A conflicted natural....Help a sista out...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I have been natural since 2004 and love been a natural. Three weeks ago I chopped off about 3 inches of hair because of the splits which I am attributing to use of that tangle teaser. Anywho just last few days I have been thinking whether or not to texlax my hair.

I dont know all of the sudden I think I want my hair straight. My natural hair is easy to manage so I wouldnt be perming or texlaxing just so my hair would be "easy" to manage. I dont know...I am a little conflicted right now and I dont want to put that creamy crack on my head and then regret it.

I dont know, maybe its because I chopped of a lot of hair recently thats got me having all kinds of thoughts... my hair was an inch above the bsl now still apl in some places.

Anyway for those that were natural for a short or long period of time and decided to perm or texlax. How did you finally come to you decision and how is it all working out for you now.

I normally I straighten my hair about once a hair and other times I just do roller sets then comb it out then do a twist out after. Take that off in the morning and that would last about a week. So not really a lot of direct heat because even roller sets are occassional.
ok I havent had my hair permed in a long long time so do you guys constantly use use heat when you are permed or texlaxed? or maybe I dont understand your question:perplexed: I am a bit lazy in that I wouldnt be ironing my hair all the time. Also the straightners are the reason why I had chewed up ends when I was young as I was on it daily.:look:
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I have been (am still on) on the rollercoaster-natural then relaxed then natural (had no idea what to do with it, before the coming of the 'innanet') then texlax(before it was called it) then natural then relaxed and now natural.

I am learning how to use heat responsibly. I am not trying to heat train-I love my 4ab hair with the curls and coils. I wont go back to chemicals b/c I am always disappointed. I use Mizani Thermasmooth. Have you tried that?

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Oh, I am 100% natural now. Transitioned for like a year and had oodles of breakage until I just had the relaxed ends chopped off.

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What style are you thinking about getting if you decide to relax your hair? If you like wearing it short, then it doesn't seem like a bad idea to relax. If you intend on growing your hair back out, then stay natural.

You are 3 inches, so even if you did relax, it will only put you back about 6 months.

I go back and forth sometimes, but once I sleep on the idea, I am glad I stayed natural.
Thanks readyone. I used to have it short when I was younger but now prefer it longer so I may need to sleep on it and not going to rush to the salon for a perm just yet.
^^ see thats the problem. I love my coils and as much as I think I want straight hair I would miss my coils:(

See if you want options, then you should try something that allows your hair to revert after a few months like a BKT or Zerran (a vegan straightening). I have considered doing that as my hair has reached a length where it would look nice straight. You could also experiment with roller sets - some girls get great results from them.

Otherwise, trying to relax isn't going to give you the options you want.
^^ BKT or Zerran(never heard of this though) these sound lke good options so I may have to do some research to find a descent salon in London that does them.
^^ see thats the problem. I love my coils and as much as I think I want straight hair I would miss my coils:(

That was my dilemma. Now with a little heat AND the right product, I get it straight for a week or 2, wash it and get my curlies back. Just a thought, check into the Mizani Thermasmooth 4 step system (I use steps 3/4). Its not the first coming, but it helps me stay away from the chemicals that burned the heck outta my hair and scalp.

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dont do it op - just have a press/ blow-dry or bkt for a week or two and see if this feeling passes. I was feeling like this a few weeks ago. It got so bad I went and got a Blow-dry and played with my hair for a bit then bored and back into twists. Still love my napps just as they are.
before going the bkt route i would suggest trying to wear your natural hair straight more often.
I went natural in 2007 because I wanted a change. I loved my natural hair. However, I texlaxed in Apr 2010 because I was having too many hair issues since joining the military in 2009. Wearing a wool hat & takin it on/off 20x a day had me looking a frizzy mess. Thats when I turned to pressing my hair weekly, but the GA humidity & working out 5x/week was too much stress (and heat) for me.

I texlaxed for convenience. Honestly, it was the best decision for me. I still have thickness to my hair, but its not a frizzy mess anymore. (I'm still tired of wearing a bun everday, but thats military life for ya). :look:

I'm sure you'll figure it out. Just don't do something on a whim, and regret it later. HTH
You should check out LongHairDontCare's YT page. She is natural and uses heat regularly to keep her hair straight. I don't think you neccessarily need chemicals to wear your hair straight. But it's your decision if it's something you really want to do I say go for it. As long as you have healthy hair practices your hair will thrive.