6 month no heat challenge


Well-Known Member
I couldn't find one for 2009, and I'm not sure if there were any ladies here who wanted to just do the no heat, but not the whole bootcamp (though bootcampers can join for support). I haven't used heat personally since Feb, and plan to keep going till my birthday in November. If anyone wants to join me for that long feel free, but in the meantime, who's up for 6 months MINIMUM no (direct) heat challenge?
BTW: You can use hooded dryers for DRYING and deep conditioning

So far the takers are: (let me know if I missed anyone, or misspelled a name)
Black Hoya Chick
Mini Mimi
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I couldn't find one for 2009, and I'm not sure if there were any ladies here who wanted to just do the no heat, but not the whole bootcamp (though bootcampers can join for support). I haven't used heat personally since Feb, and plan to keep going till my birthday in November. If anyone wants to join me for that long feel free, but in the meantime, who's up for 6 months MINIMUM no (direct) heat challenge?
BTW: You can use hooded dryers for frying and deep conditioning

Me!Me!..I haven't used heat since February so I'll thug it out with you till about November. No heat has really helped me retain length and moisture in my hair.
Okay I had to walk out of the thread and come back... Maybe "frying" was a typo... If that's a process I need details... lol.

I'm here for support! Good luck everyone you can do it if you set your mind to it.:yep:
Okay I had to walk out of the thread and come back... Maybe "frying" was a typo... If that's a process I need details... lol.

I'm here for support! Good luck everyone you can do it if you set your mind to it.:yep:

:lachen: me 2! i was wondering whats suposed to be frying and why?? loll

im thinkin about joining a no heat challenge but... its so hard! I went from flat ironing (and retouching) everyday to doinng it once a week..still working on doing it less but idk if i could take on the challenge
Count me in!!! My first time of using heat in 7 weeks was 1 day ago when I got my relaxer. I just told myself I wasn't going to flat iron again until my next relaxer. I know I can do this. I plan on wearing PS for a while anyways.
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Yep,........ i'm in!
Only use blowdryer on cool now anyway.:grin:

Love your bun by the way Kellum!
I'm pretty sure I joined on of these already. I've only used heat once in the last six months when I was getting my last touch up; so this will be a breeze! :D
lol i stared at my reply box saying :nono:noooo ok :yep:yesssss so im gonna do it:grin: i air dried for the first time and i think my hair loves it:lick: lol its gonna be a killer because i plan on stretching as well:wallbash: awwww lawd here it goes! lol:lachen:
When is this going to start? May 1st?

If this is going to start May 1st can join, I need to get a trim and straighten for a length check first through...
How often are we going to check in to report how things are going?

When is this going to start? May 1st?

If this is going to start May 1st can join, I need to get a trim and straighten for a length check first through...

Okay Ladies, sorry I've been busy, got to study... student life:rolleyes:
Kellum: We can report in roughly three months in, or just come back to the thread if ever we need some encouragement, help, tips, or just to vent.

AtlantaJJ: Yes, we will start May 1st, and give updates on progress November 1st. You may take pictures and post in you want on your progress (for us to drool over) or just write an update on the thread.
BTW the members of the challenge are updated!
Okay Ladies, sorry I've been busy, got to study... student life:rolleyes:
Kellum: We can report in roughly three months in, or just come back to the thread if ever we need some encouragement, help, tips, or just to vent.

AtlantaJJ: Yes, we will start May 1st, and give updates on progress November 1st. You may take pictures and post in you want on your progress (for us to drool over) or just write an update on the thread.
BTW the members of the challenge are updated!

Yay! Good challenge!! I'm in, that means I have to do my length check this weekend :blush:
I want to join I thought it was too late when I first saw this thread. I've already been heat free for 3 weeks and I am so proud. Do we get passes like on some of the other challenges?
Psilence, you've been added.
Leona2025, Sorry, its a strict one... no passes. Come on, you CAN do it!
I'm in... The first four months should be easy because there is no way I'm straightening in this heat. I'm just going to have to be strong for the last two.