
Well-Known Member
I would like to extend my THANK YOU to all of you wonderful wonderful ladies! I am literally tryin not shed tears right now (I know I am a lil dramatic :spinning:)!! I am just so thankful for each and every single one of you!!

Let me start off by explaining my situation:

I am a newbie to this site and I joined b/c I wanted to take better care of my hair.. I want to grow it out to APL maybe.. BSL and my father thinks its impossible b/c I don't have "good hair" but lets not dwell on my fathers ignorance... My first stop was youtube! I saw dozens of AFAM women with long beautiful hair! but most of their video focused on protein treatments. So thats what I did.

my first regimen--> :wasntme:
co wash 1x a week
Protein 2x a week
DC 1x a week

I know Horrible!!!! My hair was literally breaking off!!! I thought it was due to me being 5 weeks post! but a member named SELF STYLED (I hope u don't me posting your name) mentioned to me that I need to lay off the protein. With her advice I did some research :user: and found a AMAZING article on breaking vs shedding and protein vs mositure!! I loved it! i followed her tips to to repair my hair.

this weekend I pre poo with VO5 moisture milks and oil mixture (FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE) I clarified (FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE), I used Suave clarifying shampoo.. HATED IT!!! (if anyone out there likes this stuff u can HAVE IT, just PM me) then I used what I thought was a moisturizing shampoo, but its actually a chelating shampoo. then I conditioned with Tresemme and DC with ORS replenishing pak. Then I used a my pre poo as my leave in (b/c I don't have one yet). Moisturized and sealed.. I ACTUALLY SEALED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!! (there go the dramatics..again) my hair is doing WAY better!!!! and its only been 2 days!! I will post pics after I do this for a while so i can notice a significant improvement! :yay:

Note: I am still looking for a good moisturizing shampoo!!

Thank you so much!!!!! I really appreciate you all!!!!
hang in there smwrigh3, your victory will soon be. i have started over numerous times, at least three, and i noticed along the way what worked for me and what did not. right now i am still transitioning again and i am at the bottom of neck length. this is great because i found that when i grew my hair long whiled i was permed i hated dealing with it. i tried everything out there to see what worked for me and i really believe that being natural and using only natural products works for me. currently i have had my hair in protective styling since may and will continue until december. so hey, you have to find what works for you and don't worry about your father. once you find what works for you he better watch out and get ready to apologize.
Try, try, and try again. NTM (Neutrogena) shampoo is as close as I can find to a decent moisturizing shampoo. CON green label was #1 until they changed the formula. You will find more that works as you take the journey. Set backs are no fun but trying new suggestions is. You can do it. Welcome :theteam:
I love Elucence Moisture Benefits Shampoo it leaves my hair soft, detangled, and moisturized. You can get it at Curl Mart for $12 (33oz) and the bottle has lasted me more than a year!

Good luck on your hair journey!
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Thank yall so much!!!! I trucking along!! My mother never told me anything about hair care, I didn't know about silk scarves until my freshman yr of college, but we are learning together and I have you all to help.. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!