6 Month Update!! *Lots of Pictures* ^^;


New Member
Just posting my progress. I BC'd May of this year to a near bald fade...I wanted to physically measure my hair but I lost my ruler.:ohwell: Oh well. At this point I'm pretty solid on the type: 4A/4B...just some is looser/tighter than the others. My nape seems to have filled in a little bit, but not much. I'm starting to think that that's just how it's supposed to look. As someone else said in another forum, I have "vampire teeth" lol.:lachen:Anyways, I'll quit yapping..here are the pictures.:grin:
Best pic I have of my hair before I cut it...it was a few years before though O_o:

Beginning shot(only so many because my computer crashed, so it's about a week BC'd):




Closeup of the nape:

And now:grin::

My hair ate my headband......So it's in a little puff, but I don't know if you can tell or not.:spinning:



Adventures in protective styling :giggle::






I'm very happy with the growth...but I'm still having moisture issues. I've tried using distilled water instead of the tap, s-curl, sealing with EVCO/EVOO/Castor/Jojoba, using heating caps, baggying...you name it, I might have tried it, lol. It's getting hard to keep focused on this, and I keep reminding myself that I'm doing it so my kid has more reason to be proud of her hair, but good LORD I just want to relax it and transition to a longer length and THEN cut it, lol. The regrets of hasty decisions, I suppose. Anyways, I'm going to continue to fight my urges and throw it in some braids this coming month, so hopefully that will help. :) Thanks to all the ladies who answered my PMs and tried to help me with my issues.
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you look very pretty in that august picture :yep:

Nice progress!

Your hair texture looks a lot like mine
Very pretty and great progress! At first I thought your first pic was you progress from you BC this year. I was like wth...:lachen:

You have a face that looks awesome with short cuts. It brings out your features very nicely

btw: i love Kim Hyun Joong :lick: I love my asian dramas
First off, you look absolutely stunning with your TWA, miss lady!:yep:

Congrats on your progress and I hope you're able to resolve your moisture issues (I wish I could make a suggestion but I'm an amateur at this hair thing). I wish you continued success on your HHJ!
you are beautiful and you haircut looks nice

you look very pretty in that august picture :yep:

Nice progress!

Your hair texture looks a lot like mine
Thank you! ^^

Very pretty and great progress! At first I thought your first pic was you progress from you BC this year. I was like wth...:lachen:

You have a face that looks awesome with short cuts. It brings out your features very nicely

btw: i love Kim Hyun Joong :lick: I love my asian dramas
I wish my hair would grow that fast! :lachen:..and KHJ :lick: Very much so, lol.

Go head with your cute self!! Love it!

First off, you look absolutely stunning with your TWA, miss lady!:yep:

Congrats on your progress and I hope you're able to resolve your moisture issues (I wish I could make a suggestion but I'm an amateur at this hair thing). I wish you continued success on your HHJ!

:blush::blush: TY and NP Rosa, I appreciate the thought. :)
Congratulations on your progress!
Please hide your hair before you relax it to start transitioning it again.
Just think of all of the length you would lose after cutting those relaxed ends again.
Good luck on your journey.
Thanks 4 the update hun.... Im so jealous of all u ladies with cut heads! I have hook in the back of my lil peanut head so bald is a no go 4 me...it looks cute on u tho!

great progress :)
Congratulations on your progress!
Please hide your hair before you relax it to start transitioning it again.
Just think of all of the length you would lose after cutting those relaxed ends again.
Good luck on your journey.

Thank you, and I will soon.:yep:

You and your hair look beautiful. :clapping: Congratulations on your BC and progress so far.

:woot:Great progress!:clapping: Keep up the good work!
Thank you!

Thanks 4 the update hun.... Im so jealous of all u ladies with cut heads! I have hook in the back of my lil peanut head so bald is a no go 4 me...it looks cute on u tho!

great progress :)
Thank you! Honestly, I didn't think it would look good AT ALL...I thought I had a dip in the back of my head but I didn't. O_o
Girl you betta take that thing off and ROCK THAT FRO!!! Your hair is GORGEOUS!!! it looks so lush!!! Keep experimenting and you'll find the perfect product (read: MIX of products) that will keep you moisturized well.

Congrats on the BC (i know i'm mad late) and way to grow. I love your progress.

PS you're adorable!
:clap: Great progress, the short hair looked cute. Keep fighting the urge to relax, you've come this far and it looks good on you. HHG!
Aren't you Cute!! You have such a classic baby faced look. I know your natural hair is going to be big and flawless

Great progress!!
I wish I had the face to pull off a cut like that!! You are really pretty!! I understand wearing wigs, I wear them whenever I need a break from my hair, your progress is great.