A new BKT: Nunaat (Brazilian Brand) Ultra Keratin Touch


New Member
Ok, I'm currently transitioning back to natural. I have about 3 inches of new growth and the rest is relaxed (above shoulder length, wedged bob cut). Will NOT be doing a BC. I've been hearing A LOT about Keratin treatments, the Dominican hairdresser who last cut my hair has been dying to put the Copolla brand of BKT in my hair. However, I've refused as I don't trust the chemicals in that brand and I'm afraid of her making my hair TOO straight. Permanently straight, even though a friend of mine (who has her hair BKT'd by that hairdresser) swears that my curls won't disappear.

Anyway...being the kitchen beautician that I am, I wanted to see if I could find an At-Home BKT to try. After a month or two of reading tons of internet threads, forums, product websites and looking in beauty supply stores. I have decided on the Nunaat Ultra Keratin Touch $24.99. Nunaat is a Brazilian brand, so I figured why not use a product by the people that INVENTED that dang BRAZILIAN KERATIN TREATMENT? :)

The product is formaldehyde free and uses what they call GREEN KERATIN, which is plant-based. The kit comes with shampoo, conditioner, a smoothing cream, gloves. You can also buy a maintenance Keratin shampoo, Keratin conditioner, Keratin deep conditioning hair mask, a liquid keratin leave-in reconstructor and a shine serum separately.

Now, since I would just be doing it to help me transition and make my ABUNDANT hair a little less voluminous...I was wondering if I should just try out all the maintenance products FIRST, before doing the actual kit? I'm scared to put the kit in my hair and have my new growth go STRAIGHT.

I purchased all items (except for the leave-in which I picked up at a local beauty supply store) from Walgreens as they have a sale now.


And I've been looking at the products for two days now wondering how I should proceed.

I'm even thinking of ONLY BKTing my new growth as I like the body of my relaxed ends and don't want them any straighter. I also DO NOT PLAN to flatiron my hair on no dang 400 degrees...

For any ladies who have BKT'ed before, do you think the maintenance products will give me a "taste" of the BKT look since they contain Keratin?
After all, to use the stand-alone Liquid Keratin Leave-in, the instructions even say to "blowdry and flat-iron" kinda like the kit instructions.

Also, what's the deal with not being about to pin your hair back or wear a ponytail for two days? Is it because your hair takes the mold it's in while the product is in? In that case, if I braid my hair with the product in, will I have permanent s-curls? Just a thought...

I need some advice as I don't want to end up with STRAIGHT hair, or hair I can't curl.

Sorry for being long-winded...I'm just kinda long-winded.
You probably won't get the results you're expecting with relaxed ends and 3 inches of new growth. It all depends upon your natural hair texture and how that differs from the relaxed ends. Might end up with a lesser curl pattern at the scalp and straight ends. Using the support products won't give you any indication of the treatment because the latter is the chemical.
You probably won't get the results you're expecting with relaxed ends and 3 inches of new growth. It all depends upon your natural hair texture and how that differs from the relaxed ends. Might end up with a lesser curl pattern at the scalp and straight ends. Using the support products won't give you any indication of the treatment because the latter is the chemical.
Thanks for your reply. I was thinking that the LEAVE-IN would lessen curl since the instructions on the bottle say to apply, then blowdry and pass over with a flatiron...

And since the shampoo and conditioner are supposed to contain Keratin, thought they would do SOMETHING. Oh, well. We'll, see.
I almost want to recommend using everything according to the instructions to see what happens. your new growth is at a length that you can easily hide any resulting damage (in the worst case scenario). but then again, i've never tried BKT so i'm not speaking from personal experience.

ps: please report back with your results when you decide :yep:
Keratin is tricky and your curls CAN disappear. Is this sulfite based? There are so many now that have sulfites and I am on the fence about sulfite based treatments due to the reviews I read. Hmmm, if indeed it is sulfite based I wouldn't do it until it's been out a while. This is like the "next generation" keratin treatment for so many brands like Bumble and Bumble Aveda, and Ojon.
Keratin is tricky and your curls CAN disappear. Is this sulfite based? There are so many now that have sulfites and I am on the fence about sulfite based treatments due to the reviews I read. Hmmm, if indeed it is sulfite based I wouldn't do it until it's been out a while. This is like the "next generation" keratin treatment for so many brands like Bumble and Bumble Aveda, and Ojon.

Dove56: Can you elaborate on the sulfite issue? What does sulfite do to your hair? :blush:
Dove56: Can you elaborate on the sulfite issue? What does sulfite do to your hair? :blush:

Sodium sulfites smell like the old school "perms" (set on rods) however, they are considered "neutral" because they don't alter the ph very much. More "keratin" treatments are using sulfites for a temporary smoothing effect that lasts for about 30 shampoos.

I tagged you in a thread where it was discussed because one lady really loved the Ojon formula. I tested the Silk Elements Kera-minerals on a section of my hair (at the back lol) about two months ago and I've been checking the integrity of my hair and it still looks very healthy. Based on reviews though it's either hit or miss. :look: So I am afraid to do them all of over my hair. Plus, if your hair is color treated it can potentially alter the color (will not alter natural hair color though). Time will tell. Some people have glowing reviews and some people have fried hair!

I will say this though, the Kera-minerals is an excellent concept especially for our hair because you only need one pass of the flatiron instead of 5-7 passes. This brand is made *specifically* for ethnic hair as well. The video I tagged you in as all of the links to the videos for each brand. I hope this helps. :)
Thanks for all that info. I checked the bottles earlier and I did not see any "sulfites" unless it also goes by another name.

Girl, you have me scared to do the Keratin and I was going to do it later today. :blush: I have something coming up next week and I have to have my hair looking right. I really hope it doesn't mess up my color. If it goes a little lighter, that's fine, I can always tone it back. But, if it makes my hair darker, I'll be upset.

I'll try to check out the stuff you tagged for me.

Thanks, again.

Sodium sulfites smell like the old school "perms" (set on rods) however, they are considered "neutral" because they don't alter the ph very much. More "keratin" treatments are using sulfites for a temporary smoothing effect that lasts for about 30 shampoos.

I tagged you in a thread where it was discussed because one lady really loved the Ojon formula. I tested the Silk Elements Kera-minerals on a section of my hair (at the back lol) about two months ago and I've been checking the integrity of my hair and it still looks very healthy. Based on reviews though it's either hit or miss. :look: So I am afraid to do them all of over my hair. Plus, if your hair is color treated it can potentially alter the color (will not alter natural hair color though). Time will tell. Some people have glowing reviews and some people have fried hair!

I will say this though, the Kera-minerals is an excellent concept especially for our hair because you only need one pass of the flatiron instead of 5-7 passes. This brand is made *specifically* for ethnic hair as well. The video I tagged you in as all of the links to the videos for each brand. I hope this helps. :)
Thanks for all that info. I checked the bottles earlier and I did not see any "sulfites" unless it also goes by another name.

Girl, you have me scared to do the Keratin and I was going to do it later today. :blush: I have something coming up next week and I have to have my hair looking right. I really hope it doesn't mess up my color. If it goes a little lighter, that's fine, I can always tone it back. But, if it makes my hair darker, I'll be upset.

I'll try to check out the stuff you tagged for me.

Thanks, again.

I don't want to scare you lol but I don't want you to ruin your hair. Cystine is fine, I LURVE the cystine treatments, they are the only one's I will use in my hair. :yep: They can only lighten hair, usually only up to one shade though, so I would do a test spot just to see what will happen. Keep me posted, I would love to see your results! :)

Okay, decided to TEST the Nunaat maintenance products first before doing the actual BKT to see if just the products would give me any additional smoothness and curl release to my new growth.

Colored my hair today first. Then shampooed twice with the Nunaat shampoo. My hair was soooo tangled. Thankfully, I wasn't doing the BKT today, so I was able to proceed to the Nunaat Hair Mask. OMG!!!! That stuff made my hair so soft!!! Very, very soft. And my new growth did stretch out a bit, too. Left it in for 15 minutes with cap as per instructions then rinsed out. Then since I had the regular Nunaat conditioner, I said, what the hell, and put that in for 2 minutes as per instructions. It was similar to the Hair Mask deep conditioning treatment, but was lighter. Made my hair soft, too. (All the products smell AMAZING btw. They smell sweet and buttery, like a Buttered Popcorn jellybean.

After conditioning, I rinsed and instead of blow-drying after applying the Leave-In, I decided to rollerset. I made sure that I got a good amount of leave-in on each hair section before rolling. My hair was less soft at this point. Upon application, the Leave-In does not add any softness or slip, but I did notice as I did my rollerset that the product WAS making my new growth stretch out more as it soaked into my hair.

Dried under hood dryer. My hair felt nice. My new growth felt smoother than normal and softer. I then flat-ironed my hair, but did not go up to a 400 degree setting. I have a Ceramic Tools iron and I had it on level 12 (out of 25), don't know what the exact degree is, but I'm sure it's not 400.

My hair DEFINITELY seemed to take to the flatiron better. Seems like I was able to flatiron my hair much quicker than normal (I have A LOT of hair). It's been about an hour and a half since I flat-ironed now, and my new growth AND relaxed ends feel the same (softness and texture). The only difference is that my new growth does have a little bit of wave to it in certain spots on my head.

Now, what the Nunaat Keratin maintenance products didn't do is make my hair less poofy. It still looks like a lot of hair. So, all in all, based on these results, I would say that the maintenance products ON THEIR OWN -- with the use of the Leave-in and flat-ironing -- make your relaxed hair AND even new growth VERY SOFT, SOMEWHAT smoother and easier to style.

If I was trying to wear my hair straight without doing a BC and without doing a full BKT, I would DEFINITELY continue to use these products every week.

Okay, but now that I've tried the products, I've decided that I DO want to go ahead and do the BKT kit (Nunaat Ultra Keratin Touch) as I'm looking to make my hair less voluminous. Having the two textures on my head and trying to manage a straight (and short) style without doing a BC is hard. I really need the BKT to make my hair less voluminous and to smooth down the new growth until I can slowly cut off all the relaxed hair.

I will report back once I do the kit.

I do really like the maintenance products though and give them 4 out of 5 stars.


1. New growth (conditioned and damp hair after coloring)
2. Sideview of my hair after flat-ironing. It looks darker than normal because of bad lighting. As you can see, real voluminous.


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I've been using the conditioner, shampoo and serum from this line and really liking it!

Keep us posted if you use this as a BKT
I tried the Nunaat BKT and OMG, I'm in LOVE!! I was very hesitant because I had a HORRIBLE AND TRAUMATIC experience with a BKT I got professionally done about 18 months ago. I lost a TON of hair. I recently decided to grow my relaxer out (AGAIN) and decided to try the Nunaat BKT. I applied it to a small section of my hair last week because I was so afraid from the last experience. That went well even after a couple of washes. Today I did the rest of my head. My hair is so strong and soft! All of my transitioning breakage just STOPPED! I mean just one or two hairs wet and dry! I have very fragile 4Z hair, so I'm very shocked at the excellent results. It loosened my new growth and made it very soft and a lot more manageable and most importantly stopped the transitioning breakage. I will let you guys know how it does in a few weeks but so far, EXCELLENT! I just might be done with relaxers after all!! The only thing I didn't do was use a clarifying shampoo before applying. I just can't bring myself to strip my hair like that - it's too fragile. I may have gotten straighter results if I did clarify, but I'm happy with the results I did get. I'm still a bit nervous about doing it the next time around. I've read about people who had a successful 1st BKT but suffered damage after their 2nd application. Apparently having fragile hair and using too much heat can cause the BKT to disintegrate your hair as I read on another post on here. I think that is exactly what happened to me 18 months ago. But with the Nunaat, I self applied and purposely did not use nearly as much heat as the stylist who did my very first BKT which took my hair out.
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JazziLady! Glad you had such a great outcome! I did the BKT the next day, after trying out the products. Been busy so have not had the time to post a thorough review, but will do so tomorrow or sometime this week. I washed my hair today for the 1st time since doing the BKT and I agree with you about the transitioning breakage. I also had VERY MINIMAL hair loss during my wash. Usually, I have a fair amount of strands come out during my wash, but today, I could count them, they were SO few. :)

Will post in-depth review with pics soon.
Okay, I finally have time to post an update. :yep: I did the Nunaat BKT on 3/19, (the day after coloring my hair and trying out the Nunaat Brazilian Keratin MAINTENANCE products).

Steps were: wash hair with enclosed shampoo, blowdry, then apply smoothing treatment (which is gel-like liquid), blowdry, flatiron, then wash again and condition.

My hair was SOOOO hard and tangled after using the shampoo, that there was NO WAY I was going to be able to blowdry my hair. Therefore, instead of blowdrying, I slowly untangled my hair as best I could, then sat under the hair dryer until it was dry. Then I proceeded to apply the smoothing treatment in sections, I untangled as I went (there was no slip, hair was tangly). Even though I was supposed to blowdry again after applying the smoothing treatment until hair was dry, I found that the treatment dried very quickly on my hair and my hair was dry to touch by the time I finished the application. Therefore, I just sat under the dryer for a bit to make sure my hair was fully dry before flatironing my hair.

Flatironing: I flatironed my hair in sections, on WAAAY higher heat then I was accustomed to. I usually use my Ceramic Tools flatiron on #10 (out of #30 levels), but I gradually increased until I had reached #25 on the dial.

Note: When BKTing you are supposed to use a flatiron on 400 degrees. I figured that #25 on the dial was about that.

I passed the flatiron over each area about 5 times. After I was done, my hair was very straight, but I don't think it looked particularly EXTRA shiny or anything. I dare say, it looked somewhat drier than usual.

Instead of washing out that night, I decided to leave the treatment in until the next day. (I ended up washing it out about 12 hours later that next day.)

I washed my hair with the shampoo, applied the conditioner (my hair felt REALLY soft after conditioning) and then I headed to my Dominican salon to get a roller set and blowout as I don't like to flatiron my hair to style. The hairdresser seemed to think that my hair looked dry...guess all that flatironing did dry/dull my hair a bit as my hair is usually very shiny. (My hair looks somewhat shiny in the pic below, but the TEXTURE was definitely drier than usual.) The BKT did make my hair less voluminous.

Anyway, during the next few days, my hair was exposed to heat and humidity and it DID start reverting at the roots (I am transitioning; 3 inches of new growth). Funny thing is, in my opinion, it seemed to me that my hair was reverting MORE than usual!

I ended up washing my hair with the Nunaat Brazilian Keratin maintenance shampoo and conditioner 8 days later. My hair again got tangled with the shampoo (but a little less than the day I applied the BKT), the conditioner made my hair feel like buttah. :grin: Another thing I noticed is that I had MINIMAL hair loss during my combout after conditioning my hair. Maybe the Keratin treatment made my hair stronger?...even though it took away a little of the shine?

I rollerset and dried, but DID NOT flatiron.

My thoughts: it seems like the BKT treatment loosened up my curl pattern A LITTLE BIT and softened the new growth up A BIT, but I don't really see a major reduction in frizz. The treatment DID REDUCE the VOLUME of my hair and did lighten my hair about a shade. (I didn't mind because I had left my color in a few minutes too long the day before, so the BKT lifted my color to the shade it was SUPPOSED to be--as in my signature picture).

Overall, I'm not VERY impressed. BTW, I have a lot of product left in my BKT kit. I think I only used 1/4 or 1/3 of the bottle of smoothing treatment and only a small amount of the shampoo. The conditioner comes in a pack, but there is enough left for another treatment. So, for the $24.99 price tag of the kit, and depending on your hair length, you can get 2-3 treatments easy.

Would I do the Nunaat BKT again? Not sure. Like I said, I'm just not THAT impressed. My natural non-BKTed hair usually gets MUCH SMOOTHER after flatironing then it did AFTER the BKT treatment; thought it would have more "bulk". I think I can keep my new growth smooth by just deep conditioning my hair, applying leave-in smoothers to my new growth and flatironing my new growth as needed.


1. My hair BEFORE doing BKT treatment, but after trying out the Nunaat Brazilian Keratin Maintenance products (shampoo, conditioner, leave-in) and flatironing.

2. The next day right after I had applied the BKT treatment, dried and flatironed. Notice how much straighter my hair looks then previous day.

3. The day after BKTing after I washed, conditioned and had my hair rollerset and blowout at the salon. Notice how much LONGER my hair looks cause the BKT relaxed my new growth curl somewhat.


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I am still loving my results after 2 weeks. Looking forward to the next application in a couple of weeks.
2nd application yesterday didn't go so well. The product gave my scalp a burning feeling and it still sore today in one spot. It's not like a relaxer chemical but a sore feeling. I felt the burning during the first application too but I tried to ignore it. My scalp is sensitive so maybe it's just me. Also, the product turns from liquid to kind of gummy very quickly and doesn't spread well is very difficult to comb through my 4b hair so I had a good amount of breakage from just trying to comb it through (bad idea in hindsight I shouldn't have tried). the end result was still smooth, strong hair, but not liking the comb through issues or the burning feel in my scalp (not actual chemical burns - it just feels sore) . I am interested to know if anyone has experienced scalp sensitivity to QOD Max Organiq and wondering how it combs through - I may have to try that next. My scalp is pretty sensitive so I may have a sensitivity issue to all BKTs.
I did silk elements kera minerals smoothing treatment last night and I'm very impressed with it. The process was easy and I only had to go over each section once at 450 degrees. After I got it all straightened I dropped the temp to 370 and curled my hair. It's very silky and shiny, no residue of the treatment at all. The smelled stayed in my hair a little bit but I don't smell it this morning. I never expected to get my roots so straight, that's what really impressed me because I can never get close enough to my roots to get them this straight without a relaxer. This is my first keratin treatment and I'm glad I chose this one. If the next few weeks go okay and I get consistent results with this I'm never relaxing again.

I have to say though that throughout the treatment I didn't notice any difference in my hair, even after I processed it for 30 minutes my hair felt the same. When I washed it out it felt the same, once I put in the deep conditioner it felt softer but looked the same. My curls didn't really look like it was any looser to me. When I blow dried it was like "meh." It wasn't until I flat ironed that I noticed the shine and silk like look and it was easy to flat iron. I'll see when I wash next time if I noticed any difference. One thing I did notice is that my breakage subsided a bit.

By the way my hair is at least a 4b, I had 4 and 1/2 weeks of newgrowths, 2 inches of texlaxed hair and another 2 inches of straight hair.
I did this treatment over the weekend. I ahve 4B hair, the last 5 inches had a full BLT before and never reverted completely back. Therei s about 3 to 4 inches of texlax (barely) hair and two inches or so of new growth (I'm been trying to figure out if I'm going to relax again, I haven't gotten good results, its still basiclly 4B hair. Anyhow.

I did the treatment, some what following the directions. First, I sectioned. Shampooed with their poo once then a moisture shampoo and braided each section. Blow dried.

I applied the treatment in small sections. Then about 10minutes after I was done. it was drying so I reapplied and combs (it says to comb every 5 minutes). Then reapplied a thrid time this time not combing.

Unlike other treatments they give you ALOT and its really watery. Even after applying three times I have a third of a bottle left and my hair is MBL.

then came the blow drying. I didn't comb my hair, I ued the tesnion method.
Then I flat ironed each section using the GVD (its not 450F more lioke 375F) About 4 passes total per section, I concentraed on the unprocessed hair and the textlaxed hair. Then I sat around for awhile. I was going to wait over night, but I didn't wanna.

Got in the shower and my hair was bone straight after rinsing (this is the result I got with the salon treatment. I blow dried on low/warm and got straight hair with a bit of a wave. I then did a braid out cause is looked werid so straigth.

Your results will vary. I have cottony porus fine 4B hair that absorbs color/protein/henna/ect like its going out of style. Also this meant that "tempory" treatments on my hair are often permanent.

Overall I'm happy. I was tried of frizzy hair and I know that in a few weeks the waves/kinks will come back but as much as before.
@JazziLady! Glad you had such a great outcome! I did the BKT the next day, after trying out the products. Been busy so have not had the time to post a thorough review, but will do so tomorrow or sometime this week. I washed my hair today for the 1st time since doing the BKT and I agree with you about the transitioning breakage. I also had VERY MINIMAL hair loss during my wash. Usually, I have a fair amount of strands come out during my wash, but today, I could count them, they were SO few. :)

Will post in-depth review with pics soon.

I was just going to comment that your natural growth is so loose, you'd get straight results. I'm going to try it...hope it's at the Walgreens I want to go to. I had a bad result with my old BKT...lost tons of hair..:nono: In fact, I might post the pic of the initial result if I can find it...my hair was gowgeous...and now, much thinner with weaker hair at the crown.
I was just going to comment that your natural growth is so loose, you'd get straight results. I'm going to try it...hope it's at the Walgreens I want to go to. I had a bad result with my old BKT...lost tons of hair..:nono: In fact, I might post the pic of the initial result if I can find it...my hair was gowgeous...and now, much thinner with weaker hair at the crown.

What BKT made you lose your hair? Was it salon or self applied?
What BKT made you lose your hair? Was it salon or self applied?

Usually it's due to the excessive heat used to seal the treatment. This treatment is best for people with very strong hair; medium or coarse strands tend to do alot better with the heat.
2nd application yesterday didn't go so well. The product gave my scalp a burning feeling and it still sore today in one spot. It's not like a relaxer chemical but a sore feeling. I felt the burning during the first application too but I tried to ignore it. My scalp is sensitive so maybe it's just me. Also, the product turns from liquid to kind of gummy very quickly and doesn't spread well is very difficult to comb through my 4b hair so I had a good amount of breakage from just trying to comb it through (bad idea in hindsight I shouldn't have tried). the end result was still smooth, strong hair, but not liking the comb through issues or the burning feel in my scalp (not actual chemical burns - it just feels sore) . I am interested to know if anyone has experienced scalp sensitivity to QOD Max Organiq and wondering how it combs through - I may have to try that next. My scalp is pretty sensitive so I may have a sensitivity issue to all BKTs.

I've used a million different keratin treatments including QOD Max Organiq and I've never felt any scalp sensations/discomfort/pain. The jury is still out for sulfite based treatments....I think Nunaat has sulfites or glyoxic acid.
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I did silk elements kera minerals smoothing treatment last night and I'm very impressed with it. The process was easy and I only had to go over each section once at 450 degrees. After I got it all straightened I dropped the temp to 370 and curled my hair. It's very silky and shiny, no residue of the treatment at all. The smelled stayed in my hair a little bit but I don't smell it this morning. I never expected to get my roots so straight, that's what really impressed me because I can never get close enough to my roots to get them this straight without a relaxer. This is my first keratin treatment and I'm glad I chose this one. If the next few weeks go okay and I get consistent results with this I'm never relaxing again.

I have to say though that throughout the treatment I didn't notice any difference in my hair, even after I processed it for 30 minutes my hair felt the same. When I washed it out it felt the same, once I put in the deep conditioner it felt softer but looked the same. My curls didn't really look like it was any looser to me. When I blow dried it was like "meh." It wasn't until I flat ironed that I noticed the shine and silk like look and it was easy to flat iron. I'll see when I wash next time if I noticed any difference. One thing I did notice is that my breakage subsided a bit.

By the way my hair is at least a 4b, I had 4 and 1/2 weeks of newgrowths, 2 inches of texlaxed hair and another 2 inches of straight hair.

This is why I think this treatment is best for fine hair :yep:. No multiple passes. I did a test spot of Kera Minerals and had no adverse reaction to damage to my hair. This is the *only* sulfite based treatment I would ever use.
I bought Nunaat BKT last week. I plan on trying it after my Softliss chocolate is finished. I'm on HYH and APL challenge so I won't be BKTing until my June update pics :grin: