feet. I am speaking to those every Sunday church attendees who are still trying to do things their way. I am talking to you, yes you, who has that struggle in that area and have chosen to believe Satan’s lie that there is nothing you can do to overcome it. Will you surrender? Will you lay down your career goal, the love of your life, your friendships, your education? Will you let go of your goals? What about the money in your account, your house, your car? Will you lay that at the altar and offer it up as a sacrifice for God to use as He sees fit? What about your past? Your pain, your hurt, your disappointment, those secret places in your heart where you are ashamed. Will you give that to God? What about your fears, your failures, your shortcomings? Will you allow God to heal those areas of your life? What will you surrender. True freedom comes at the place of surrender. You will never walk into all that God has for you, until you learn to surrender. The altar is the place of slaughter…will you die to yourself….and accept life through Christ. Will you surrender?

Well, I did, sixteen years, hundreds of church services, thousands of prayers, and a lifetime of pain later, I surrendered. I layed it all down…I asked God to search my heart and anything that wasn’t submitted to Him to show me so that I could give it to Him…and when He showed me…I surrendered. Joy…unspeakaple… Peace…uncomprehendable…. Love…overflowing… Life….everlasting….flooded my soul….and I wont look back.

For the first time in my life, I think that I am at a place of total surrender…and there is no happier place than I have ever been. Will you join me?
You better go 'head, I needed that.

In fact with your post I don't have to post my prayer request for God has said surrender to me and every promise and every ministry that I have given to you in your mind and heart is your.

Praise God!!!!
Ohhhh, wwwwwooooooowwww, wow, wow. I love it. I love this. I feel like I'm in church right here and now. Yes, yes, yes. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

Your better come on, now girl! Preach and don't you stop for nothing and nobody. You really set a flame up in here. The all mighty flame of God's consuming fire. Burning out the old, watering in the new.

You shared an awesome word. Amen. ;)
Wow, as I read it I saw and heard so much in that.

When I first began to write, I was told often to just sit and write without thinking and what was deep inside me would come out, and I do believe you have some wonderful things deep inside you that you need to allow God to birth it out.

I can see this as a scene in a play, I can read this in a book, I can shout to it in a sermon, I can sing it in song. I can pray it in prayer. There's so much here.

Girl, don't stop until God empty you out,you have something deep within you that you maynot know is there.

Thanks for sharing
dreamer26 said:
Wow, as I read it I saw and heard so much in that.

When I first began to write, I was told often to just sit and write without thinking and what was deep inside me would come out, and I do believe you have some wonderful things deep inside you that you need to allow God to birth it out.

I can see this as a scene in a play, I can read this in a book, I can shout to it in a sermon, I can sing it in song. I can pray it in prayer. There's so much here.

Girl, don't stop until God empty you out,you have something deep within you that you maynot know is there.

Thanks for sharing

I agree, especially the bolded part! Thank you so much for this testimony. It has been a blessing to hear. I really needed that!
Your post are so AWESOME!!! I too was a youngester and would be in awe of the spirit during church services. I miss my mother but I thank her for raising me up in the church. No matter how much I may stray away from the church I can always find my way back home. That was indeed a beautiful testimony!
brownsugarflyygirl said:

Will you surrender? Will you give God your life? I am not speaking of just salvation.
I am speaking to those of you who know and walk with God but still wont lay down your problems at his feet. I am speaking to those every Sunday church attendees who are still trying to do things their way. I am talking to you, yes you, who has that struggle in that area and have chosen to believe Satan’s lie that there is nothing you can do to overcome it. Will you surrender? Will you lay down your career goal, the love of your life, your friendships, your education? Will you let go of your goals? What about the money in your account, your house, your car? Will you lay that at the altar and offer it up as a sacrifice for God to use as He sees fit? What about your past? Your pain, your hurt, your disappointment, those secret places in your heart where you are ashamed. Will you give that to God? What about your fears, your failures, your shortcomings? Will you allow God to heal those areas of your life? What will you surrender. True freedom comes at the place of surrender. You will never walk into all that God has for you, until you learn to surrender. The altar is the place of slaughter…will you die to yourself….and accept life through Christ. Will you surrender?

This is one of the most touching messages- thank you for posting it!!!
There's a 'Fire' up in here for sure...!

The consuming fire of all mighty God! Burning down the altars of every false god and idol...for to them we decree 'Hinder me not....'
Reading this pushes me to continue in what God has for me. I was letting too many distractions get in the way of what is truly important-my realationshiip with God. I want all false idols burned down!

My heart cries out for you O Lord. I want to love you with all of my heart, soul mind and strength. To get there, I must come to the end of me and lay it all down. I must surrender all. Thank you for your post.
Wow...that was a great post. Thanks for sharing it :) .

So ...uh...HOW does one surrender? :look:

Maybe it's "just the devil" but i always feel like i'm not yielded/surrendered enuff no matter what:(. Sometimes i can't distinguish God's leading from my own thoughts. Is it just me?

(Be patient with me,I'm still trying to find my way) .
For Sosa:

Psalms 37:4-5 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

Surrender is about saying Lord, yes I have dreams and goals, desires and wants, but I COMMIT those to you. I give them to you and trust that in your timing and in your season those things that are your WILL for my life will come to pass. Its like when Jesus said prior to being crucified if there be any other way let this cup pass from me, however not my will but your will be done. That is surrender. Its about having faith and being willing to be pliable in the hands of the Lord, not being hardheaded about what you want to do. Its being willing to go through some unpleasant and uncomfortable positions for eternal purposes. Surrender is a condition of the heart and the mind of just being willing to do what God wants no matter what the cost or the sacrifice.

Sosa, I would encourage you to ask God to show you what if any areas need to be surrendered and to ask him to give you the strength once revealed to let them go. You are right, you can never be surrendered enough because its a continual process. You may give one thing over to God and the next day you have a new desire that needs to be turned over. Its a dying to self daily and the taking up of the cross daily that Paul talked about. Its not I who live, but Christ who lives through me type of lifestyle. But its worth it....its a continual process...but dont let Satan berate you for not "arriving" because its an all-day every day...staying close to God and surrendering process. You never "arrive" you just continually grow.

As far as hearing God's voice, it comes with time spent in prayer, fasting, and in the word. Ask God to reveal his voice to you clearly....what He speaks to you will always line up with his written word so that is a good measurement of whether or not its God or Satan. Joyce Meyer also has a good book called Hearing God's Voice that goes into detail. I would suggest that as a resource if this is an area in which you are trying to grow.

Its okay that you have questions and are finding your way....you have to start your spiritual journey somewhere...the most important thing is that you start. God Bless You and I hope this response helped.
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This post was so beautiful, and right on time! :D Thanks for sharing it with us. When God's Spirit moves, it's truly a joy. Thank you for listening... This message moved me. :)
brownsugarflyygirl said:
For Sosa:

Psalms 37:4-5 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

Surrender is about saying Lord, yes I have dreams and goals, desires and wants, but I COMMIT those to you. I give them to you and trust that in your timing and in your season those things that are your WILL for my life will come to pass. Its like when Jesus said prior to being crucified if there be any other way let this cup pass from me, however not my will but your will be done. That is surrender. Its about having faith and being willing to be pliable in the hands of the Lord, not being hardheaded about what you want to do. Its being willing to go through some unpleasant and uncomfortable positions for eternal purposes. Surrender is a condition of the heart and the mind of just being willing to do what God wants no matter what the cost or the sacrifice.

Sosa, I would encourage you to ask God to show you what if any areas need to be surrendered and to ask him to give you the strength once revealed to let them go. You are right, you can never be surrendered enough because its a continual process. You may give one thing over to God and the next day you have a new desire that needs to be turned over. Its a dying to self daily and the taking up of the cross daily that Paul talked about. Its not I who live, but Christ who lives through me type of lifestyle. But its worth it....its a continual process...but dont let Satan berate you for not "arriving" because its an all-day every day...staying close to God and surrendering process. You never "arrive" you just continually grow.

As far as hearing God's voice, it comes with time spent in prayer, fasting, and in the word. Ask God to reveal his voice to you clearly....what He speaks to you will always line up with his written word so that is a good measurement of whether or not its God or Satan. Joyce Meyer also has a good book called Hearing God's Voice that goes into detail. I would suggest that as a resource if this is an area in which you are trying to grow.

Its okay that you have questions and are finding your way....you have to start your spiritual journey somewhere...the most important thing is that you start. God Bless You and I hope this response helped.

THANKS brownsugarflyygirl:kiss: ! Your response has shed some (MUCH) light on surrendering for me:) . I appreciate it hun!

I really need to build my prayerlife. It should be so easy to pray yet it can sometimes be such a challenge for me to pray regularly. I'm definitely working on it tho'! I know more things (spiritual growth etc. etc.) will start falling in place once i become i regular pray-er.

thanks again girl.... God Bless:) .
Girlllllllllll I just wanted to say you preached that. I'm 2 seconds from jumping up out of my seat and shouting all over this building. Thank you so much for the message.

I think I'm getting ready to do some copying and paste and share it with others.

i grew up in the church and sang in the choir but it was not unitl maybe 10 years ago that sermon made sense. andf like... it s hard to figure out if the voice i'm hearingis me or GOD. I read this book and girl! it helped out a lot. maybe you should check it out


Product Description:
God desires to speak to you and to be heard clearly. Are you in a position where you can hear Him? Would you recognize His voice if He spoke directly to you at this very moment? God wants His relationship with you to be personal and intimate. He wants you to hear what He has to say to you. He expects you to tune in and respond to just His voice - not your own and not the enemy's. With wisdom and insight, Teresa Seputis will help you to discover several exciting ways that God speaks to you, and you will be prepared for some moments of intense reflection as you examine the points to ponder at the end of each chapter. Fine-tune your spiritual antennae and embrace some awesome revelations that can change your entire life. Teresa Seputis is the founder and head of GodSpeak International, a nonprofit missions and equipping agency dedicated to making disciples.
shalom said:
Girlllllllllll I just wanted to say you preached that. I'm 2 seconds from jumping up out of my seat and shouting all over this building. Thank you so much for the message.

I think I'm getting ready to do some copying and paste and share it with others.


I cosign with u.. Beautiful post..We serve a mighty & wonderous God! What a beautiful fragrance our worship is to HIM!! We praise You Father for You are WORTHY to be praised!!