A new effective way to apply MTG without ruining ur skin or jewelry!


New Member
What I do is take a cotton ball and soak 1 side of it from the bottle or you can pour some in a container and dip the cotton ball and apply on your scalp. It will not drip! And it's way easier for me, because my hair is braided in a circle, so I take the cotton ball and follow the scalp trails going counter-clockwise, then I soak the cotton ball again and start following my scalp clockwise. That's it. I have been using MTG for 4 days now, because I was worried my growth rate slowed a little. I had my cornrows in for a week and they are already looking old. Before I started the MTG them braids stayed tight and good. I was worried my hair follicles had died off already and started a new cycle, because after day 2 them braids wouldn't be as tight as that. I know it's only been 4 days, but as soon as I used MTG them braids loosened up the next day from all the growth. It has been 4 days since the MTG, but a week since I had the braids and I have the growth I usually would get in 2 weeks so my hair tryingto grow twice as fast. I kid you not! So, you ladies use the cotton balls, I swear it works like a champ!
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Okay, dumb Q. What is mtg? I have been on this long enough to know what that is but the sad truth is I don't:lachen:
How does it ruin your skin? Would it ruin your scalp as well?
Okay, dumb Q. What is mtg? I have been on this long enough to know what that is but the sad truth is I don't:lachen:
How does it ruin your skin? Would it ruin your scalp as well?

MTG is Mane Tail Groom. It is for horses to grow their hair back. It was created firt for human use, then for some reason horses adopted the product in their regimen:lachen:. As far as I remember my grandmother and auntie used this before I even thought about using it and what do u know it came back around my alley on this board. I guess some people are allergic to the sulfur. The scalp is a different type of skin and I haven't heard of it ruining anyone's scalp though. Sulfur is a micronutrient, and too much of anything on or inside your body can hurt you. Some people just soak themselves in the stuff and usually that's what happens. If it is only applied DIRECTLY to the scalp 1-3 times a week nothing would happen, but probably more growth and isn't that what we are all trying to achieve?