6 month progress on my fotki


New Member
Hello Ladies,

Coming out of lurk mode to reveal my 6 month progress since being a member on LHCF. Before LHCF, I relied on the Cathy Howse book and products, which was a good starting point. However, I didn't take care of my ends and relaxed/trimmed my hair every 5 weeks per my hairstylist suggestion. Needless to say, I was always taking one step forward and two steps back...until LHCF.

Being part of this forum forced me to document my progress, pay attention to my ends, stretch my relaxers and rely on protective styling. As I was getting my touch-up, I was reminiscing about asking my hairstylist if she noticed any new growth (when she was overprocessing at 5 wks). Now, it is clearly apparent, especially at the 12 week point :grin:.

Anywho, please peruse my fotki and also check out the beautiful pictures of Mt Fuji in my Japan folder. Both experiences mirror each other, it was grueling work, inspiring and beautiful every step of the way.
You've made awesome progress for 6 months! Keep doing what you're doing and stay away from those trimmer happy stylists. :grin:
Great progress! It does look pretty, healthy, and shiny! Keep up the good work! What changes have you made from the Cathy Howse Method?
Great progress! It does look pretty, healthy, and shiny! Keep up the good work! What changes have you made from the Cathy Howse Method?

thanks everyone!

With the Howse method I:

DC with only protein twice a week for 30 min under a hooded dryer
Result: protein overload, dryness

Did not seal my ends
Result: ragged ends at the end of 5 weeks which encouraged me to trim

Since she did not recommend any products, I stuck to her line for 1 year which was not moisturizing enough. Only use her protein DC once a month now and mostly Kenra:love3:now.