
Chile!! Your hair is AAAHHHmazing! I'd wng everyday if I had your hair, omg. Kinky Curly is my boo thang too. I subbed to your channel btw :D


lol awww thank you!!!! believe it or not, i don't really wear wng's too much...i just do them to please my boyfriend...:lol: But when i do wear them, i try to get as many days as I can out of it....and KCCC does the trickkk....
but i'm gonna try to do condish only and see what happens...i just ran out of KCCC and i don't have 17 bucks to go buy another jar...that price is ridiculous!:nono:
bunnie82 said:

lol awww thank you!!!! believe it or not, i don't really wear wng's too much...i just do them to please my boyfriend...:lol: But when i do wear them, i try to get as many days as I can out of it....and KCCC does the trickkk....
but i'm gonna try to do condish only and see what happens...i just ran out of KCCC and i don't have 17 bucks to go buy another jar...that price is ridiculous!:nono:

I used to swear by kccc for long lasting wng's but I started using LA Sport gel and I get the same or better results and its only like a couple dollars for a huge jar. I love the stuff. Conditioner only just doesn't last long enough for me.

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Great video! Your hair looked awesome all 8 days. :yep: I've never gotten a WnG to last that long. My hair gets frizzy and super tangly. I can't imagine the detangling session I'd have if I wore my hair out that many days.
I used to swear by kccc for long lasting wng's but I started using LA Sport gel and I get the same or better results and its only like a couple dollars for a huge jar. I love the stuff. Conditioner only just doesn't last long enough for me.

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF

hmmmm i gotta try that too...i try to stay away from gels though, they dry me right up!:blush:

i really like the KCCC bc it's moisturzing for me.....
Great video! Your hair looked awesome all 8 days. :yep: I've never gotten a WnG to last that long. My hair gets frizzy and super tangly. I can't imagine the detangling session I'd have if I wore my hair out that many days.


Thank youuuu! oh yeah that would be a nightmare for youuu!:nono:
WOW, you and your hair are so stunning!:blush: I'm going to attempt this. I have no lights, so this will prob keep me occupied.
Your hair looks great. I am one of those who don't mind the ramen/helmet head effect, especially the first day, the crisper the "set" the longer it lasts. I noticed that when you styled, day to day, you didn't do a lot of "touching" this is key for a lasting set.
Your hair looks great. I am one of those who don't mind the ramen/helmet head effect, especially the first day, the crisper the "set" the longer it lasts. I noticed that when you styled, day to day, you didn't do a lot of "touching" this is key for a lasting set.

Thank you!!!!
My fave day is Day 2
I LOVE day 2.....it always looks the best....
yeah i try not to get too "touchy" that's how frizz happens....i just fluff really....