A few questions for the natural ladies.


New Member
Hi, I've been natural for 8 months now and I dont really know what to do with my hair and how to care for it yet the way that I would like to so I have a few questions.

1. During this stage what gave you better growth leaving it alone or cowashing frequently?
2. How long did it take you to come up with a solid regimen?
3. How did you style your hair while in the in between stage (Too long for a TWA and to short for a ponytail or other styles)?
4. Where any of you frustrated when you were at this stage or is it just me and if so what did you do about it?

Thanks in advance ladies!!!
1: Both! :grin: I cowashed twice a week, and inbetween there, left it alone.
2: About 6 months, or so. I identified what MY hair needed (kept me off a whole lotta bandwagons!) and found the best product to address that need.
3: I did a lot of puff wearing, flattwisting, and combos of the two. Two strand twists sometimes, though I think that combcoil would have looked better. Bantu knots, too....
4: I personally wasn't frustrated, because I knew that I would only be going through that stage once (no more BC's for me!) and so I appreciated the things I could do with my hair at that length that don't work as well once it gets longer.
Hi, I've been natural for 8 months now and I dont really know what to do with my hair and how to care for it yet the way that I would like to so I have a few questions.

1. During this stage what gave you better growth leaving it alone or cowashing frequently? Both cowashing and adding stuff like aloe gel and moisture gave me a little curl and shine right after my bc and I got use to it so this is pretty much how I wore my hair everyday. Wash and Go

2. How long did it take you to come up with a solid regimen?
Seeing what products work best with your hair and how comfortable you are with the process. I realize that I didnt' want to do all the work and I was comfortable with how my hair looked and myself being natural and so it didn't bother me worrying about my hair everyday I let it do its on thing. My hair happens to love CW and so thats what I been doing for 2 years now.
3. How did you style your hair while in the in between stage (Too long for a TWA and to short for a ponytail or other styles)?

Bands all different kinds i had a metal band and it looked cute and so I wore that until the paint came off then my hair had gotten longer. Its only about three or four months that your hair is really short then it starts to get longer.
4. Where any of you frustrated when you were at this stage or is it just me and if so what did you do about it?
I was frustrated because there was days where I felt its just not growing its never going to be anything but short and there were days where I wanted to wear a pony tail so badly but couldn't and I think every one goes through that stage for a moment and you just get past it you find out what works for you to get you through I twisted my hair and got some satin rollers and each morning take it out and put the band on and wear it like that. It looks crazy at the time I thought it looked cute and it helped me get through the arwkward moments. then I started back CW and I just really never stopped doing it. At this point I am comfortable with my length and to my amazement I do have some and I still CW but I put it up in a bun or pony tail and put a fake one on it. Now I don't want the public to see my hair anymore I can finally hide it. But this is just a phase that will past so quickly. Before you know it your hair will be huge and you will be wondering what to do then. Wait and see. It will happen

Thanks in advance ladies!!!
Hi, I've been natural for 8 months now and I dont really know what to do with my hair and how to care for it yet the way that I would like to so I have a few questions.

1. During this stage what gave you better growth leaving it alone or cowashing frequently?
Wash 1x/w and cowash 1x/w.
2. How long did it take you to come up with a solid regimen?
I would say about 6 months, or so. Mainly the same regimen as when I was relaxed, new thing: combing with my fingers between wash days and prepoo. The products are not the same. Trial and error, and success! I keep it simple.
3. How did you style your hair while in the in between stage (Too long for a TWA and to short for a ponytail or other styles)?
Puffs with headband (braids or cornrows at night to avoid knots and braids out in the morning for a puff).
4. Where any of you frustrated when you were at this stage or is it just me and if so what did you do about it?
Frustrated about lenght? Yes! But I knew it was for a little time because my hair was/is growing. I was proud of myself to be chemically free and I took a look at my inspirational albums for motivation.
Thanks in advance ladies!!![/quote]