8 inches in a year? Is it possible?


New Member
This is my goal for next May 2008.
The usual is 6 inches in a year, and I realize that my hair does grow a little faster than that, but I haven't actually measured my monthly growth. But then there is my habit of slacking. Anywhoo, do you guys think this is possible. (I will be taking MSM as well, to aid it.)
Girl this is LHCF. Of course it is possible and you can do it. Now you gotta keep up informed on your journey. HHG....Happy Hair Growing.
It's certainly possible. The average is 6 inches a year, so naturally some people are getting more and some are getting less.

I get about 6 inches a year without any supplements, growth aids, doing anything extra special, etc... so I'd say 8 would be quite do-able.
NappyParadise said:

How did she do it?????

Girl, I wanna know too!

:Off to do a search for her profile:

And yes, I think a challenge would be fun!
Well I joined the Challenge but I never paid attention to when she gained 5 inches in 2 months LOL!!!! But I joined again after I got my Moisturizer correct, so I am back on starting tonight! Wow if I can gain at least 2 inches I will be happy LOL!!!!!!! But I know we have to be consistant.
*ElleB said:
This is my goal for next May 2008.
The usual is 6 inches in a year, and I realize that my hair does grow a little faster than that, but I haven't actually measured my monthly growth. But then there is my habit of slacking. Anywhoo, do you guys think this is possible. (I will be taking MSM as well, to aid it.)

you can do it:D
[SIZE=+1] Yep......it definitely is. That's how much I get in a year. My hair was 22in. before I "had" to cut it because of a bad dye job. [/SIZE]
DSylla said:
you would do this at night right? i can't imagine anyone going outside with a baggy on.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Girl you know back in the day folks rocked these caps like nobody's business! gherri curl juice n er'thang! *drip drip* hahaha (I need sleep)
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Girl you know back in the day folks rocked these caps like nobody's business! gherri curl juice n er'thang! *drip drip* hahaha (I need sleep)

dag you've taken in way back in time :lol::lol:

@ OnAHairQuest - ah, i see now. thanks :)
ILuvsmuhgrass said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: Girl you know back in the day folks rocked these caps like nobody's business! gherri curl juice n er'thang! *drip drip* hahaha (I need sleep)
hate to say it but i was one of them:lol: :lol: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
DSylla said:
dag you've taken in way back in time :lol::lol:

@ OnAHairQuest - ah, i see now. thanks :)
Most are wearing their full baggies at night. I tried it and it really keeps the hair moisturized.
Isis said:
Most are wearing their full baggies at night. I tried it and it really keeps the hair moisturized.

I think my hair would get mushy from over moisturizing. I'm just getting into the practice of occassional protein treatments but i have to admit, i'm still learning my hair... i can't readily tell what it needs all the time...

in time... :)
very much so possible...the back of my head can grow up to 9 inches within a year and the front gets about 5-6 inches. i figured this when I grew about 4.5 inches within 6 months of my progess pics.