A newbie, in iraq



Ok here goes, hi ladies. I officially started my hair journey in Dec 05, after being deployed to iraq. I actually purchased several books and did some online research (which is how I found this site) and I'm pretty excited about my new outlook on hair. I'm anxious, dedicated, and am practicing patience.

My history: I was not a good steward of my gift. I overused my hair. It was over processed, over heated, and poorly maintained. It is uneven and short- I'm not certain about my hair type, but it is cottony (if that is a description) and is naturally sandy brown.

My plan:
  • i wash it 2wice a week with keracare's hydrating shampoo and I have to use a medicated shampoo for a dermatitis.
  • i deep condition it with keracare's humecto conditioner or ubh for 15 mins. using a shower cap (heat cap is on the way!)
  • every month for the past 4 months, i've combined mizani's hydrafuse and moisturefuse together for a protein treatment--10-15 mins using a shower cap--then i will deep condition afterwards.
  • I use nexxus's keraphix instanst conditioner for about 3-5 mins without the shower cap and then nexxus's headdress leve in conditioner
  • I let it air dry, but as it does so, i apply a daily creme mositurizer (either pantene or ubh). I sometimes use the oils but I'm not sure that i'm using it properly because my hair becomes oily, so sometimes, i skip it.
  • I also learned to braid or something to that effect-so i braid it while it is wet -because sometimes i will take it down for the crinkly effect.--(braid out)
  • I use african pride's multi- length texturizer because i like the look--i do this about every 7 weeks. i follow this up with the protein treatment and deep conditioner-stated above.
  • I use a wide tooth comb and avoid brushing it (although, i get the urge)
  • I take epo, fish body oil, a bone density supp, and nourishhair as vitamins and i'm as active physically as i can be
here in iraq, the water is hard and chlorinated to keep us safe, but i have to condition more or longer. Do you think that my conditioner is ok or should I get something stronger? Also, we are approaching the summer months (starting in may) and it will get to about 115-130 degrees. Do you have any recommendations on any products or my plan? In addition, i wear 2 different types of helmets. 1) is a kevlar for protection and 2) a flight helmet because i'm a crewmember on board a helicopter. Any suggestions for this as well?

Ok, so what do you think?

My overall goal is my avatar. I took this picture in korea whle wearing microbraids. I think that bra strap length will be my ultimate goal as long as it is healthy. I don't really care for very long hair-but i do want to grow mine out to the above stated length and because it is easier job wise.
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Hello EbonyRose,
Welcome to LHCF!
You seem to already have a really neat hair regimen laid out. Trust me, if there is anything that you dont know or that you want to know. Here is the place.
I'm still trying to get all my products together.

What oils are you using for moisture?
Welcome! Stay safe, and of course, you will find all the info you need here. I'm still stuck on the 115-130 degrees :eek: :eek:
:rosebud: Welcome to LHCF, EbonyRose :rosebud:

It sounds as if you have a pretty good routine going already. What do you see as your major stumbling blocks, for example, breakage, dryness, keeping the new growth soft, or all of the above? Is your hair fine or coarse? Thick or thin?

I have no advice for what to do in the summer months especially with those temperatures. I would probably conditioner wash everyday. But I am sure you will have al the info that you need here. Be safe.
sorry if it takes a while to respond-i'm in and out in addition to the eight hour difference.
i notice that in the front, sides, and top of my head my hair is thicker but in the back it is a lot thinner but grows quicker. the back lands at the base of my neck and the sides jaggedly below my ears. the top hmm--i'm working on it..let's see maybe unevenly to my eyes ( i have a nice size forehead--so....lol.
as far as the oils, i use carrot oil, jojoba oil, wild growth oil, tea tree oil, rice bran oil, and one more in a cocktail. Can i do that? i most certainly hope that i'm not a walking hair bomb. :grin:
i think that my problem or hinderance is breakage (although, i haven't noticed as much) and moisture. i can't tell if my hair is improving as far as damage--i got a hair cut in the guise of a trim before deploying, but i can't really tell. the ends still look frizzy--even when i experimented on trimming them myself. i mainly want my hair to grow out evenly or somewhat evenly--i can't do the tiny winnie ponytail thang.

but thanks in advance and in the present for you keep and info. i have to find someone to take photos --so that you can get a look see at what i'm working with.

til later...

WELCOME! As a former Army MP, I know the deal with the heat & the kevlar.

You already know this, but THE most important thing you can do for your hair & skin is STAY HYDRATED. If you are thirsty, you are already good and dehydrated.

I would make sure the shampoo you use has no SLS or ALS. Those detergents strip your natural oils. I use Elucence Moisture Balance shampoo.

I'm also wondering about the texturizer every seven weeks. I've found the best thing for my hair (and alot of women here will agree) is to stretch my relaxers as far as I can. it may be hard to keep up and make you look weird sometimes, but I've managed to hold on to alot of length this way. (Peek at Sylver2's album...LOOOONG hair, and she has a great routine to keep it looking nice in the interim.)

I would stick with a deep conditioner after a relaxer, not protein. I do use protein, but nowhere near the time I relax. It's too drying.

There are also shampoos you can use to remove the mineral buildup (and the chlorine buildup). I think they are called "chelating" shampoos. I would use these maybe 1x a month.

I use Jane Carter Solution Nourish & Shine on my ends for protection. It has helped immensely in keeping my ends from snapping off. You could also use shea butter or oil. With that intense, dry, heat, do use something hard core on your ends to keep them moist.

Above all, ER, KEEP SAFE & God bless.

Tea tree oil (when blended with other oils) is good applied directly to the scalp. Applying it to the length of your hair may dry it out - that's why it's so effective against acne.

I agree with aileenadq that 7-week intervals between texturizers may be too short.

As to what to do for summer, perhaps braids might be your best choice. Check out the Crown and Glory web site and challenge for more info.

I would just try to stay as hydrated as possible and keep your hair moist. Someone suggested conditioner washes and anything that lists water as the first ingredient will add moisture to your hair. Good luck and be safe.
thanks again for your responses. i don't think that i will be able to maintain a daily cw though (in the summer months). i do very well to maintain the 2wice a week routine--because i have to alter my sleep pattern or wait until my duty cycle is complete and hope nothing pops off in between. i can try it --and maybe get lucky--but i'm a flight medic --which means when someone gets hurt in my coverage area--my unit has to respond.--i'm basically on call for 72 hours and then i rotate to something else.
I'm trying not to be a product junkie- but if i need to switch my shampoos and,or conditioners--i would. i have to see what works with this head o' mine.
Hi and welcome! My father is stationed in Afganistan currently (was in based in Arafjan the before that and had duty in Iraq quite often) He told me about the crazy heat over there. Do try to stay hydrated, I know how hard that can be with the conditions as they are.

Braiding is probably going to be the easist on your hair especially since you have duty hours. I'd just try to keep your hair moisterized. maybe a small bottle of curl activator (the spray kind) would be the best help to keep your hair moist in that crazy heat.

Looking forward to seeing you on the boards!

I totaly agree about the braids with your duty. the ones in your avatar are cute. Thanks for serving!!!