6-month Mini Update


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
I thought I'd start the week off sharing a mini update of my progress. I will be taking my pics out in Dec and I'm excited to see my progress. I've been drinking a lot of water, taking my vitamins, oiling and massaging my scalp. I just added nettle and bamboo tea with some gelatin to my regime and I also do a gelatin hair mask. I'll keep you all updated on the results of that since I just added gelatin to my regimen.

One thing that I do notice is that my hair thickened up at the roots considerably. I have to run, sorry if this post seems lacking in information, I'm in a bit of a hurry.

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I know I am supposed to be observing your hair, but your skin is :2inlove:
I'm sure it has a lot to do with the amount of water I've been drinking along with the vitamins. I started using only coconut oil on my skin several months back and have noticed amazing results. I get compliments all the time and asked what foundation I use. I make my own whipped shea butter so I can add the essential oils and stuff. One is for my face and body and one for my hair which I use as a prepoo/massage oil. I added henna, msm, a bunch of other stuff. My hair loves it. I need to pay more attention to what I did so I can do it again! Lol