A little advice

Bun Mistress

Well-Known Member
My ends look and feel dry they have tendency to break when I flat iron my hair. It s also very tangly.

The thing is, when my stylist does it it is smooth and straight!. No breakage no rough dry ends. I don't think my ends are damaged permantely b/c when I rewash and air dry they are prefect again. It has to be something in my technique.

When I'm going to straighten, DC with a moisture conditioner (sometimes I will follow up with a light protein or recon conditioner). A little leave in spray (brillant from aveda) a bit of morrcan oil and then blow dry (tension method) or roller set (horrid at this) then flat iron.

I detangle each section (I know that ransitioning hair is tangly so I'm ok with this) but the brittle ends are not hot.

BTW my stylist uses morrican oil so I don't thik it's the cones.
What kind of flat iron are you using? You could try using pc after your dc, which would help to ensure the cuticles are laying flat and smooth.
My ends look and feel dry they have tendency to break when I flat iron my hair. It s also very tangly.

The thing is, when my stylist does it it is smooth and straight!. No breakage no rough dry ends. I don't think my ends are damaged permantely b/c when I rewash and air dry they are prefect again. It has to be something in my technique.

When I'm going to straighten, DC with a moisture conditioner (sometimes I will follow up with a light protein or recon conditioner). A little leave in spray (brillant from aveda) a bit of morrcan oil and then blow dry (tension method) or roller set (horrid at this) then flat iron.

I detangle each section (I know that ransitioning hair is tangly so I'm ok with this) but the brittle ends are not hot.

BTW my stylist uses morrican oil so I don't thik it's the cones.

Also regarding the bolded, if you are going to use protein, you should use it first and then the moisturizing dc after.
I use a GHD, I can usually get it straight in one pass. I though it was a porosity issue and I started using Roux PC and it has been great but I get the same problem when I flat iron that I had before I used it. Werid.
Yeah that does sound strange...

Not sure what a GHD is but if its considered a profession tool then we could rule that out as the cause. Another suggestion is to try comb-chase method on the ends. This makes a difference for me.
GHD is the big brand in Europe, its great for natural hair too, my stylist uses it. I will tro the comb chase method. I hate combing my hair!
it might be the protein. have you done a moisture / protein check on your ends. you may not need to use the protein each time or as much each time. in fact it sounds like your ends may need a little more moisture. may i ask what is your moisture and seal technique during the week when you are wearing the flat iron style?

when my ends were feeling hard and eventually breaking something aweful, i quickly ran for protein and could not figure out why the problem was not getting better. however, after reading about protein and moisture balance, i found that it was not that my ends wasn't strong, in fact it was the opposite my ends was so strong and not enough moisture that they were just getting hard and snapping.

i couldnt understand at first how i had gotten it all wrong because i knew that when i did the protein / moisture check my hair stretched too much and appeared to need protein. but one day while analyzing one of my strands i realized that the beginning of my strand (near the root) was stretching but the end part broke very easily. so i learned that when you do the check you actually have to check several areas on the hair strand because your strand may be balanced at one part and not the other or need protein at one part and not so much on the other part of the strand. so now i do the strand test on the part of the strand closer to the root, in the middle and at the end. and i use the outcome of the 3 area check to determine where i am going to focus my protein and moisture tx on.

i also used to feel that each time we do heat application we have to put a protein on. this is true for the most part but sometimes we forget that so many of the conditioners and moisturizers we use on a daily or weekly basis has a small trace of protein in it that our ends my be already protein suitable for the heat and may only need like a good leave in protein like aphogee spray or something along those lines. and may not need protein at all but may need a little bit more moisture and oil to be added after the flat iron to combat the loss of moisture from the heat.
i'm sorry, i just reread your post and realized you said that its technique and not strand damage. so much of what i said would not apply. (lol)

given that, I would agree with Jazala. It might be that you may want to do the protein before you deep condition. I am not familiar with the spray you use, but see if it has protein in it. if so your problem may be the protein overload on your strand at that time especially since you sometimes do a protein tx (so some of the protein may just be sitting on top of the strand because it has already taken in what it can during the protein tx). also beings you are doing the heat you may want to look into the moisture part because you are depleting some of that moisure you just put in when you did your deep conditioning.
Thanks for the advice. I did a strand test and the elasticity (sp?) seems on point.

I think the next time I straighten I will only do moisture (I always want to de protein cause I think I should) and then only do the cone for a heat protectant. it may be the spray i'm using making my relaxed ends sticky and dry.
Also regarding the bolded, if you are going to use protein, you should use it first and then the moisturizing dc after.

Yeah that does sound strange...

Not sure what a GHD is but if its considered a profession tool then we could rule that out as the cause. Another suggestion is to try comb-chase method on the ends. This makes a difference for me.
Well, I don't need to add anything...you already said everything I was going to suggest! :lachen: