A PJ on vacation


Well-Known Member
Is still a PJ

I went to Saint Maarten this weekend for relaxation and picked up some:
Miss Keyes 10 en 1 Super Conditioner
Nacidit Avacado Rinse
Lacifier Honey and Almond Conditioner
Garlic Cream Conditioner
Hair accessories

I think I caught some conditioner bug
...where can I sign up for that PJ challenge? I NEED HELP!

PS: Does anyone use garlic conditioner? What else do you use to combat the smell?
The hair care product challenge begins on October 26, 2003. You don't really need to sign up to do it. You just need to do it.
The challenge goes til December 31, 2003.
Sheesh, Allandra, you're really tough! You won't even wait until November 1st to start? You're not giving me much time to prepare, you know.
Tee, if November 1, 2003 works for you, then by all means start on that day. That amount of time (til December 31, 2003) is still a very good challenge indeed.
Think of the products as souvenirs for yourself.

Can you keep us posted with your opinions on these products? I'm interested in Dominican products and like reading members' reviews. Thanks!!!