9" I'm so EXCITED!!!


Well-Known Member
:grin: I just measured the front of my hair because I had been waiting until I could pull that front bang under my chin. So I just did it and it is just under the chin so I got the measuring tape and measured from the root and I got 9" man I feel great. the back is only 8 because i did a trim last month or the beginning of the month don't remember but I never touch the front because I was not having any problems with it. Oh i am so happy it is not 12 but I will take the 9.:spinning:
Congrats OP on the 9" and you will get to your goals!!! Please keep us updated: I have to confess that when you said 9" I didn't automatically think about HAIR. Dirty mind...... what can I say...... :D :D :D
Congrats OP on the 9" and you will get to your goals!!! Please keep us updated: I have to confess that when you said 9" I didn't automatically think about HAIR. Dirty mind...... what can I say...... :D :D :D

:snuggle:You bad bad girl you ROFL!!!! this is the hair board you might have thought you were on the other site lol