A Little Scalp Sting


New Member
Does anyone have problems with irritable scalp? I am asking because I am at home visiting and I did not bring my herbal oil that is similar to Wild Growth Oil, so I decided to buy something cheaper by Fantasia (I like their products), it is a leave-in conditioner that you can use daily, well I have been pouring it down my parts with an applicator and I have been spraying on my moisturizers, but in the very back of my head, my scalp stings sometimes, it feels as though I have open sores, I also notice this when I use my curl activator products. Please let me know if you have ever suffered from a stinging scalp, especially if you are going natural, like I am.
I have an irritable scalp too. I can't scratch too much because it bleeds easily. Also if I braid my hair too tight it hurts and hurts...I haven't been succesful finding any oils for this. I was natural for about a year and am now texturized although I go for about 6 months without touch ups.
Are you scratching alot? Does one of the products you're using have alcohol in them? That's why spritz burns like hizzle if you spray it on your hair right after a touch-up, particularly if the perm burned.

Do any of them list peppermint as an ingredient as well?
No I don't really scratch that often. But I think that all the products do contain alcohol, maybe that is what it is, I don't even know if it is bleeding back there or if there are really open sores, but it feels like it sometimes. I was going to have someone check for me because it may be all of the above, maybe I am scratching too much and I don't realize it, it could be the alcohol (but honestly I think it might be glycerin), and it could be open sores back there, I don't believe any of these products have peppermint oil, but I do use products with peppermint oil in them, particuarly shampoos and rinse-out conditioners. Honestly I am wondering if it is the glycerin. Thank guys for your help. By the way what does peppermint do, in terms of possible irritation?
Okay, maybe it is peppermint oil, but I haven't shampooed my hair in a couple of weeks now and the leave-in conditioner does not list all of the ingredients, so maybe there is some peppermint oil in it (I don't smell it though). Thanks for postin the link, Karonica.
No problem. But it could mainly be the alcohol, yuh never know. I know it'll burn the mess out of mine, and I have sensitive scalp.
I also am being to have have problems with parts of my scalp being irritated. I don't scratch, pull at it etc, o I have no idea where it is coming from.
I believe that I also have a sensitive scalp. I've noticed when I shampoo with CoN and whenever I apply my daily moisturizer, my scalp feels as if I've scratched it or there's sores, but I haven't scratched and there's no sores