A method for growing hair fast???

KAddy said:
Oh yeah. I read about the dosage intake as well. The vitamin shoppe ones you can take up to 6 a day (if I remember correctly), but I would not suggest doing that. While there are no known ill-effects from using it in large quantities, I thought this paragraph was enough to tell me to limit intake if I decided to try it.

Listen to this!!! You are absolutely right!!! I have LUPUS (SLE) and I make sure that I do NOT consume anything in quantities other than prescribed. Some things I avoid all together. Nonetheless, anything taken excessive will be detrimental to your health. You do NOT want to develop LUPUS.

Also since so many people are taking vitamins, if you don't already, you may want to invest in a good book on vitamins and herb combining. It's important to know what is assimilated by the body and what is a catalyst for absorption and usage of them. EXAMPLE: You can take Vitamin C, but unless you take Potassium with it, it's excreted through your pores and the body doesn't use it.
i want to take this so bad..but then again i dont want any health problems =(

has anyone had any good results taking about 4 pills every other day?
weaveitup said:
i want to take this so bad..but then again i dont want any health problems =(

has anyone had any good results taking about 4 pills every other day?

Yesterday, I read a numerous alfalfa pills posts in the forums on the web site relating to the Better Body Basics brand I posted above (http://www.t-tapp.com/store/shopexd.asp?id=46). It did not appear that the women had any negative side effects from taking that brand and that the manufacturer created a special formulation to avoid common side effects such as weight gain and problems for those with Lupus. Specifically, the description says:
"Furthermore, there are NO seeds or sprouts in Premium Blend Alfalfa (important for those with Lupus)."

Posters mentioned positive side effects, such as great skin and hair growth. One poster mentioned that Shaklee was also a good brand. I am debating between buying the Shaklee or the Better Body Basics product. Oh yeah, most posters seemed to take at least six a day.
KAddy said:
Uh, oh. I think a new vitamin may be going into my stock. Or at least my husbands.

You aint never lied! :lol: Watch, next thing you know, all of us LHCF women are going to be cleaning off the shelves for some alfalfa pills, juice, conditioner...anything that contains alfalfa! :lachen:
getmoore said:
Hmmmmm. Vitacost.com just sent me two bottles of alfalfa capsules by mistake when I ordered something else from them and they said I could keep them. I just might open these suckers up now that I know what they can be used for. I just need to do a little more research but I think I'm gonna try them.

It must be a sign! My order from them came in Tue. and I had a bottle of Alfalfa.
LegallySpeaking said:
I just ordered some pills ... you know, since you guys forced me

:lol: That is hilarious...

I totally forgot to order alfalfa when I placed my Puritan's Pride order the other day.. :mad:
LegallySpeaking said:
Yesterday, I read a numerous alfalfa pills posts in the forums on the web site relating to the Better Body Basics brand I posted above (http://www.t-tapp.com/store/shopexd.asp?id=46). It did not appear that the women had any negative side effects from taking that brand and that the manufacturer created a special formulation to avoid common side effects such as weight gain and problems for those with Lupus. Specifically, the description says:
"Furthermore, there are NO seeds or sprouts in Premium Blend Alfalfa (important for those with Lupus)."

Posters mentioned positive side effects, such as great skin and hair growth. One poster mentioned that Shaklee was also a good brand. I am debating between buying the Shaklee or the Better Body Basics product. Oh yeah, most posters seemed to take at least six a day.

thanks alot =)
SLE is the most severe form of LUPUS. It can shut down your organs. LUPUS aka wolf's disease is hard to diagnose. No 2 people have the same symptoms. Some have discoid LUPUS (allergy to sun, causes facial rashing), antibiotic induced LUPUS (causes joint pain), and SLE (can cause organs to fail and shut down)

Koffie said:
Excuse my ignorance or lack of attention in reading the thread thoroughly, but what is SLE? :confused:
I never knew that Alfalfa could grow hear to. I used to eat the whole alfalfa sprouts (the ones at the groccery store) with a bannana and some organic apple juice blended well together. I did not notice that my hair grew any faster (however it may hav because back then I was frying my hair almost everyday with hot combs, blowdryers, etc.) but I can say that my skin was vibrant and glowing. :)
i just got mine at walmart. they are stinky and green *gag*

it was 3.77(4.05 with tax) for 300 650mg pills. i plan to take 3 a day. i better see a growth spurt soon!
i found some interestig info!


Alfalfa can help lower cholesterol, balance hormones, promote pituitary gland function, act as a diuretic, eases inflammation and contains an antifungal agent. Alfalfa alkalizes and detoxifies the body. Alfalfa also is good for anemia, bone and joint disorders, colon and digestive disorders, skin disorders and ulcers. Alfalfa has shown to be beneficial in preventing colon cancer. Aids in healing allergies, arthritis, morning sickness, peptic ulcers, stomach ailments & bad breath; cleanses the kidneys & removes poisons from the body; neutralizes acids; is an excellent blood purifier & blood thinner; improves the appetite and aids in the assimilation of protein, calcium & other nutrients.
GNC sells Alfalfa tablets - my mom takes them to help with seasonal allergies. You get a HUGE bottle of like 1000 pretty cheap - we also crush them and make them into a warm drink with a little honey - it's good - I like it.

In regards to coriander - perhaps that's why they are always sold out of that seasoning all the time, no? I swear it's always sold out - grocery stores, health food, everywhere.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it. There's bottles of 350 pills (alfalfa) for 3.77 @ Wal-mart. I might try it.
Okay, I got some yesterday from GNC along with some hair growth multivitamin. For one month I'm going to take 2 alfalfa pills 3x/day and 1 of the multivitamin 3x/day. I'll update then. I hope it works! :smirk: I can see my hair now. ;)
I was seeing pretty good growth while I was taking the alfalfa but I fell off my routine about a month ago and stopped taking it.
I'm gonna start up again though so if I can manage to stay on it, I'll update my progress after about 4-6 weeks.
KAddy said:
OK here is some information I found on Alfalfa:


The alfalfa is a wonderful plant that is characterized by its high quality like protein food, minerals and vitamins.

Between its main properties:

* Aid to prevent the fall with the hair. The contribution of its nutrients contributes to fortify the nails and gives brightness to the hair.
* Plays an important paper in the coagulation of the blood (vitamin K).
* It avoids the decalcification and it prevents the osteoporosis.
* Effective in cases of anemia, weakness, convalescence and rachitism.
* It controls the flatulence, aid the digestion and solves the lack of appetite.

* Feminine hormonal regulator, recommended to improve menstruation and menopause symptoms

I also read that Alfalfa stimulates hair growth on another site.

I'm glad I stumbled on this thread. I got my period after nearly 11 months the other day. I hope something natural would be able to regulate them more frquently as I suffer from PCOS. All doctors want to do is put me on the pill. Also solving the lack of appetite as well as the hair growth seem like good plus points also. As I want to gain weight and grow mo' hair.