A New Relaxer


Although I have fairly thick hair, it has always relaxed easily. Typically, a kiddie relaxer would do just fine on my hair although it's been about seven years since I've used one. Since I've been an adult I've had two primary stylists (at different times). Both have used Motions and I've generally had no problems. In between, I've had a stylist use Affirm over the course of a brief period, maybe a year.

My question - is there a reason for me to experiment with other relaxers when the one I use works well. I have been tempted to try another relaxer. Currently I am nine weeks post and will be relaxing within the next two weeks. I don't self relax and only go to the shop for a relaxer. I would want to buy the products that accompany the relaxer as well such as shampoo and conditioner to take to the stylist.

What do you think. TIA!
i am natural. i haven't had a relaxer since 07. i would say don't fix what aint broke. thats how set backs happen. you try something new and your hair rejects it or sometimes it may like it better. its like playing the lottery ya know. i am sure relaxer experts will chime in. but i would stick to what works. if you just gotta try something new. do what i do (with any new product) do a patch test first on a small section and see if it leaves your hair dry and brittle.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it :)

But if you're like me, I have to change things up. I always switch products, looking for something better and there's only one relaxer that ever made me go back for more: Silk Elements :love: super soft, straight, shiny hair each and every time
That's what I am leaning towards - sticking to old reliable; but you guy give such rave reviews of other relaxers. Still, what works for some doesn't work for all, and I have read that few people here favor Motions.
I have used the same relaxer for MANY years (Revlon Realistic Lye-Regular) with wonderful, predictable results. I'm a DIYer, who have used Revlon to relax my hair straight in the past, and now to texlax.

I wouldn't change what's working for you.