a little confused..


Well-Known Member
okay, so i know what ear length, neck length and maybe even shoulder length look like....i think.
The reason I am confused is because sometimes I see woman on here and I think they are one length but everyone clames they are another.
Are we judging the length from the hair in the back?
can I please see pics of ladies who has shoulder length, and armpit length hair those two kind of confuse me..also collar bone length. I would like to see the difference in CB AND SL.
I know this may be a dumb question but I'm just wondering...:blush:

Here ya go!
I believe it goes...

Ear length
Chin length
Neck length
Shoulder length
Collarbone length
Arm pitt length
Bra Strap/Below Shoulder Blade length
Mid back length
Waist length
Hip Length

And most hair is measured from the back BUT collar bone length is between shoulder length and APL. Its just easier to use the collar bone in the front (as a sort of "land mark" to measure against) since there is no place in the back to compare it to like you would the crease of the armpit or the shoulder line. Does that make sense at all?! lol Sorry if it does not!
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okay, so i know what ear length, neck length and maybe even shoulder length look like....i think.
The reason I am confused is because sometimes I see woman on here and I think they are one length but everyone clames they are another.
Are we judging the length from the hair in the back?
can I please see pics of ladies who has shoulder length, and armpit length hair those two kind of confuse me..also collar bone length. I would like to see the difference in CB AND SL.
I know this may be a dumb question but I'm just wondering...:blush:

If it's a dumb question, then go ahead on and call me dumb, because I wonder this too.
To me, full shoulder length is when your hair is resting on your shoulders. Like, on the the actual shoulders, not on that weird place in between the neck and shoulders.
Like a little shorter than this:

Armpit length is also kind of iffy, because the armpit is such a weird place. On myself, I mark APL by taking a tape measure or a belt, and tying it under my arms. It makes a line across the back that's right where the armpit is.

And I have no idea what the heck collarbone looks like. I thought it was this:

But I don't know, because some people say that collarbone is shorter than shoulder length. My collarbone is below my shoulder though, so I don't know.

I think that what happens is that people claim lengths a little too early. Like, they'll be just barely SL or APL or whatever, but out of anxiety, and quite understandably, they'll claim it anyway.
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I've always thought of this as collar bone length. the hair touchs or passes the collar bone. As far as I've understood, collar bone length is for someone who's hair is a little longer than SL, but not yet APL.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

And to the OP, most of the ladies here are counting the length in the back or the longest section of their hair.
I thought that collar bone was like where your shirt collar sits which is not to far from neck length... still a little confused..but this helped a little..
I thought that collar bone was like where your shirt collar sits which is not to far from neck length... still a little confused..but this helped a little..

Collar bone is when the hair is touching your collar bone. I don't know about you but my collar bone is past my shoulders. So collar bone length is longer than shoulder length.

Some people may describe their hair as collar length meaning a shirt collar but collar length is not a hair length description I am familiar with. If the hair is shirt collar length then it would be more accurately described as neck length instead of (shirt) collar length.

:giggle: That's coz some people wear the bra strap way up close to armpits...and then some are like me who prefers to claim a certain point when more than one hair is touching it. In cases like that, a few strands will appear to be past that length, but just like someone said shoulder length is when hair is resting on shoulders, then I prefer to claim a length when there's no doubt I've made it. One or two hairs just don't cut it for me.
So all this time i've been claiming the wrong length? I claim SL even though my hair(not just a few strands) sits comfortably on/past my collarbone.
Yay, I guess.
:giggle: That's coz some people wear the bra strap way up close to armpits...and then some are like me who prefers to claim a certain point when more than one hair is touching it. In cases like that, a few strands will appear to be past that length, but just like someone said shoulder length is when hair is resting on shoulders, then I prefer to claim a length when there's no doubt I've made it. One or two hairs just don't cut it for me.

Collarbone length is weird to me, I never claimed that. Just said I was SL

I'm APL, pic in siggy. I don't claim full APL b/c of my layers. Only the hair in the back is APL, I guess I'll never really be full anything by my terms
Im sorry, I know others view BSL (bra strap length) as an actual measurement, but I just cant. Everybody wears their bra differently.:yep: some high some low!
I prefer BODY based measurement i.e. shoulder, shoulder-blade, Arm pit, back side, etc. it just makes more sense to me.
Cosign :yep:

:giggle: That's coz some people wear the bra strap way up close to armpits...and then some are like me who prefers to claim a certain point when more than one hair is touching it. In cases like that, a few strands will appear to be past that length, but just like someone said shoulder length is when hair is resting on shoulders, then I prefer to claim a length when there's no doubt I've made it. One or two hairs just don't cut it for me.

Im sorry, I know others view BSL (bra strap length) as an actual measurement, but I just cant. Everybody wears their bra differently.:yep: some high some low!
I prefer BODY based measurement i.e. shoulder, shoulder-blade, Arm pit, back side, etc. it just makes more sense to me.

To me, if one hair is touching the bra, I don't even consider that "touching". I think "touching" as a description is just forcing issues.

If people who are not hair fanatics would not automatically see the length you're talking about coz you're just "touching" then you haven't arrived yet.

When you see someone with a shoulder length bob, there's no question about whether they have shoulder length hair or not. And that's coz all or most of the hair is there. If the bob were chin-length and then a few hairs were grazing the shoulder, to me they're not yet shoulder length because when I glance at their hair, I don't see it falling at shoulder. Those three hairs don't speak for the majority. So "touching" is just lame. JMO
I believe you should claim a length when the majority of your hair is there. That's why I won't be officially claming APL for a while.
I never got collar bone length. :perplexed
From this chart, it looks the same as shoulder length. :ohwell:

If your hair is currently shoulder length, pull it for a length check to see if it touches or passes your collar bone (which is in the front). That is collar bone length. And since your collar bone sits below your shoulders, your hair would be slightly longer at collar bone length than at shoulder length.

I'm currently collar bone length, here's a picture of my hair from the back... clearly past shoulder length BUT not close to APL yet. When I pull sections of my hair to the front it passes my collar bone by about 1/2 inch. (Nov. 11th pic I'm 1/2 inch past CB)

Also, it's really not the big of a deal. I think ppl use CB length to say they are slightly longer than SL. In real life I don't walk around telling ppl I'm CB length. :look: I only use that term here on LHCF... IR I pretty much just say SL or short/medium length hair. I feel even feel awkard telling someone APL or BSL in real life. I feel like they will like at me like :perplexed. :lachen: