A Bevy of Reviews


New Member
Hi guys...

I've had tons of reviews to do for too long now and I keep trying stuff so I have to do this or the post is going to be ten pages long....

So here goes:

VO5 Daily Hair Recovery - 8/10. This is a great conditioner. Really good. And cheap too! It goes on feeling so-so and then when you rinse it out you get the most amazing slip. My only trouble with it is the smell and it loses a point because it doesn't have as much slip as some other conditioners I've tried. It is good tho!

Neutrogena Triple Moisture Leave In Cream: 8/10. Also an excellent product. I'm a Salerm fan - but I noticed my hair felt a bit strange lately. Since I know how my hair is, and thought perhaps the protein in the Salerm was the culprit for my recent mild ends tweakage, I was looking for another creamy leave in (I find these work better than watery ones since my hair got longer) and this one fit the bill. Well - it's not Salerm - but it IS GOOD. Great smell, great detangling, great on rollersets. Made my hair a little crunchy on the airdry tip tho....still testing.

Neutrogena Triple Moisture Serum: 9/10. It is indeed - magic in a bottle. It completely changes the "feel" of the hair after it's applied. It doesn't give as much shine as some others I've used (Alfa Parf Semi di Lino, Smooth and Shine, Aveda) but it is good. I would definitely purchase it again.

L'Occitane Ultra Rich Hair Cream: 9/10. This really is an excellent product. It gives the hair a wonderful shine. Smells good and really gives the hair a nice finish in a rollerset. It also works beautifully as a leave in. The only problem is how much I love it, the fact that I just can't afford to spent $20 on 5 ounces of product right now. But it's excellent. The other complaint? Packaging. It comes in a little tin - and it's a pain in the butt to open that thing, apply the product and close while standing in the shower....but it GREAT on the hair. Really good.

Aveda Brilliant Finishing Gloss: 9/10. Love the stuff! It goes on like water and moisturizes (which serums don't often do). It smells great too. Me gusta. Again - the only drawback is price.

Suave Milk and Honey: 10/10. I can't say enough good things about this product. I said I would only give 10's to products that could cause me to forsake old staples and amazingly - Suave fits the bill (of course I WON'T
but if I had to scale down I'd buy buckets of Suave M&H). It's CHEAP, it smells delicious, it's not too heavy, but it moisturizes and detangles like a dream. I've used it as a deep conditioner, a rinse out, a conditioner wash conditioner, a preshampoo, and a leave in. It performed fantastically on all counts.

Fantasia Tea Tree Naturals Shampoo: 7/10. Great on my scalp - not so great on my hair. It felt ok after the wash - but the truth is I've only used it twice so I have to suspend a final judgment until I've given it a good spin. It really does help with itchy irritated scalps though. And psychologically - I like the idea that it stimulates the scalp (it contains tea tree, peppermint AND rosemary - a ll great stimulants).

Lanza PP (the new formula - this is a second try because the my PP stash is finally running out after 9 months and I can't find anymore): 7/10. It's not as bad as I thought it was when I first tried it - but it's still not the old PP. The old version cleaned BEAUTIFULLY (I'm all about squeaky clean hair) but it also left the stands smooth - no rough "just shampooed" feeling. The new Lanza leaves the hair a little less smooth but it's still better than a lot of shampoo's I've been road testing over the past few weeks. I may just make the switch to the new Lanza formula. But I'm still undecided.

CD Healthy Hair Butter: 5/10. Just TOO waxy and heavy. Good for my edges when I aridry in a ponytail but serves no other purpose. It's hard to wash out too.
I imagine it's be great on thicker or natural hair but even then I wouldn't recommend it anywhere but on the hairline.

CD Mimosa Hair Honey: 5/10. A little lighter - but also a lot greasier then the Hair Butter. I just don't like her hair products at all.

Aveda Sap Moss Detangling Conditioner: 6/10. I can tell the intentions were good with this product - but it's just too runny to do what it says it will on the back of the bottle. It's a decent detangler though, and has good ingredients. I just have better conditioners in my arsenal and I can't give Aveda a higher score - because too many other conditioners beat the PANTS off it in terms of detangling, moisture., and feel.....they get and E for effort and a 6.

So you have a sense of what I'm comparing things to - I love Salerm as a leave in; Kenra MC, Dudley's Moisturizing Conditioner, Pantene R&N, Keracare Humecto, NACIDIT Olive Oil, Diez en Uno, and St. Ives Vanilla and Edelweiss, and Dove as my "most of the time" conditioners. Lanza PP (the old version) is my standing poo. I normally clarify with Fantasia Pure Tea Shampoo but my REAL fav is Lanza Deep Cleansing (just not sure which one it is now that they changed the line all around - or if it's even the same formula). I use Dudley's PCA or Salerm Dry Ends Treatment on my ends.

alliyah4eva203 said:
great review. have you tried the neutrogena triple moisture deep recovery hair mask?

[/ QUOTE ]


Denali - I'm sorry baby. Just in time for payday too....

I promised y'all I wouldn't do this....

Tami - I but Salerm at my local BSS or the salon. I don't know where it can be found otherwise.
It's all good.. I have a $20 Walmart gift certificate (don't ask) Neutrogena is about to be my new middle name
Tami said:
where do they sale Salerm i've never seen it?

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks for the reviews, Tracy!!
I may have to give that Suave conditioner a try...

Tami, if you can't find the Salerm21 at a BSS, you can order it from Metrobeauty.com
Thanks HAIRTWIN for the reviews.
I was about to try out Carol's Daughter product but I think I will pass.
I will be restocking the Salerm 21 and Nacidit conditioner.
I bought Redken Butter Treat(on sale $7.00) so I got two and Suave Milk and Honey Today.

Your reviews were A+!! Thanks so much for all the great information. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Suave Milk and Honey conditioner. I found it at Target for something like .75 on sale, scooped up 4 bottles and only wish I had bought more. The smell is divine and the results on my hair were awesome!!! I'm glad that Suave made both the Milk and Honey and the Citrus Smoothie Conditioners. They are new great finds for me!

Much, much love to you..as always

Great reviews Tracy.

I'm glad you're loving the Suave Milk & Honey Conditioner as much as I am. So inexpensive, yet so darn good.

So, the Neutrogena Triple Moisture Serum is really magic in a bottle.
Looks like I may have to give this one a try. My staple serum is Smooth 'N Shine (which I 've been using for so long).

I'm still loving my Fantasia Pure Tea Shampoo for clarifying. My hair seems to love being 'squeaky clean' before it gets loaded up with conditioner. Keeps my hair and scalp in check.
Wow Tracy,

you're doing a hell of a job with these reviews. Thanks so much, I really want to give the Suave m+h a try.
The Aveda Brilliant Serum is pretty pricey, however, I recently got a good deal on ebay, 3 new bottles for $25, that's the price for one!!!
I purchased a bottle of Neutrogena Triple Moisture Healing Shine Serum today (aka magic in a bottle). I can't wait to give it a try.
Labett - girl you won't be sorry about the M&H - and if you are, it's less than 2 bucks!!!! Girl after I used it I RAN back the the store for more!!!! I almost cleaned out the stash!!! I only bought what I bought cuz I couldn't carry anymore.

Jade - It is SO nice to see you around. I always smile when I see your posts....
Another M&H fan...
I know what you mean about buying more. I can't wait until I move and there's Target, and Walmart -- all accessible via a short drive by my SO!
Much love back atcha my little workaholic!

Allandra - I'm SO glad you're doing well with the Fantasia. I like it too - but I'm addicted to the feel of my hair with Lanza shampoos...I'm spoiled...
It is a great clarfier tho. Your review of M&H is what made me buy it - so thank YOU!

Blax - Did you get that Mocha??? Do you love it? I LOVE that color... but I promise I won't be doing many reviews on MAC for now. I wore them out for YEARS, so I'm trying out other lines....but I'll be baaaaackkkkkk!

So1913 - You little DEVIL! Now for THAT price I'd buy ten of them!!! Cuz I'm extra like that.

NAY007, naomi, Blax - I'm sure you guys will love the M&H. It's just a superior product - especialy for the price. I am officially in

All of my lovelies are quite welcome for the reviews. I aim to please - and clean out my daggone bank account!
I tried the Suave Milk and Honey and my hair just loved it.
I will difinitely get some more at 96 cents can beat the price.
LOL. I know, I couldn't pass that deal up when I saw it a couple of weeks ago! (Ok, you can have the next batch on sale :)
DANG tracy, did you win the lotto or something

Thanks for the reviews. I'm putting my wallet DOWN for the next 5 months.
Well, tracy, you got me on Dove which is great. NOW you have me wanting this Suave stuff, and I have JUST BOUGHT 2 bottles of their Vanilla Almond condtioner. I knew I should have come to the board before I went shopping this morning...
Well, I just checked and they don't have it at drugstore.com. I guess I'll be on the lookout at the brick-and-mortar stores.
2 honeydrop....I know honey...I'm sorry - I didn't even realize it was Friday until Denali posted.... Sorry pumpkin...

so1913 - Thank you chica...I'll keep an eye out.

No CH - no lottery....I've just forfeited all other forms of sustenance (like food and lights
) in favor of the thing that TRULY keeps me alive. Hair products.

I'm so glad people are liking the M&H....but I got the idea from Allandra and sG - so we have them to thank.
Thanks for the reviews, Tracy! I went to Walmart and the section where the Milk and Honey conditioner used to be, was bare. There was plenty of M&H shampoo. No conditioner.

Tracy, are you still using the Redken Smooth Down Butter Treat?
Not now...can't afford it. You see where my money's been going...!

But I still love it the same. The M&H is as good if not better tho. Keep looking...