A lesson to be learned perhaps?


New Member

Is there a lesson to be learned from every life changing event that happens in our life whether it be a change that impacts us for the long or short term. The reason why I ask this is because I had a minor car accident last night, no one was hurt but I basically over steered the car and ran into some railings. So while i'm waiting for the tow truck to come and move my car, I'm trying to figure out was this supposed to happen, was it just one of those things or was I supposed to crash my car for some kind of purpose. I had to pay £176 straight up in cash, it was about 2am and I had just gotten paid at the stroke of midnight, so luckily I had enough money in my account. I hope it doesn't sound ridiculous what I'm asking, I mean I know I tend to over think things a lot. Maybe I'm overthinking things I dunno. Was my car accident supposed to happen according to God's plan for some reason I may not know about yet?

sorry about your accident, but glad to see your OK :). I often wonder the same things about incidents that happen in my life. I think God throws tribulations and trials in our life to test our faith. Some people choose to allow things to get the best of them, while others pray about and move on knowing that God will take care of them. I do believe that everything does truly happen for a reason good or bad and it builds our character along the way.
Hi LondonDiva, another London girl here!!!

Firstly I want to say thank God that you came out of the accident ok.

This was most definately part of God's plan for you. He allowed it to happen (He is always in control) for a reason. Without meaning to pry, are you a Christian? If not, then He definately wants to use this circumstance to draw you to Him, to make you think about how easily and quickly life can change or even end. It is no coincidence that you had enough money in your account; God is full of grace, mercy and love and like I say if you are not a Christian, He want's you to come know Him through His son Jesus Christ, and know just how much He loves you.

If you are a Christian, then you know that nothing in life happens by chance, and once again the Lord has come to your rescue, when the devil meant to destroy you.

I personally do not believe in fate, luck or coincidences now that I am a Christian. I know now that God can use anything to speak into my life; circumstance, people, scripture, a television show, a radio broadcast, books...etc etc, and I always take sit up and take notice when something 'uncanny' or 'wierd' or 'odd' happens.

I hope that helps a little. And like I say I am so pleased that you are ok.

God bless

Mich xxx