6-Month NO HEAT Challenge


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this is going on already, but I'm definitely starting it for myself.

I currently have an ear/chin-length bob and no heat is a very big challenge for me.

Rollersetting my hair just causes me to manipulate my hair more. So, as of late, I've been just wearing it pulled back in some kind of tight french-roll creating with alot of hair-pins. I still look cute and it looks neat, so I plan for it to be my style until I am able to put it into a real bun.

So, who wants to join me?

I figure it's 6 months until the end of this year and I have a huge potential for alot of growth until that time if I keep doing this non-heat method. I'm sure many of you already incorporate this, but I'm sure there are still many of you who'd like to, but need some extra motivation like me. :yep:
I'm IN!!! I have stopped heat since March and I measured my hair then, it was at 10 inches from the top of my head measuring all the way back. I just measured my hair today and it is at 16 inches!! I am so hyped about that. You got me on the team. Let me add it to my signature:D .
Gosh, I wish I could..... but i need the indirect heat for my roller sets once a week. Dang, otherwise i'd join you ladies.

GOOD LUCK. :grin:
I'm in too!! I'm a newbie (lurking for about 5months) but i've already cut heat out of my daily life - with only a few slip-ups. Can you believe I used to flat iron my hair EVERYDAY? Airdrying and updos have saved my hair. It's so much thicker and it's grown from neck length to shoulder length in 5 and a half months. I plan on wearing updos for the summer. I can't wait until December!! It'll be so healthy by then.
I am in...I havent used direct heat on my hair since April 15th!! :D I plan to BC on my birthday December 15th and decide what to do with heat then...I may press it to celebrate my health and length...so I may be 15 days shy of 2007 but definitely well past the six months....

I stopped heat because I got tired of trying to fry the two textures into silky submission using flat irons and blow dryers..which caused a lot of breakage to already fragile line of demarcation....:mad:

I use my hooded dryer for my hot oil treatments and deep conditioning...are these exceptions to the challenge?

If not, please share some no-heat alternatives...thanks :grin:
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brownsugarflyygirl said:
I use my hooded dryer for my hot oil treatments and deep conditioning...are these exceptions to the challenge?
If not, please share some no-heat alternatives...thanks :grin:
I use my hooded dryer sometimes for deep conditiong too, but that's every 2 to 3 months, other times, I just use the plastic cap.
I think I may have to pass on this one. I have a possible interview coming soon and I was going to press my hair.
I want to join the challenge. I'm really itching to cut my hair. Really badly! I just don't know how to not use heat and wear my hair out all the time.
When my hair air-dries it dries way too big.
YAY!!! I'm so excited already, ladies. Just reading some of you-alls posts have me reved up as many of you have already had great progress as a result of the no-heat:

Catina72 said:
I'm IN!!! I have stopped heat since March and I measured my hair then, it was at 10 inches from the top of my head measuring all the way back. I just measured my hair today and it is at 16 inches!!

Get out!!! You're hair has grown 6 inches since March? What in the world are you doing?

JLove74 said:
I'm in. I've just started. No heat for 1 week so far.....

Yes, girly. I've been on the no-heat for merely 3 days, but I'm already convinced!

Kimberly said:
I have a big date this weekend...can I start Monday?

LOL...yes, you can start Monday. Hopefully from the challenge, we'll come up with some hairstyles that can be used even for dates.

brownsugarflyygirl said:
I stopped heat because I got tired of trying to fry the two textures into silky submission using flat irons and blow dryers..which caused a lot of breakage to already fragile line of demarcation....

Trust, I understand. That was my whole problem. I would flat iron it w/ a chi, but in the end it still wasn't worth it. The style still was not all that and I was still afraid of heat.

Let's start off by planning some regimens...I'll explain mine in the next post...
So, this is what I've been doing for the past few days:


-CW w/ Suave Humectant in shower/bath
-Spray diluted Infusium 23 on towel-dried hair
-Apply concoction of WGO, coconut oil, and peppermint oil to hair
-Comb hair back into a mini-ponytail secured w/ a hairpin
-Wrap a scarve around my head to ensure that my hairline lays flat and downward and my nape lays flat and upward (hence, the ponytail)

-Fingercomb my hair into some sort of pulled-back frenchroll-inspired hairstyle w/ LOTS of hairpins.

So, at first this hairstyle looked like a mess, but after the first day of practice, my hair looks very neat and pulled back and I've just been wearing it this way to work w/ no problem and no worries ;)

For future special occasions, I plan to do the the same thing, only with more accessories and adorements like flowers within the hairpins...something creative and chic...
I'am in! I actually started this as my july goal. I always thought that I would need heat in order to dry my hair straight, but so far, rollersetting works. Besides my hair is soo much softer now. I hope this will let me get to armpit by december 2006
itismehmmkay said:
YAY!!! I'm so excited already, ladies. Just reading some of you-alls posts have me reved up as many of you have already had great progress as a result of the no-heat:

I just read down to see who was joining us on our challenge and I got your comment. Isn't that fabulous about the growth??? I hope it wasn't like a fast start out the gate to stumble and fall down the road!! I think I've called everyone I know to let them know about my growth. All Haters:lol: (joking). I have literally changed everything I've normally done. No flat iron, no blow dryer, added vitamins, changed my diet to include COLORED veggies (raw by the way) and lots of water. I also wash,co wash, rinse or something every single day. I am obsessed!! I knew that each time I washed my hair it felt longer and longer. So today, after I agreed to your challenge I pulled out the measuring tape. I had also done a mini cut in March to get rid of the ends so I don't know. My mom always said my hair grew like a weed when I was younger so I don't know. I hope to get a digital camera like TOMORROW cause I want ya'll to see this with me. :D .
Great. I'll start Monday. The only way I can thinking of to go without heat is to put it in braids, to tell you the truth. I've been doing pretty good for the past week and a half but I am dying to blow dry it...at least blowdry, even if I don't flat iron. Having this date over the weekend is giving me the strength to hold out until I get my hair done for it. I'm going to need a ton of support to achive this....

6 Months? That seems like a long time.
I'd like to join. Count me in! I may have to get braids for most of the time and baggie for the rest. I'm banking on this growth right now! I should be very close to BSL!
This not heat challenge has been my regime for years now...except for my deep treatments..i know this is why my ends stay pretty healthy
Okay...this will disqualify me from this challenge BUT I am going to get my hair pressed in about two weeks after over two months of no heat. :eek: I set a personal goal when I started of 6 weeks and I am very happy that I will have reached and exceeded it :yay:

I want to get my hair trimmed and see what if any progress I have made as far as hair health and length and audition a stylist. (Its really hard to tell with half nappy and half relaxed hair.) If I have a good experience, I will get my hair pressed again at the end of July for a special occasion ;)

After that it will be no heat again until December....so then I will be back on the challenge with you all....until then Best Wishes LADIES :D

I never thought I could live without heat...but now I know that I can.
Shout out to ITISMEHMMKAY!! Lets start a record of all who will join you in this 6 month challenge so we can check in and check up on each other okay!:grin:
Darn i want to join this but I plan on using heat every 2 mos. I love to wear my hair down and I want to fully enjoy it. Plus I NEED to check my progress lol.

But I will be checking in on you ladies to see how you all are doing. I wish you all well!
I'm in...last time I used heat was April 14th. MY hair CANNOT stand heat which I should know. About 15-30 minutes after flatironing I can see splits. Splits that weren't there before. I don't know why I keep forgetting that...lol. I have naturally DRY hair...and I think the heat from the flatiron just completely fries it up...
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I haven't used direct heat in about 7 weeks , but I was wondering when I do get my dominican blowouts and when I deep condition I dry under a hooded dryer does this count or is it just direct heat like blowdrying , flatironing etc
I'm in, I have braids in my hair that i plan on taken out in Nov
so is this cheating?
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Plove I dont think that braids are cheating...I say do what you have to do to keep the heat out....

Okay...so I CANCELED my hair appointment...I just couldnt do it :grin:

So I am still on track with the No Heat Challenge..going 2 months strong!!
Who woulda thought? Me without heat.....:perplexed Who woulda thought me without a RELAXER....its all new to me!

From now on though, FOR REAL we need a "I am about to break down and use heat" support group...so next time I feel the urge (or anyone of us for that matter)...we need to post a thread and all the ladies on the no-heat challenge can REMIND each other why we are doing this challenge....and support each other through our momentary lapse into our HEAT ADDICTION...
Any Updates Ladies?? How is everyone doing on this challenge? Please share whats been going on with your hair and heat (or the lackthereof)...challenges, obstacles, frustations..

Im still going strong with bunning and braiding :D ...what about everyone else?
Alright....I back slid this past weekend and blowdried my hair after relaxing it. But now, I don't plan on relaxing it for about two months because the family reunion is the first weekend in September and I want fresh hair for the clan gathering. I will not use heat when I relax but I do plan to go to the hairdresser for a style and she will use heat but, I still feel good because I did go two weeks without heat and I know I can make these two months. In the mean time, it's airdrying in a bun and bunning it. If I can get it to air dry straight or learnhow to cornrow my own hair, I'll use the clip-in weave that I made.
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I'm in; I was going to flat iron in November but it won't hurt to wait until Dec. Hopefully I will be able to give myself the gift of 3.5 inches of growth for Christmas;)
Am I the only one struggling with this? I want to blowdy so bad. I will say, when I washed my hair the other day, it did feel a little thicker and heavier. I figured it must be due to me packing my blowdryer away.

I did read where someone put

daily CW+ No heat = thicker hair

or something like that. I wanted to get it braided but I can't braid and I haven't found anyone yet to braid it.

Whoo...okay...I just needed to get that off my chest. I feel better now. I have been taking flax seed oil and I think it's helping my new growth come in a little softer and wavy-like. That's helping too.

I found out that I have almost 9 weeks to the family reunion and that's when I will relax and go to the hairdresser to have it trimmed and styled.

I can do this. I can make it. I just needed to get that off of my chest.