a hairschool did my hair!


New Member
i finally went and got my hair trimmed and set, but because i didn't want to pay alot i took a chance and went to my local hairschool. overall it came out very nicely. i was a little skeptical because the girl who did it was puerto rican and i wasn't sure she was advanced enough to handle my hair because i am 6mons into my relaxer. i think she was a little apprehensive too because as soon as she washed it and the air got to it it went "whoosh" full blown afro and she had to call her teacher over to part it off for her.

but i have to say that all and all it was the most relaxing, enjoyable "salon" experience i've ever had; due in part to the fact that i wasn't crowded into a little room with 20 other people and the girls were very chatty and out going; and above all eager to get my hair just the way i wanted it. isn't that what we all want in a stylist?!
anddddd... i even had an opportunity to chat extensively about my beloved lhcf; they were all interested in what i did to get my hair in such good shape.
thanx girls you all are my number one hair must have!!!
Sounds like you have a great experience! I heard this can be a good and economical way to get one's hair done. After all, it's a school and they are learning to do the best job possible.