9 Christians Slaughtered In S. Carolina

I wonder how this will impact church attendance/bible study. Will metal detectors start appearing in church? Will security be heightened in any way? Copy cat murders? It's just so sad.

Even with all of the mechanical / technical / armed guards... we still have and will always need the power of prayer, the full armour of God and even more, God's sovereign love and His Word.

I believe the message is that we must keep our guard up and yet we must still trust God and we will yet still serve and worship Him. Prayer hasn't lost it's power; and the devil is still a liar.
I'm loss for words, my condolences to all the families involved. Hate is a terrible thing. I hope the shooter finds peace because he will forever have nine souls on his conscience.:afro:
Just tacking this on here. No need for a new thread, but many have been killed in the Americas for eons:



Archbishop Kelvin Felix, who has been the head of the Catholic Church in St Lucia for the past eight years, came close to death as he was preparing to enter his car. A 26-year-old man has been apprehended and is to be charged with attempted murder.

Felix’s Roman Collar was cut off his neck by the lone assailant. According to the St Lucia Police, the Roman Collar saved the Archbishop’s life. The incident occurred at 7.45 pm while Felix was speaking to a man on Peynier Street, Castries. A man walked up to the Archbishop and locked his neck. The assailant slashed at Felix’s throat but managed to just cut off the Roman Collar before running away. Witnesses said the man had been lurking around the Cathedral all Wednesday.

On December 31, 2000, two men attacked worshippers at the same cathedral during midnight mass, setting the church ablaze and killing Irish nun Sister Teresa Egan, aged 72. Father Charles Gaillard, who was offering prayers on the altar, suffered burns to his face and had to be flown to neighbouring Martinique for treatment.

Fr Gaillard returned to St Lucia but succumbed to a heart attack in April 2001. Two men — Kim John, 25, and Francis Phillip, 39, were found guilty of murder and sentenced to death and are awaiting execution at the island prison. They said they were sent by God to combat corruption in the Catholic Church.



Men Attack Worshipers at St. Lucia Cathedral, Killing One
Published: January 1, 2001

CASTRIES, St. Lucia, Dec. 31— Men wielding machetes stormed the Roman Catholic cathedral in St. Lucia's capital during Mass today, hacking worshipers and setting some on fire with a blowtorch and fuel. A nun from Ireland was killed and at least 12 others were wounded, the police and witnesses said.

More than 400 people were attending Mass in Castries Cathedral, and many were lined up in the aisles to receive Communion, when the attackers entered the church, the police said.

One of the men doused worshipers with what appeared to be kerosene or gasoline, while another used a blowtorch to set them on fire, witnesses said. The men burned the carpet running down the center aisle.

The attackers then made their way to the altar, where they set fire to the priest, the Rev. Charles Gaillard. He was said later to be in a hospital in serious condition with severe burns.

The police identified the dead nun as Sister Theresa Egan, 72, of Ireland. It was not immediately clear how she died. At least 12 people were hospitalized, the police said.


Mexican Catholics Attack Pentecostal Church and Congregation With Sledgehammers and Pick-Axes
A gang of Catholics reportedly attacked Pentecostal Christians with rods and stones in Oaxaca, Mexico at the beginning of November.

According to Mexican human rights officials, the traditionalistic Catholic mob attacked the Christians' unfinished church using sledgehammers and pick-axes to vandalize the structure, according to Morning Star News. Additionally, four Christians were jailed for four days according to the National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR).

The NCHR reported in a statement that the attacks were instigated by San Juan Ozolotepec President, Pedro Cruz Gonzalez, who "ordered the demolishing of their temple, the lynching, incarceration and torture of the followers of the religious congregation."

Alfredo Alonso, whose family has been victimized for years under Cruz Gonzalez, said that in 2011, the leader had tried to shut down the construction of a Pentecostal church building. Gonzales had also threatened to expel other Christians from the city, and had blocked them from accessing government food aid programs.



Honduras: Christians experience threat, danger in one of the world's most violent cities
Source: www.assistnews.net

Date: 2013-04-18

By Kenneth D. MacHarg
Special to ASSIST News Service

SAN PEDRO SULA, HONDURAS (ANS) -- The large type, appropriately black, shouted the message across the front page of the newspaper. "12 More Bodies Found Dead in One Day."

Another vicious killing, this time at a soccer game where no one is safe in this city.

It was a typical, almost daily news bulletin in this second-largest Honduran city. With each passing day the death toll from the country's out-of-control violence mounts.

Everywhere one turns beefed-up security is visible: guards armed with machine guns outside of supermarkets and pharmacies; entrances to tranquil-appearing residential neighborhoods protected by three or four armed guards, vicious looking dogs and roads blocked by chains; electrically charged barbed wire atop walls surrounding houses; and people riding in bullet-proofed cars driven by heavily armed men.

Such is life in what has been termed the world's most violent city where drug-fueled gangs fight it out on city streets, feuds between Mexican drug cartels break out into violent conflict and innocent shoppers or church goers are victims of "express kidnappings" in which victims are driven to ATM machines and ordered to empty their accounts.

"Many people point to the irony that they have become prisoners (in their homes) while, because of the failures in the justice system, the criminals roam free," said Jill Powis, a Honduras-base human rights worker in an interview with the Guardian Weekly newspaper.

In May, Cruz Gonzalez threatened to "burn [Christians] and throw their bodies into a canyon if they did not renounce their faith." After Christians spoke up and called for state intervention, Cruz Gonzalez jailed a church member for speaking out.

Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. Shot, Killed While Preaching During Church Service In Lake Charles Louisiana

LAKE CHARLES, La. — A Louisiana pastor was fatally shot as he preached to a crowd of more than 60 during a revival service and a suspect has been arrested, law enforcement officials said Saturday.

The shooting at about 8:20 p.m. Friday was at Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center in Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Myers said Saturday. Sixty-five people were inside at the time, including the victim's wife, said Chief Deputy Stitch Guillory.

Deputies have no information on a motive or on whether the preacher and suspect knew each other, Myers said.

Myers said Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. was shot twice by the gunman. The man went into the church while Harris was preaching and "walked up to him and shot him at close range," Myers said. The suspect shot him again when Harris fell to the floor.



Vatican police chief confirms ISIS threat to Pope Francis

The head of Vatican security has said ISIS militants have threatened the Vatican, but there are no indications of any planned attack.

The Vatican gendarmes, Swiss Guards and the Italian state police that patrol the perimeter of Vatican City State are always on high alert, said Domenico Giani, the commander of the gendarme and the Pope’s chief bodyguard.

“There are not only the threats of ISIS, but also the risk of action by individuals, which is more dangerous because it is unpredictable,” he said in an interview for the March edition of Polizia Moderna, the monthly magazine of the Italian state police.

For months, there have been rumors of threats against the Vatican or Pope Francis by the ISIS militants who are attacking Christians, other religious minorities and Muslims they do not agree with in Syria and Iraq.



Global leaders fail to protect Christians

It is the responsibility of governments to protect their citizens, regardless of their faith or religion. Global leaders have failed badly to protect Christians. The recent 148 students murdered at the Garissa University College in Kenya by Al Shabaab militants, while the global media and many world leaders are silent, is a growing global trend.

According to Open Door USA, a 60-year-old non-profit humanitarian organisation, 180 Christians are killed each month. At least 100 million are facing possible dire consequences for their faith. According to their reports, the US State Department say that Christians face persecution in over 60 countries from their governments and neighbours simply because of their faith.

With economic constraints being felt by the West - and in particular by the Caribbean nations - some Caribbean nations are now selling citizenship. Christians need to be vigilant and be very wise in how they vote and from whom they purchase.

Many global leaders are failing to deal with this issue because they are surrounded by atheists and secret terrorists who have their own agendas.

It is interesting that there are those who refuse or find it difficult to tithe, but they willingly support businesses while those funds go back into literally killing them.

Many global leaders are losing the battle because they have excluded God from their plans to fight terrorism, hence the world has become a more dangerous place. There are too many disasters taking place that could be prevented.

Psalm 91: 5-6 says, "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday." This reveals to us, therefore, that there will be terrors by night, there will be issues of pestilence and destruction.

Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. Shot, Killed While Preaching During Church Service In Lake Charles Louisiana

LAKE CHARLES, La. — A Louisiana pastor was fatally shot as he preached to a crowd of more than 60 during a revival service and a suspect has been arrested, law enforcement officials said Saturday.

The shooting at about 8:20 p.m. Friday was at Tabernacle of Praise Worship Center in Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Myers said Saturday. Sixty-five people were inside at the time, including the victim's wife, said Chief Deputy Stitch Guillory.

Deputies have no information on a motive or on whether the preacher and suspect knew each other, Myers said.

Myers said Pastor Ronald J. Harris Sr. was shot twice by the gunman. The man went into the church while Harris was preaching and "walked up to him and shot him at close range," Myers said. The suspect shot him again when Harris fell to the floor.



Vatican police chief confirms ISIS threat to Pope Francis

The head of Vatican security has said ISIS militants have threatened the Vatican, but there are no indications of any planned attack.

The Vatican gendarmes, Swiss Guards and the Italian state police that patrol the perimeter of Vatican City State are always on high alert, said Domenico Giani, the commander of the gendarme and the Pope’s chief bodyguard.

“There are not only the threats of ISIS, but also the risk of action by individuals, which is more dangerous because it is unpredictable,” he said in an interview for the March edition of Polizia Moderna, the monthly magazine of the Italian state police.

For months, there have been rumors of threats against the Vatican or Pope Francis by the ISIS militants who are attacking Christians, other religious minorities and Muslims they do not agree with in Syria and Iraq.



Global leaders fail to protect Christians

It is the responsibility of governments to protect their citizens, regardless of their faith or religion. Global leaders have failed badly to protect Christians. The recent 148 students murdered at the Garissa University College in Kenya by Al Shabaab militants, while the global media and many world leaders are silent, is a growing global trend.

According to Open Door USA, a 60-year-old non-profit humanitarian organisation, 180 Christians are killed each month. At least 100 million are facing possible dire consequences for their faith. According to their reports, the US State Department say that Christians face persecution in over 60 countries from their governments and neighbours simply because of their faith.

With economic constraints being felt by the West - and in particular by the Caribbean nations - some Caribbean nations are now selling citizenship. Christians need to be vigilant and be very wise in how they vote and from whom they purchase.

Many global leaders are failing to deal with this issue because they are surrounded by atheists and secret terrorists who have their own agendas.

It is interesting that there are those who refuse or find it difficult to tithe, but they willingly support businesses while those funds go back into literally killing them.

Many global leaders are losing the battle because they have excluded God from their plans to fight terrorism, hence the world has become a more dangerous place. There are too many disasters taking place that could be prevented.

Psalm 91: 5-6 says, "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday." This reveals to us, therefore, that there will be terrors by night, there will be issues of pestilence and destruction.

Thank you for posting Psalm 91... :grouphug2:
The "last days" began 2,000 years ago. People have suffered during all these times but it's most relevant to us in our generation, understood. In essence, we're just joining all those religious who have been persecuted for millennia. It seems scarier because we personally have not yet been affected in such degree.
There is security for all persecuted Christians - at home and abroad:

Psalms 91

Security of the One Who Trusts in the Lord.
He who a]">[a]dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty [whose power no enemy can withstand].
2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
My God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely]!”
3 For He will save you from the trap of the fowler,
And from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you and completely protect you with His pinions,
And under His wings you will find refuge;
His faithfulness is a shield and a wall.

5 You will not be afraid of the terror of night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction (sudden death) that lays waste at noon.
7 A thousand may fall at your side
And ten thousand at your right hand,
But danger will not come near you.
8You will only [be a spectator as you] look on with your eyes
And witness the [divine] repayment of the wicked [as you watch safely from the shelter of the Most High].
9 Because you have made the Lord, [who is] my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil will befall you,
Nor will any plague come near your tent.

11For He will command His angels in regard to you,
To protect and defend and guard you in all your ways [of obedience and service].
12They will lift you up in their hands,
So that you do not [even] strike your foot against a stone.
13You will tread upon the lion and cobra;
The young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.

14 “Because he set his love on Me, therefore I will save him;
I will set him [securely] on high, because he knows My name [he confidently trusts and relies on Me, knowing I will never abandon him, no, never].
15 “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 “With a long life I will satisfy him
And I will let him see My salvation.”
What about those who were murdered and loved the L-rd with their lives? I may be incorrect but, I think verse 15 is referring to Israel. She is still here and His Salvation has already come.