A Natural Girl With Long, Healthy, Platinum Blonde Hair?!


Well-Known Member
I am at a loss. The things natural hair can be put through stuns me. Here is another guru that has seemingly defied the natural hair laws of the universe. Meet Crystal Nicole Ford. She is a professional cosmetologist with natural, arm pit length, heat straightened, healthy, shiny, platinum blonde, flowing tresses. Yes, let that sink in for a moment. :look:

Facts from the video and comments:
- She blow dries and flat irons
- She uses professional products for bleaching and conditioning
- She used to have a relaxer until she went blonde
- She has 14 years of cosmetology experience
- Worked as stylist to stars of networks like VH1 and Bravo
- She does use clip in extensions
- From what I could gather from social media, she's been platinum blonde for 3 years or so non-stop.

Here's a picture of her platinum hair in it's natural state on her instagram

She is talented! I am too afraid of damage to even look at a packet of bleach. I did platinum my freshman year in college and my hair broke off. I wish I had her strands of steel lol
Im sorry but her ig pic her wet strands look limp and stringy. Now either she is a type 2 head or that's extreme damage. Somehow her strands are staying on and she is retaining though. Must be her regular product regimen.

I would like to see a natural state pic before all the bleach and heat. maybe she is a type 2 not a damaged 3 or 4.
Has she shown her hair when not straightened? Somehow I doubt it'll be a pretty sight.

She looks like an Xmen character. And I do mean that in the best way possible, lol.
Has she shown her hair when not straightened? Somehow I doubt it'll be a pretty sight.

She looks like an Xmen character. And I do mean that in the best way possible, lol.
:lachen:Look at the Instagram picture it was a picture of her wet hair it looked think. I don't know if that is her natural texture or if it a result of her being a straight haired natural. I stopped relaxing so I wouldn't have that thin look. Hey everyone has a preference I guess this is hers so more power to her.
Her IG comments are off putting. Why is she telling black women that they will be "absolutely more beautiful" with blonde hair? Who says that? o_O
I think it sends the wrong message especially to young women who probably already insecure about their looks already. I all for trying new colors to enhance of just because you need a change. But to saw platinum blonde will make you "absolutely beautiful". No ma'am.
Her IG comments are off putting. Why is she telling black women that they will be "absolutely more beautiful" with blonde hair? Who says that? o_O

I don't think she meant it that way. She was probably trying to encourage the girl who wanted to do it.



One of the other issues is that you're only fully platinum for 2 weeks max before your roots start to show. This was my issue when I was fully blonde. I switched over to an ombre color style because I couldn't deal with my roots showing so soon after I got it colored. That 1/2in of roots does not look cute when theres such a drastic difference between your natural color ( blk/dk bwn family) and the blonde.
So APL is long hair now?? Umm ok.. N her hair looks stringy not healthy... But to each its own.. I guess
Dry and wet, her roots looks natural but the length looks um relaxed. It don't look bad. I'm not used to seeing blond on women of color.
Kudos to her. If I went platinum blonde for two years, my hair wouldn't be APL unless I started off waist length!

That color is not for me, nor is her regimen, but it's great to see someone show that for some naturals, an extreme color and length retention are not mutually exclusive. I do think the hair at the root looks much healthier, and the hair that is not curling is because the chemicals have broken it down so much, similar to a relaxer in some respects. I do think that, outside of long hair care boards, beyond arm pit length hair like hers would be considered long for a black woman.
Kudos to her. If I went platinum blonde for two years, my hair wouldn't be APL unless I started off waist length!

That color is not for me, nor is her regimen, but it's great to see someone show that for some naturals, an extreme color and length retention are not mutually exclusive. I do think the hair at the root looks much healthier, and the hair that is not curling is because the chemicals have broken it down so much, similar to a relaxer in some respects. I do think that, outside of long hair care boards, beyond arm pit length hair like hers would be considered long for a black woman.

He hair is BSl or MBL, longer than APL. She is actually taking really good care of her hair, keeping it conditioned during and after the bleaching process. Even so her ends look frayed. I would say the look is interesting.