A cheaters moment on Benny Hinn


Well-Known Member
I missed wife swap last night but I caught Benny Hinn.

This African lady was standing before BH so I guess she had been healed of some sort of ailment. BH walked over to her with his hands stretched out about to touch her face but then he quickly folded his arms and said to the lady, you are here with a man? She nodded her head yes, BH said where is he? She pointed to the audience. He said oh, the Lord says you live with him? She said yes, and BH said but you are not married to him. :perplexed :confused: She held her head down and shock her head no. So Benny stood there for a few moments and said God does not want you to live with him anymore you need to marry him or move out. She just looked at BH. Then BH said oh wait he is already married, you are living with someone elses husand. :eek: :lol:

He went on to minister to her that all of her sins are forgiven get out of this situation, you are damaging your child by dwelling in this sinfulness.

The Holy Ghost is awesome!
gn1g said:
I missed wife swap last night but I caught Benny Hinn.

This African lady was standing before BH so I guess she had been healed of some sort of ailment. BH walked over to her with his hands stretched out about to touch her face but then he quickly folded his arms and said to the lady, you are here with a man? She nodded her head yes, BH said where is he? She pointed to the audience. He said oh, the Lord says you live with him? She said yes, and BH said but you are not married to him. :perplexed :confused: She held her head down and shock her head no. So Benny stood there for a few moments and said God does not want you to live with him anymore you need to marry him or move out. She just looked at BH. Then BH said oh wait he is already married, you are living with someone elses husand. :eek: :lol:

He went on to minister to her that all of her sins are forgiven get out of this situation, you are damaging your child by dwelling in this sinfulness.

The Holy Ghost is awesome!

Oh wow oh wow oh wow!!!
gn1g said:
I missed wife swap last night but I caught Benny Hinn.

This African lady was standing before BH so I guess she had been healed of some sort of ailment. BH walked over to her with his hands stretched out about to touch her face but then he quickly folded his arms and said to the lady, you are here with a man? She nodded her head yes, BH said where is he? She pointed to the audience. He said oh, the Lord says you live with him? She said yes, and BH said but you are not married to him. :perplexed :confused: She held her head down and shock her head no. So Benny stood there for a few moments and said God does not want you to live with him anymore you need to marry him or move out. She just looked at BH. Then BH said oh wait he is already married, you are living with someone elses husand. :eek: :lol:

He went on to minister to her that all of her sins are forgiven get out of this situation, you are damaging your child by dwelling in this sinfulness.

The Holy Ghost is awesome!

Although I am NOT a fan of Benny Hinn, I am proud to see how the Lord moved in this woman's life, through using His servant, Benny Hinn! PRAISE GOD WHO CAN DO ALL THINGS!:)
Shimmie said:
God loves that woman...;)
Yes he does and BH told her so. He told her to go and sin no more she is forgiven. He said God has a GOOD MAN for you a better MAN!

Adultery and fornication are rampant in this world, but if people would think that for one you are hurting someone else, and #2 the reproach of adultry is forever, Proverbs 6:32. Yes you may be able to hide it from people but not God. He is all seeing and all knowing. And the other thing that keeps me from a sinful life is seed time and harvest times. Or as my mom would say what goes around comes around, what goes up must come down. The golden rule is real.

One of my favorite scriptures is "For the ways of man are before the Lord , and he examines his paths. (Proverbs 5:21) God knows ALL.
He told her to go and sin no more she is forgiven Interesting...Benny Hin told her this exact line? Wow. Now this is why I am NOT a fan of BH.

Anyway...happy that this all came to light for the woman..now she can move on.
TrustMeLove said:
He told her to go and sin no more she is forgiven Interesting...Benny Hin told her this exact line? Wow. Now this is why I am NOT a fan of BH.

Anyway...happy that this all came to light for the woman..now she can move on.

No he didn't say those exact words, he was basically ministering to her saying that God forgives her and that if she continues in her lifestyle it would damage her child.
Why are some peole against Benny Hinn? Not trying to start anything, just curious. Someone told me to read one of his books, "Good Morning Holy Spirit"

togethernessinchrist said:
Why are some peole against Benny Hinn? Not trying to start anything, just curious. Someone told me to read one of his books, "Good Morning Holy Spirit"


Good Morning Holy Spirit is actually an excellent book about how he came to the Lord and His experience with the Holy Spirit.

People are always going to have opinions about who they like or don't like. No matter what, as Christians, we must be 'careful' with what comes out of our mouths, especially about other Christians.

The book of Jude in the Bible is a good book for this.

Be blessed!
MindTwister said:
I found this video of Benny Hinn on Youtube


I'm sorry but this is hilarious but someone obviously does not like the man. I'm not familiar with his ministry but it seems he has a healing ministry. Has any of you been to his Church or know more about his work?

The Lord uses him for His purpose. That's really all I know about Benny Hinn.
MindTwister said:
I found this video of Benny Hinn on Youtube


I'm sorry but this is hilarious but someone obviously does not like the man. I'm not familiar with his ministry but it seems he has a healing ministry. Has any of you been to his Church or know more about his work?

Ok that was funny. I was waiting for people to start levetating. He looked like he was knocking the mess out of people.:lol: Never been to his church but he's been around forever. That man has to be 100 years old. He looks great.
sprungonhairboards said:
Ok that was funny. I was waiting for people to start levetating. He looked like he was knocking the mess out of people.:lol: Never been to his church but he's been around forever. That man has to be 100 years old. He looks great.
I guess what is happening in that video is what people called being "slained in the spirit"?
Heard this term before but dunno what it is exactly
MindTwister said:
I guess what is happening in that video is what people called being "slained in the spirit"?
Heard this term before but dunno what it is exactly

Yeah thats what it's supposed to be. I'm not sure I buy it coming from him though. He just doesn't seem right to me.:perplexed I could be wrong though, wouldnt be the first time :lol:
togethernessinchrist said:
Why are some peole against Benny Hinn? Not trying to start anything, just curious. Someone told me to read one of his books, "Good Morning Holy Spirit"


I hear what you're saying... I think that some people don't like BH because they don't feel the power of the Holy spirit in their own lives. We have so many Western denominations that believe "signs" and "wonders" from the Holy Spirit died with the Books of Acts (ie first followers).

I personally don't knock BH 'cause I know God moves through different people in different ways. Plus, I have never heard him take credit for what happens, nor have I heard him be prideful about the gifts God has given him. I don't watch him often, but the few times that I've heard him speak/heal it seems like he is in line with the way that I have interpreted the Scriptures. JMO...
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