5th month of relaxer:advice needed


New Member
hi ladies: i'm in my 5th mon. of my relaxer but since i've
discovered braidouts i would like to forgo the relaxer until the end of summer. I figure that if I contiinue to moisturize daily and do protien treatments once every 5 wks, I can stop alot of breakage that occurs when you don't touchup your new growth. i'm currently useing s cuRl and olive oil to moisturize when doing the braidout, should i get the touchup or can i wait 3 more mons.?
i noticed that the scurl makes my hair smell a little and leaves my hair greasy, can someone suggest another moisturizer?
and... since i've began to air dry, it takes my hair 24 hrs to dry!!! no kidding! and braiding damp hair is a task n itself!!! any suggestions?

i have 4b hair, a little below shoulder length.
thanx in advance...
Wow, I think you're really brave to even consider going w/o a touchup until the end of the summer!! I waited 4 months the last time and for me, even that was pushing it!! I like twist/braid-outs but I can't imagine doing them ALL the time. I like to wear my hair straight a lot too. I also find that I lose more hair when I do them, because of having to comb through them every or every other night to re-braid it. For some reason my hair tends to get more tangled when it's in a braid-out or even curly, as opposed to when I wear it straight.

Anyway, if you are going to try to do this, my only suggestion would be to really keep your hair moisturized. It sounds like you're already doing that. Maybe you could try another brand of activator if you don't like the S-curl. I have CareFreeCurl Gold and I like it a lot. Although I think that what's leaving your hair feeling greasy is probably the olive oil and not the S-curl!!
I have 4b right below shoulder length. I spray Better Braids Spray with Biosulfur to wet the hair, I follow that with Better Braids Scalp Oil. I then braid the hair in five (5) or six (6) fat braids. The next day the hair is very wavy and looks like good hair. However, I have to style it and that requires a shower comb (detangler) which makes the hair look a wavy fro.

I tried the Activator products and my hair couldn't stand the stuff. I discovered the Biosulfur spray because it is very dandruff. I don't use it when the hair is straight because it wets the hair. However, it is excellent for when it is time for a retouch and you need to soften the hair.
i'll try the "Better Braids Spray with Biosulfur" ....
does anyone have anymore thoughts on forgoing the relaxer until the end of summer?

i'll try the "Better Braids Spray with Biosulfur" ....
does anyone have anymore thoughts on forgoing the relaxer until the end of summer?


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Good luck! If you've made it 5 months with no problems, then what's 3 more months, but if you start noticing excess breakage, don't hesitate to head on down to the salon.
What's your purpose of waiting 8 months b/4 u get a touch-up? U obviously aren't transitioning since u do plan to get one by the end of the summer. Just curious.
free2bme: "What's your purpose of waiting 8 months b/4 u get a touch-up? U obviously aren't transitioning since u do plan to get one by the end of the summer. Just curious. "

hmmm... lol i just got caught up in the braidout hype! I'm loving my big wavy fro... and i must admit i go so long without touchups because the relaxing process is soooo traumatic: it burns, i've gotten scabs, it won't take etc
i just dread the whole process...
on the other hand braidouts are nice but my hair gets
so tangled!! WHATS A GIRL TO DO??????
since i've began to air dry, it takes my hair 24 hrs to dry!!! no kidding! and braiding damp hair is a task n itself!!! any suggestions?

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It does seem to take forever. I got a bonnet attachment form my blow dryer and use the "cool" setting on "low" to speed up the process. It dosen't seem to hurt the hair.
Wow eight months that is really cool. Best to you. Its really up to you whether you want to wait or not. If you feel that you can handle it - go for it. I like to use a mixture of distilled water and world of curls. Doesn't make the hair to soft to hold the pattern of the braid. Also, when doing a braidout - finger comb your hair to keep the texture. The more braids you use the tighter the texture and the less often you have to re-do. I've worn mine for 3 days down and two days pinned up before. Yes, you will get some tangles.
nita: i usually do 2 side plaits and have to redo every day;
i think i'm gonna try your method and do several braids and see how that turns out. thanx...
