A Few Flowers For You (long)


New Member
I have been lurking here and getting information for about 2 months now. I have been an official member for about 2 weeks. I am over whelmed with information and still come everyday for more. There are day at work that I don't do my paperwork because I have to get on here and find out what is new. It's not that I can't wait til I get home. I just can't wait til I get home. I have spent over $200 this week in new products to try and tonight just 30 min ago I went to the store for bread, decided to stop at Walgreens to get the bread WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, did I do that. The bread was .99 cent and I bought 2 loaves but I paid $25.00 for everything. I have learned to care for my daughters hair and even my son's. The Girl's ( that's what I call them) I gave them names that I am even too tired to say or type :lol: I had their hair braided two months ago just took it down on Sunday and put a relaxer in it. I used ORS Olive OIl relaxer in their hair OMG!!!! their hair turned out beautiful, I do mean Beautiful. It's shiny, healthy looking I am really impressed with the results. Olive oil is all I used in my children's hair when they were babies and washed it once a week and their hair was thick, long and beautiful. I messed it up with chemicals. I have learned now how to correct the damage and I am so gald that I have you all. I have so many oils and hair products I don't know what to to. I have ordered MTG and it shoud be here any day now. I had the kids take pictures so that I can't ATTEMPED to get some posted. I even twisted my son's hair tonight. It looks just as good as it does when I pay $45.00 for someone else to it. I am so glad I found and have you to turn too. I had my ends clipped on Sunday and any other time I wouldn't. I forgot how thick my hair is until then. So what I lost some length. It will grow even faster now that it is healthy. I allow it to air dry when I wash it and I keep it in a bun. I have even been preching to a co-worker about her hair. And what makes it bad it's the some on I cried to just a month ago when I noticed my hair shedding. But she is listening to all the advice that I am giveing her. And it's all that I have learned from you. Maybe not personally, but it was personal enough for me to change some things, and incorporate some new. So Thank you for everything and keep up the good work. This is a new home for me and I hope to get to know and enjoy my new family.