A Method To The Air-Drying Madness!


With Love & Silk
Move over Carolyn Gray ponytail method! Just kidding. For the record, I actually think Carolyn's got it goin' on

Anyway, I've been getting alittle tired of air-dried hair. It's just not beautiful and silky like roller-set hair and even heat treated (blow dried/curling or flat ironed) hair. But in the end, I know that air drying is the healthiest regardless of how it may "look."

So today, I let my hair air-dry as normal (straight down with leave-in conditioner in it) When it was about 95% dry, I took about 12 large magnetic rollers with snaps and rolled my hair. Oh, but before I rolled it, I sprayed each section that I rolled with a silicone based spray glosser. (I bet oil sheen would give the same results) Since my hair was only 95% dry--I left the rollers in for almost 2 hours. If it had been all the way dry, I would've only left them about 30 min-hour. Anyway, it all depends on your particular hair length and thickness.

SO--when I took it down...drum roll please...

it was very silky and shiny--YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also very bouncy. I was impressed

I did have some "dents" in my hair since I used rollers with snaps on them, but I know that this could be done with the regular magnetic rollers and just curl clips.

If you've been growing weary with air-dried hair, please give this a try. I think you'll be happy
Hi, Supergirl!

Have you ever simply let your hair airdry in rollers? My mom used to do that all the time in the summer. Her hair always looked like she'd sat under the dryer....

Just basically do everything you would for a rollerset except sit under the dryer.

As an aside, I really miss my diffuser. I've been trying to hang in there with you guys who are giving your hair a break from any heat or just doing the airdry thang all the time. I've gotten so spoiled with that appliance, so spoiled!

Much Love,


I would love to air-dry in rollers but fear that it would take ALL weekend to dry. I did a braid-out once and it took 2 days to dry

Now, if you know a secret to quicker air-drying in rollers, please share!

I have no answer there. But, there has got to be some way to get some of the water moisture out of your hair so that you can airdry for a substantial period in large rollers...like those grey ones.

Another aside: have you found any great towels for airdrying? I am still using some of my thick Fieldcrest, but I wish I could find better, you know? That mess from the Body Shop did not cut it with me...at all.


I have been recently depending on rollersets on weekends under the dryer as an alternative to blowdring/flat ironing, but now I'm curious have you found sitting under the dryer to be considerably damaging to your hair or are you airdrying because of the summer heat? thanks

What do you mean? Okay, all I know is that I use a ton of towels. I have towels for immediate absorption, then towels to absorb some of the leave-in after I've used it and then I have towels throughout the airdrying. Plus, I use a smaller towel to scrunch for wave formation. I think of that one as absolute necessity or my hair can look weird

When you are airdrying your hair do you leave it loose, use a ponytail, a braid or braids, or what? Does this change througout the airdrying? Girl, I never thought to ask you.

Most of the time with airdrying, it's loose with me and changing the towel, especially if I am working here which is most of the time, it's absolutely necessary to encourage this mane to get dry. If I have to jet out and my hair is plenty wet, well, I will braid the bottom loosely so as not to throw off the wave formation deal.

Let me know..this is really interesting:)


Girl, how many 'hair towels' do you have?

My hair would take forever if I tried to roller set it and let it air dry. By the time it dried, it would be time to do it all over again.
I love airdrying...in fact that's the only way i dry my hair now. When I found the right match of products my hair didn't come out looking dry and dull. It does take a long time to dry when you use magnetic rollers without sitting under the dryer. lol...ex....i washed my hair 10:pm on saturday...it still wasn't dry by 7:pm sunday. It was still a little damp in places. It still looked good though. the curls stay in all week. In fact they look better as they relax more and more during the week.

Yeah, I pretty much just let it hang loose and dry. I put a towel on my shoulders and that's about it.


Rollersetting is definitely a better alternative to the blow dryer and curing iron. I don't do weekly rollersets because it's just too tedious for me and it's at least an hour and a half to dry! I don't like sitting under the dryer for that long. That's why I just let it air dry loosely. I may rollerset every 3 months.
Hey Supergirl- I gotta try this. I roller set my hair the other day I had to take it out after 5 hours because I had to be somewhere. It looked great but it was still too wet.

I was thinking about getting a hooded dryer for the winter but maybe with this method, I won't have too.

Thanks for the tip!
Supergirl I've been doing the same thing lately to cut down on the drying time and yes the curls do come out nice and my hair is silky!
I kind of do what you do Jade21...
After applying my products to soaking wet hair I scrunch with the first towel(lots of moisture so the towel gets soaked).
When it's halfway dry I scrunch again with a different towel, being careful not to disturb the curls. I really pat the roots..which are usually still very damp. My hair has been drying much quicker this way.
I guess another method to cut down using the dryer with rollars is to air dry till hair its 80% dry with the rollars in and then finish the rest under the dryer?

This would probably work well in the summer on hot days when the airdrying should be faster, esp. if you can go outside for a while. I'd love to be able to rollarset and let it airdry but it would take a while to dry and I don't have the patience. Maybe on a day when I'm indoors doing nothing I'll try it and sit outside in the back yard and read a good book
Plus, I use a smaller towel to scrunch for wave formation.

I scrunch with the first towel

I've heard that you shouldn't rub your hair with a towel and that you should just pat it lightly.
hi brownrelaxedhair

ita, with air drying your hair until it's 80% dry and then sitting under the dryer (on warm setting). sometimes, i'm impatient and i wait until the hair is "dry to the touch" and then go under the dryer. i also think i like this method better b/c i don't hear those crackling/popping sounds as the hair is drying...
Maybe a microfiber towel will help the drying process. They absorb a lot of water. They sell them at Wal-mart.
When I aridry, after applying leave in, serum and curl spray - I tie my edges and sit in front of the fan for about 20 minutes. If it's sunny outside - the combination of the fan (which gets it about 60% dry) and the sun (which takes care fo the rest) my hair only takes about 2 hours to dry - but then it's pretty fine too. You start to see the curl formation after about a half hour (meaning it's presentable - about 20 minutes of fan and 10 minutes of sun). But my hair is quite thin and and significantly shorter than some of you ladies who posted.

I scrunch with my hands only when it's mostly dry taking care to gather the curls in my hands and squeeze only - no disturbing the curls. I turn my head upside down when scrunching too, to separate my hair from itself and encourage "bigness".