5 Traits that Bag a Boyfriend (from Cosmo)


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At Cosmo's Fun Fearless Males Awards, Mario Lopez confessed, "I'm not really working on trying to find Ms. Right. I'm kind of working on being Mr. Right, and it will happen." It got us thinking: Not only is Mario freakin' hot, he's also pretty damn insightful. And experts agree: Before you go looking for your other half, you may want to work on yourself first.

Here are the qualities that make you more desirable to guys. Think of it as your pre-dating to-do list.

1. You're just that into yourself.
A chick may have smarts, sex appeal, and a sense of humor, but if she doesn't have self-confidence, most guys will take a pass. Women with low self-esteem come across as extremely needy, explains Jim Houran, PhD, relationship psychologist and feature columnist for OnlineDatingMagazine.com. They have to be the center of attention and are constantly looking for reassurance and compliments. And even if you find a guy who at first is willing to be your personal cheerleader, before long he's probably going to start to agree with all the crap you say about yourself and take a hike.

Surprisingly, the way to show you aren't that girl isn't necessarily to promote yourself, but rather to simply display interest and curiosity in the guy, says Houran. He'll take that willingness to share the spotlight and put someone besides yourself first as a sign of confidence.

2. You've got a burning passion...and not just for him.
Whether it's a hobby, a job, classes, or a buzzing social life, men are undeniably attracted to women with clear interests and lots of enthusiasm, according to Houran. It's as easy as dropping a few subtle hints about, say, the adventure you and your friends went on last weekend or how psyched you are to be on a new project at work. The benefits are twofold: The guy won't feel totally responsible for your happiness — a huge weight to put on a new love interest — and he'll be more inclined to want to be a part of your multifaceted life.

3. You know how to compromise.
This is one of the most important skills to have if you're looking to get into a long-term relationship, emphasizes Houran. Being flexible is a huge turn-on to guys, since it means less conflict and a smoother partnership in general, he adds. If a guy senses that the girl he's dating isn't willing to try to meet both their needs, he envisions a future of trivial disagreements, fighting, and ultimatums — not exactly the makings of a happy twosome. Prove you know how to compromise early on by letting him weigh in on the restaurant choice or not acting annoyed if he needs to reschedule plans.

4. You dress for guys, not girls.
If you're not turning heads, it could be because you're looking girl-hot and not guy-hot. Skinny jeans, babydoll dresses, peasant tops — all supercute, but you might as well be wearing a Snuggie. Men want to see curves, so stick with sexy boot-cut jeans and a top that shows off your girls and waist. Just don't reveal too much, since that can come off as desperate.

5. You're over your ex.
Nothing kills a budding romance quicker than being hung up on an old boyfriend. So before you get serious with a new guy, make sure you're not hoping — or worse, trying — to get back together with the ex or looking for someone just like him. It's relationship-repelling for two reasons: No dude wants to feel like he's in an unwinnable competition, and if you're living in the past, you won't truly be motivated to meet and make a connection with new guys. So ladies, move on and get an upgrade.


What do you all think of this list? I pretty much knew all these but had never considered #4.. dressing for guys instead of girls. It makes sense though.
I suppose Mario Lopez wasn't working on being "Mr. Right" during the time he cheated on his wife (ali landry) during their honeymoon....
I know this guy...though his points are valid he was a cheating SOB. He cheated on her the night before they married and a few days after. Mr. right my behind...
I agree with this list but have a modification to make on number 4.

You have to keep in mind what appeals to guys. Most men don't really appreciate the "cute" in a female when he's on the prowl; he's looking for the sexy. Cute can sometimes scream "little girl" more than it can "grown woman." While I would not suggest you show your curves off just for a man (esp if you're not comfortable with it), maybe integrate edgier pieces (within your comfort level, of course) that work with your overall look.

People called me crazy, but you can look at men's mags and get ideas for alluring makeup, and when the time is right, sexy looks. It's not about selling yourself out, as much as inspiring you to find something different that just might get the desired result.

Also, the thing that looks more confident than clothing IS indeed self-love/confidence.
Can I just give a big AMEN to number four. That's exactly what my main wardrobe consists of. I've never had to dress super-girly to get attention from guys. For me, it's about what my body looks great in and I always get a lot of compliments when I'm wearing a plain form fitting V-neck T shirt and boot-cut jeans. Most men don't care about how trendy we are.
I liked #4 too...Makes me consider my experimenting in my wardrobe. Some very good points overall. What I really need to work on is my self confidence. I have been told more that once by guys that I put myself down too much.
I used to take these types of lists to heart in my early twenties.
Now, they crack me up!
Men are all different and like different things.

All you really can do is love yourself and do what makes you happy.
I do agree with #4 though.

I swear i get the most play from guys when i have on jeans, a form fitting t-shirt, and some flip flops. I am soooooo not trendy, fashion-forward, etc. and that has never kept me from attracting guys.

I think i may be wired similarly...I could care less about men "trends" or fashion or what have you....don't care about brand names, whats "hot"... none of that. As long as the body is tight, you could have on a pair of run-down puma's, non-descript jeans, and an old T-shirt and I'd probably still be physically attracted, LOL.
I used to take these types of lists to heart in my early twenties.
Now, they crack me up!
Men are all different and like different things.

All you really can do is love yourself and do what makes you happy.

So true!

I do agree with #4 though.

I swear i get the most play from guys when i have on jeans, a form fitting t-shirt, and some flip flops. I am soooooo not trendy, fashion-forward, etc. and that has never kept me from attracting guys.

I think i may be wired similarly...I could care less about men "trends" or fashion or what have you....don't care about brand names, whats "hot"... none of that. As long as the body is tight, you could have on a pair of run-down puma's, non-descript jeans, and an old T-shirt and I'd probably still be physically attracted, LOL.

No here's a woman with confidence :grin:

I agree with the a snug tee and good fitting jeans...for real!
I love all of these. I think they describe me, but I need to work on #4. I never wear low cut tops and I think I might star showing a little cleavage here and there. But I always show off my shape with form fitting clothes and men always compliment my figure.
Good tips. I really don't care about #4. A guy will approach any attractive girl, few care about what you're wearing. If you don't feel comfortable in form fitting, low cut stuff...don't wear it. I used to get quite a bit of play when I wore regular jeans and my university hooded sweatshirt--as do plenty of women. Wear whatever YOU like, as long as you look good and feel confident in what you're wearing, that's all that matters.