A Christmas Blessing for Each of You...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Dearest Ones: As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ

Know also, that He celebrates the love of each of you.

The time we spend with loved ones, God also spends with you too.

He's right there beside you; whether you are feeling happy or weary, sad or glad...

Whatever mode your life may be in, He's turning it around renewing the joys you never had.

Be not discouraged, nor fear the new coming year. God is right there, with His love so dear, as He whispers these words of Truth in your ear...

I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will bring order to your life. I will mend the heartaches, and all of the strife.

I will restore, and give to you brand new, the husband, the father, the mother, the sons and daughters, the loved ones, the dearest friends, you never knew.

I am the God of your Lives eternal, I will keep not back the promises I've made. (Psalm 89)

I am the God of your hearts; the Creator of newness of Life, I will bring without end, all that I've promised you.

Remember, I have called you, My Love and My Friend.

Be at peace; release every care and Trust Me for I will not let you down.

My Birth, My Life, My Walk, My Death and Resurrection, my shed Blood, confirms it all.

Blessings my Beloved Ones. My name is still Emanuel (God with Us), for I am still "He"; the One who has come and still here among you to stay. :heart2:

Angels...for you. Be Blessed...


:heart2: Happy Birthday Jesus :heart2:
It's all about You!

Oh! My! Goodness!!!! Holy Day Blessings to you and yours! I thank our LORD for you! There's so much going on and the LORD is SOOOO FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISES! One day I will tell it but I don't have the physical capacity to tell it all at once because then I get overwhelmed with humility and gratitude and emotion and worshiipppppp!!!!!! My GOD!!!!

I love you dearly and I love your precious, loving spirit and I pray the Lord's blessings upon you for a safe and enjoyable holiday season and for a prosperous, healthy, and happy 2009!!!!

Peace and love always....

Oh! My! Goodness!!!! Holy Day Blessings to you and yours! I thank our LORD for you! There's so much going on and the LORD is SOOOO FAITHFUL TO HIS PROMISES! One day I will tell it but I don't have the physical capacity to tell it all at once because then I get overwhelmed with humility and gratitude and emotion and worshiipppppp!!!!!! My GOD!!!!

I love you dearly and I love your precious, loving spirit and I pray the Lord's blessings upon you for a safe and enjoyable holiday season and for a prosperous, healthy, and happy 2009!!!!

Peace and love always....

And to you my 'little sister', more love and blessings to you and 'yours'...

Many blessings to you Shimmie. Ya know me and Christ share the same birthday? :giggle: I'm so special! :giggle:

Seriously, when most people find out my birthday is on Christmas they frown and ask me what it feels like to get jipped (sp) out of birthday and christmas gifts. I have never felt slighted at the least. :nono: I love my saviour so deeply and the older I get the more I feel a connection to His spirit and Love for me.

I do believe that God is moving in a powerful way and I, NaTasha believe with all my heart and soul every TRUTH that you have stated:
I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will bring order to your life. I will mend the heartaches, and all of the strife.

I will restore, and give to you brand new, the husband, the father, the mother, the sons and daughters, the loved ones, the dearest friends, you never knew.

I am the God of your Lives eternal, I will keep not back the promises I've made. (Psalm 89)

I am the God of your hearts; the Creator of newness of Life, I will bring without end, all that I've promised you.

Remember, I have called you, My Love and My Friend.

Be at peace; release every care and Trust Me for I will not let you down.

My Birth, My Life, My Walk, My Death and Resurrection, my shed Blood, confirms it all.

Blessings my Beloved Ones. My name is still Emanuel (God with Us), for I am still "He"; the One who has come and still here among you to stay.


Oh, Shimmie! Did I tell you that the origin of my name NaTasha means Christ's Birthday....hmmmm? :giggle: I don't have anything major going on that will make me so happy; but God's love has me on cloud nine! :cloud9:

Happy Holidays Shimmy Shimmy!
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I enjoyed your post and the video! It's truly a time to celebrate-it is still amazing to think that Christ came to earth to redeem and reconcile-not because He had to, but because He loved us. Now THAT'S a gift!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

How come everytime I see one of your threads,
I know I'm gonna be blessed by reading it?

Proverbs 31 Lady, thank you.


Many blessings to you Shimmie. Ya know me and Christ share the same birthday? :giggle: I'm so special! :giggle:

Seriously, when most people find out my birthday is on Christmas they frown and ask me what it feels like to get jipped (sp) out of birthday and christmas gifts. I have never felt slighted at the least. :nono: I love my saviour so deeply and the older I get the more I feel a connection to His spirit and Love for me.

I do believe that God is moving in a powerful way and I, NaTasha believe with all my heart and soul every TRUTH that you have stated:


Oh, Shimmie! Did I tell you that the origin of my name NaTasha means Christ's Birthday....hmmmm? :giggle: I don't have anything major going on that will make me so happy; but God's love has me on cloud nine! :cloud9:

Happy Holidays Shimmy Shimmy!

Wow.... how beautiful, how precious, how sweet..... '"NaTasha" ...Christ's Birthday, upon which you were born. :love2:

I must say that I am quite honored to have and ot know you as one of my 'little' sisters.

God bless you.....
:Rose: NaTasha" :kiss:
Happy Birthday to you.
May all of your birthday wishes come true.
And they will, :yep:
for they are being granted
by our Lord above
with all of His love.
I enjoyed your post and the video! It's truly a time to celebrate-it is still amazing to think that Christ came to earth to redeem and reconcile-not because He had to, but because He loved us. Now THAT'S a gift!

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

So amazing it is, Sashaa08 :yep:

And so are you and your loved ones. Happy Jesus to you :grouphug2:
This really touched my heart this morning....:cry3: Thank you for your faithfulness and sisterhood in Christ.
God Bless You Always.....

Thanks Shimmie:kiss:...May you have a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!!!!!:Rose:
:kiss: Merry Christmas and Happy Jesus to you too, Pretty Pink Pebbles. :Rose:

You know what? I have a favorite pair of earrings which have delicate pink crystals for their stones and I love them and I have a set of hair combs to match them...your name PinkPebbles, makes me think of them. I'll be wearing them for New Year's. And I will think of you during our New Year's prayer. :pray: :Rose:
Is it just me or does anyone else like it when Shimmie calls us "precious lambs"?? :lol:

Too cute! Merry Christmas!
This really touched my heart this morning....:cry3: Thank you for your faithfulness and sisterhood in Christ.
God Bless You Always.....

And you truly have touched my heart. Your name speaks true of you, for you are Blessed2bless, which is what you naturally do, you bless everyone who knows and come into contact with you.

God bless you for your faithfulness and most of all you Heart and Willingness to be who you are for Jesus.

Happy Jesus to you and all of those you love; I pray the full and overflow of love and peace and understanding right back to you from 'the One' you behold so dear; they're not lost.... :kiss:
Is it just me or does anyone else like it when Shimmie calls us "precious lambs"?? :lol:

Too cute! Merry Christmas!
:kiss: Precious Lambs, you truly are. And there is no love that can be withheld from you. For MizzBrown, you walk in love and love walks in you.

Yes, :yep: it does and "Love" loves you, so much so that it has found its home in you and will live inside of you forever.

You are a Precious Lamb.....of love. :kiss:

Happy Jesus to you... :giveheart:
Dearest Ones: As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ

Know also, that He celebrates the love of each of you.

The time we spend with loved ones, God also spends with you too.

He's right there beside you; whether you are feeling happy or weary, sad or glad...

Whatever mode your life may be in, He's turning it around renewing the joys you never had.

Be not discouraged, nor fear the new coming year. God is right there, with His love so dear, as He whispers these words of Truth in your ear...

I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will bring order to your life. I will mend the heartaches, and all of the strife.

I will restore, and give to you brand new, the husband, the father, the mother, the sons and daughters, the loved ones, the dearest friends, you never knew.

I am the God of your Lives eternal, I will keep not back the promises I've made. (Psalm 89)

I am the God of your hearts; the Creator of newness of Life, I will bring without end, all that I've promised you.

Remember, I have called you, My Love and My Friend.

Be at peace; release every care and Trust Me for I will not let you down.

My Birth, My Life, My Walk, My Death and Resurrection, my shed Blood, confirms it all.

Blessings my Beloved Ones. My name is still Emanuel (God with Us), for I am still "He"; the One who has come and still here among you to stay. :heart2:

Angels...for you. Be Blessed...


:heart2: Happy Birthday Jesus :heart2:
It's all about You!

God Bless you Shimmie you and your family your post truly Blessed me this part here has blessed me!
I am making a copy of this now! Thank you!

Shimmie when God says I put your tears in my bottle he truly, truly does!:yep: 2008 Shimmie, Gurl I shedded a WHOLE lot of Tears:yep:
Many blessings to you Shimmie. Ya know me and Christ share the same birthday? :giggle: I'm so special! :giggle:

Seriously, when most people find out my birthday is on Christmas they frown and ask me what it feels like to get jipped (sp) out of birthday and christmas gifts. I have never felt slighted at the least. :nono: I love my saviour so deeply and the older I get the more I feel a connection to His spirit and Love for me.

I do believe that God is moving in a powerful way and I, NaTasha believe with all my heart and soul every TRUTH that you have stated:


Oh, Shimmie! Did I tell you that the origin of my name NaTasha means Christ's Birthday....hmmmm? :giggle: I don't have anything major going on that will make me so happy; but God's love has me on cloud nine! :cloud9:

Happy Holidays Shimmy Shimmy!

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Natasha!:yep:
God Bless you Shimmie you and your family your post truly Blessed me this part here has blessed me!
I am making a copy of this now! Thank you!

Shimmie when God says I put your tears in my bottle he truly, truly does!:yep: 2008 Shimmie, Gurl I shedded a WHOLE lot of Tears:yep:

Awwwwww, :bighug: :grouphug2:

Your tears are 'Highly Favored' of the Lord...and this is not a 'play' upon words, nor upon your name. For when you cry, God cries, and when you smile, God smiles there with you too..... even your 'giggles' :giggle: give Him much joy.

Happy blessings, precious one of God...Happy joys, Happy Christmas, all to you and for those whom you love. Love and Favor are not in short supply for you, not by a measure. Highly Favored and God's treasure, you are. :giveheart:
Thank you Highly Favored! :) May your holiday be filled with much love and happiness. It is my prayer that in 2009 you will reap the produce of your tears. For the tears that you shed in 2008 were merely needed to water the faith seeds that God has planted in your life. Your tears were not in vain :nono: and surely you will reap a good harvest in 2009!!! :yep:

Psalms 126:5-6
Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He who continually goes forth weeping, bearing seed for sowing, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. (NKJ)

Be blessed my friend.

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Natasha!:yep:
Such encouraging words for what can be a lonely time for some. But the Lord is faithful! Thanks as always Shimmie, :hug3:

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dearest Ones: As we celebrate the Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ

Know also, that He celebrates the love of each of you.

The time we spend with loved ones, God also spends with you too.

He's right there beside you; whether you are feeling happy or weary, sad or glad...

Whatever mode your life may be in, He's turning it around renewing the joys you never had.

Be not discouraged, nor fear the new coming year. God is right there, with His love so dear, as He whispers these words of Truth in your ear...

I am with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I will bring order to your life. I will mend the heartaches, and all of the strife.

I will restore, and give to you brand new, the husband, the father, the mother, the sons and daughters, the loved ones, the dearest friends, you never knew.

I am the God of your Lives eternal, I will keep not back the promises I've made. (Psalm 89)

I am the God of your hearts; the Creator of newness of Life, I will bring without end, all that I've promised you.

Remember, I have called you, My Love and My Friend.

Be at peace; release every care and Trust Me for I will not let you down.

My Birth, My Life, My Walk, My Death and Resurrection, my shed Blood, confirms it all.

Blessings my Beloved Ones. My name is still Emanuel (God with Us), for I am still "He"; the One who has come and still here among you to stay. :heart2:

Angels...for you. Be Blessed...


:heart2: Happy Birthday Jesus :heart2:
It's all about You!