A little Album Update...


Well-Known Member
I have not updated in a couple of months because I wanted to give my hair a break, so I just wore ponytails. I recently started doing my rollersets again at the salon to help the breakage I experienced after my touch up in August. I had my cousin apply the ORS relaxer in my hair and it damaged the back of my hair like crazy. Right now I am just trying to nuture back there and hope for the best. My nape was also an issue but now the breakage has creeped up higher and it makes it look so thin back there. So the update is not very impressive because of all the breakage and I got a trim also but I still wanted to share. I have to say though if it was not for this forum I know for a fact I would not have the hair I have now. So I would like to say thank you to all the ladies here.

password: grow
i love the growth you have achieved. What is your regimen? what do you do without fail. also did you use ORS for all your touch ups? sorry for all the questions.....
Were you natural before?
I know u know your own hair, but I also know we r our own greatest critics. Your hair looks absolutely beautiful and shiny and healthy. You have really stayed the course. Your growth within just a year is so encouraging. Thank you for sharing your progress --> I struggle to keep motivated every single day (especially doing this BUN challenge). Keep up the good work.
loonatick said:
i love the growth you have achieved. What is your regimen? what do you do without fail. also did you use ORS for all your touch ups? sorry for all the questions.....
Were you natural before?

Thanks so much ladies for all the lovely compliments. As far as a regimin goes I really don't have a set regimin right now. I recently started taking exotic allure vitamins again and going back to the Dominican Salon bi weekly for my wash and sets. I am using the ORS hair mayo for my deep conditioning. so far I see my hair is improving little by little. I'll give myself another month or 2 and if I don't see a huge improvement I will have to switch it up again. In the past what really made a difference for me is get my hair done at the salon on a weekly basis for 20 bucks but alot of the Dominican salon have raised their prices to 25 bucks so I can really only go biweekly now. I guess I will just wait and see how this all turns out. Also I was natural years ago but I only kept braids in my hair, so I never really got to enjoy my natural hair. I usually use Motions and that was the first time I ever used ORS relaxer.
Your hair has made tremendous stride in such a short time. In another 6 months, it will be really long. Your 8-week growth is what I get in 3 months so whatever you are doing, keep it up....