5 Years Natural!


Well-Known Member
It hit me the other day that this month officially makes it 5 years since I big chopped and went fully natural. :party:

So to celebrate, I created an album in my fotki to gather together my favorite hair photos from over the years in one place.

I chose too many pics to post them all in this thread. But here's a few:



The rest of the photos can be found here: http://public.fotki.com/semora/5-years-natural-1/ :)

(I apologize in advance for any blurry pics. My camera hand is kinda shaky, lol. :lol:)
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Your hair is gorgeous...I went ALL THROUGH that fotki album:lol:. You made great progress.
Is your hair SL with shrinkage and WL straightened? It's beautiful and great inspiration for us newbies! :yep:
Why am I just now seeing this beautiful Fotki? :drunk:


Is your hair SL with shrinkage and WL straightened? It's beautiful and great inspiration for us newbies! :yep:

Thanks for the compliment! I'm always flattered if people think my hair is an inspiration. I can remember my own inspirations from when I started my natural journey.

And you're right. When I wear my hair curly it shrinks up to shoulder length (or above), but is waist length when straightened. It's always shocking for people when I transition from one to the other. :lol:
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Beautiful hair, SEMO!! I haven't perused your Fotki in quite a while. I need to rectify that right now. :yep:
Can I be honest for a sec SEMO...

I was like dang 5 years and she is only SL.:look:

Then I looked at that Fotki!!!!:spinning:

I never knew 3b-3c hair could have that much shrinkage.

Your hair is very beautiful and Congrats!!!!!!!
Didn't you cut from WL a few years ago? Now you're back. Congrats!

wavezncurlz Yeah, I went to Great Clips for a trim (still not sure what I was thinking). She ended up taking off 6-7 inches.

Before the cut:

After the cut (a few months later):


I must say that I am very glad to be back at WL now. :yep:

Can I be honest for a sec SEMO...

I was like dang 5 years and she is only SL.:look:

Then I looked at that Fotki!!!!:spinning:

I never knew 3b-3c hair could have that much shrinkage.

Your hair is very beautiful and Congrats!!!!!!!

Lol, thanks for the compliment. I don't hold strictly to hair typing, but I would actually consider myself a 3c/4a. But yeah, my hair has tons of shrinkage. :lol:
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wavezncurlz Yeah, I went to Great Clips for a trim (still not sure what I was thinking). She ended up taking off 6-7 inches.

Before the cut:

After the cut (a few months later):


I must say that I am very glad to be back at WL now. :yep:

Ahh, I remembered correctly. I think I shed a tear for you on that post. I remembered because we have similar shrinkage. I am WL now and my curly hair from the front is shoulder length (from the back, I have a v that reaches to my bra). I always thought I'd have flowing long curly hair when I got WL. Not so. :nono: People are always shocked at my length when I straighten my hair.

Your post shows that it's just hair! Congrats on making it back to WL.