8 weeks post relaxer...8 more to go!


New Member
Well, I just realized that is has now been 8 weeks since i last got a retouch and its not going so bad..I'm getting nervous about the next 8 weeks because my hair is becoming resistant to taming and is poofy no matter what I put on it..aand I'm getting breakage and shedding...too much for comfort, I really wish I could trim it or even dust the ends a little but i know itll just come out uneven and have to be fixed when i do go back to my good ol relaxer....p.s. I also discovered that pure jojoba oil does nothing for me no matter what I do with it
Congrats on going 8 weeks. What is your regime? As the weeks pas and your start getting good growth, those textures start fighting each other. If you're serious about stretching I would suggest keeping your hair in a bum most of the time to minimize breakage. If you don't already have it, get some Sta-Sof-Fro to spray your hair daily. It really, really softens the newgrowth and reduces the tension of the textures.
I'm at 7 weeks and I have 5 weeks to go, I relax at 12 weeks. Anyway putting it in a bun everyday helps alot. I wet it daily with water when I'm in the shower and pull it back into a bun. I condition wash my hair once or twice a week so my hair stays soft and moisturize everyday. So far I'm doing really good and have no breakage.
Army..I do CO washes about 4 days a week and wash the 3 days of the week i swim in the morning with the swimmer's shampoo, then I apply leave in or sta sof fro and knot it( its not long enough for a bun)when it's kinda dry but still damp ill put some mango butter or something else in it to lay it down.

Supergirl, I have 8 more weeks, actually 9 more to go because I am taking a swimming class and can't get the relaxer when I'm in the pool almost everyday...
I am 11 weeks post relaxer and I wasn't sure I could do it but next week makes 3 months. I have no breakage in the comb. I have a little more than 2 inches (says my husband)of new growth. My hair is already thick but it hasn't been like this since I was a child. My new growth is wavy and soft, thanks to the vits. I am switching between a braid out and putting it up with all my neat hair clips. Saturday will be a week until my relaxer so I'll be wearing a bun all week to cut down on manipulation.

Congrats to you on getting this far and I wish u the best. 12 weeks is long enough for me considering I used to be at the stylist right at week 6.
Oh! That's a VERY GOOD reason to wait
--I can speak from experience on the disaster of getting into chlorinated water with a fresh relaxer
(I was 12 so it's way in the past, but traumatic nevertheless)