A message.

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New Member
I was so distrought about everything and how live works and all. I was comming down a busy streat here in Charlotte. I ran over a huge rock that seem to have come out of no where.

I pull over to the side and a nice small women pulls in front of me and ask me do I need to call someone. I told that I had no one to call, so she pulls over and helps me. She is someone I wouldn't have thought much of. She was about 5'1 dark skinned women with a wig on. Turns out she was a big time retired marketing exectutive who now assist the mentally ill. She talked about how she hated her old job, and felt that she could never make enough money for her boss. She said she had given up a $90,000 just to be happy and how money wasn't everything. She also talked about how she was needed not a whole lot of friends, she cups her hands together as she does this, but only one or two. That was something that I really needed to hear.

What on earth would make her tell me such a thing. I think the whole think was a sign or message from God. I just wanted to share my exprience.
If you didn't need to hear it today you can be sure you will need to remember this in the future.
Sounds like two angels meeting... you and her. ;)

I'm glad you shared this plenty...it made my day.
Hey Plenty,

The Lord will always send someone to us to give us something we didn't have before, and He is always on time.

He loves you, Plenty...even if no one else does, GOD LOVES YOU!

Remember that and hold on to it and never, ever let it go. He loves you just the way you are. You are so special to Him...He even calls you the apple of His eye. ;)

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