A Moisturizer w/o Protein


Can someone suggest a good moisturizer that doesn't contain protein? I am currently using elasta qp mango butter and organics sheas butter & tea tree oil moisturizer. Also, I use scurl for my liquid moisturizer. I'm looking for a moisturizer that doesn't contain protein for days when I don't want to use a moisturizer with protein.
i heard about ors olive oil in the jar and went out and bought some. i really like it. it is very moisturizing and does not contain any protein.:)
Yeah I have been wanting to try the ORS. I open up the jar in the store and saw that it's real moisturizing not like the other hair cremes.
you can also try the NTM silk touch leave in as a moisturizer. If I am not mistaken it doesn't contain protein either:D and ITA on the ORS! I love that stuff!