5 Surefire Ways To Tell if A Man Is Interested in You....


Well-Known Member
It's not easy deciphering the bull men throw your way!

However, with a little pain and suffering, a few mistakes and a couple of heartaches you can begin to understand a couple of things.
But that's the long road and you don't have time for that! I'll show you the 5 Surefire Ways To Tell If A Man Is Interested in You or not!

1. He looks you in the eyes
Now this may seem very simple and I guarantee you may overlook it.
Most men are fascinated with a woman's body. To have a man who's able to maintain eye contact without staring at your boobs or butt is a good sign.
This indicates he's interested in you, the person, not the figure. If you were a man you would know how difficult this is to do considering how much we think about sex.
I'm not saying the guy won't look he just won't stare. He will definitely take a sneak-a-peek whenever he can without getting caught.
2. He talks about everything but sex
You know the type who can't seem to hold a decent coversation without sex popping up.
If you find a guy who is able to hold an intelligent conversation on just about any topic (outside of sports and sex) that's a good sign.
It's a good chance he reads material other than sports magazines and the sports section of the newspaper. If he has similar interests to yours that's better.
3. He innocently touch you
When you click with a man you want him to touch you. Yet, you don't want him to rush things.
If the guy attempts to hold your hand, gently touches you on the shoulder and arms or gives you a nice hug that's a good sign.
The last thing you want is for him to attack like you're the last woman on earth.
4. He calls to talk with you
I'm not sure what it is but it's rare to find a man who likes talking on the phone. Especially with women.
The key is not the frequency of the calls as much as the quality. For example, if you only get to speak once a week for 20 minutes or so is the conversation stimulating?
He may call you several times during the week just to say "Hi" or "I am thinking of you."
Yes, this is rare but there are men who do this and when you find one you should get to know him better.
5. He offers his help without you asking
Just because a man offers to help doesn't mean he is sincere in his efforts. Some men have ulterior motives.
This is a tricky one but with time on your side you can weed out the knuckleheads.
Here's the catch...you will know he is sincere when he continually offers and never ask for anything in return!
I know what you're thinking, "There isn't such a man alive today!" Well, you're wrong! There are plenty of us around.
When you get one I would suggest you take time to get to know him. He might be what you've been looking for.
There you have it...the 5 Surfire Ways To Tell If A Man Is Interested in You and is A Keeper! Do yourself a favor and take your time in getting to know men.
There is no need for you to rush into a relationship only to have your heart broken again. Learn all you can about him and have fun!
If you want to know Why Nice, Shy and Good Guys Finish First and not Last visit: Nice Guys, Shy Guys and Good Guys Finish First not Last!.
#2 is SO TRUE! He Talks About Everything But Sex.

I have learned to weed out the ones just by that rule alone. Shouldnt be asking me about sex on date number 2,3,4. Big sign. Not very many guys pass this test.

I've hung up on many people who want to ask me "whats your favorite position?" "do you like to give or recieve?" "how many partners have you had?" All of this within a 20 minute conversation??!!!

Good points...my husband was such a gentleman in every way and I was so floored because FINALLY I found someone who was raised right and treated me with such honor and respect. I remember thinking after a few dates that this man has so much character and respect and that is truly a Godsend.
I'm not sure if i'll ever find a guy who is truelly respectful.

I mean, the guy i talking to at the moment - i have been on one date with him. Now he says he has no time to go out on a date because of work but has the time to come and sit at my place. Twice now he has called and asked if he could bring a take-away meal and wine round to mine.

I told him to stop inviting himself to my house!!! - and i'm worth more than a Chinese take-out thank you very much.
I'm not sure if i'll ever find a guy who is truelly respectful.

I mean, the guy i talking to at the moment - i have been on one date with him. Now he says he has no time to go out on a date because of work but has the time to come and sit at my place. Twice now he has called and asked if he could bring a take-away meal and wine round to mine.

I told him to stop inviting himself to my house!!! - and i'm worth more than a Chinese take-out thank you very much.

Girl, thats another MISS sign too. Doesn't want to take you out to a somewhat decent restaurant and thinks it will be "cozier" if yall meet up at his or your place. NO!

If he has time to sit up in your place then he has time to at least meet you at the Applebee's up the street. It takes the same time and effort.

Lemme know when he starts talking about sex.
Mizz Brown you are right and i am thinking the same thing.

Well, since the date he punctuates our conversations with how nice my butt looked in the jeans OR those jeans were nice OR you have a nice shape.
To me that is him having sex on the brain.

Bublin;3215979[B said:
]I'm not sure if i'll ever find a guy who is truelly respectful. [/B]

I mean, the guy i talking to at the moment - i have been on one date with him. Now he says he has no time to go out on a date because of work but has the time to come and sit at my place. Twice now he has called and asked if he could bring a take-away meal and wine round to mine.

I told him to stop inviting himself to my house!!! - and i'm worth more than a Chinese take-out thank you very much.

You shall have what you say...speak life into your words..you WILL find someone..trust me I had to kick mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny to the curb before we meet:lachen::lachen:...But just beleive that you are worth all the things that you desire, be patient, enjoy and live your life to the fullest and He will find You.
Godiva - you are right. Positive talk from now on


ahhhh, that felt good.
Blah Blah Blah. Everything on this list could also be interpreted as normal actions - confident people (men and women) look EVERYONE in the eye when they're talking to you. Some confident people touch others during conversation, whether it's a hand on the shoulder, wrist or arm. etc.

Why are we always looking for signals....

I dunno, when a man likes you, like REALLY likes you - he'll make it CLEAR. Men aren't that complicated - we complicate things by trying to find signals and overanalyzing their every action. When you're 15 minutes into a first date and he's already talking dates 3,4,5 & 6, he likes you. When he's asking about your family and friends, he likes you. When he mentions that you look nice or notices changes to your hair, skin etc, he likes you. When he goes out of his way to give you compliments, he likes you. Hell, when he says "can we go out some time" he likes you. :rolleyes:

"He blinked twice after I said 'beauty supply store' - maybe he likes me".

And for whomever started this thread - please don't think I'm coming down on you - cuz I'm not. I do this mess too - "he touched my arm when we were playing raquetball while diving for a shot while I was standing in his way" - he must like me.
#2 is SO TRUE! He Talks About Everything But Sex.

I have learned to weed out the ones just by that rule alone. Shouldnt be asking me about sex on date number 2,3,4. Big sign. Not very many guys pass this test.

I've hung up on many people who want to ask me "whats your favorite position?" "do you like to give or recieve?" "how many partners have you had?" All of this within a 20 minute conversation??!!!


I'm so with you on this one. Some men may thinks its sexy to talk about sex - little do they know, the easy way to get me in the bed is to talk about everything about sex. Let us get into a heated "discussion" (friendly disagreement) about some politics or something, and he actually be able to back his opinion up with facts, figures or some stuff he's read - now that's sexy.

Hearing you say dumb stuff about what you like to lick and asking about my sexual fantasies or the craziest place I've had sex - NOT sexy.

Introducing me to something new - sexy.

TEACHING me how to drive a golf ball without pressing up all over me, and actually letting me try and swing BY MYSELF - sexy.

Teaching me how to drive a glof ball while wiggling all up on me - NOT sexy.

Friendly competition - sexy.
"I must win at all costs" - NOT sexy.
OBVIOUSLY letting me win - NOT sexy.
I'm so with you on this one. Some men may thinks its sexy to talk about sex - little do they know, the easy way to get me in the bed is to talk about everything about sex. Let us get into a heated "discussion" (friendly disagreement) about some politics or something, and he actually be able to back his opinion up with facts, figures or some stuff he's read - now that's sexy.

Hearing you say dumb stuff about what you like to lick and asking about my sexual fantasies or the craziest place I've had sex - NOT sexy.

Introducing me to something new - sexy.

TEACHING me how to drive a golf ball without pressing up all over me, and actually letting me try and swing BY MYSELF - sexy.

Teaching me how to drive a glof ball while wiggling all up on me - NOT sexy.

Friendly competition - sexy.
"I must win at all costs" - NOT sexy.
OBVIOUSLY letting me win - NOT sexy.


Definitely co-signing on all of this. :yep:
I remember one of my Ex's taught me how to play solitaire on my computer. I thought it was the simplest, most cutest thing that let me know he was interested. Why? Because he taught me something. So I agree w/ the OP about teaching or speaking about something stimulating other than sex.

Whenever I play solitaire, i always think about him. He was patient, and told me to come sit in his lap and made me pay attention and I did. I LOVE a man who will take the time to teach me.

Stuff like changing a tire, cooking something new, a new game, new music, etc.
Blah Blah Blah. Everything on this list could also be interpreted as normal actions - confident people (men and women) look EVERYONE in the eye when they're talking to you. Some confident people touch others during conversation, whether it's a hand on the shoulder, wrist or arm. etc.

Why are we always looking for signals....

I dunno, when a man likes you, like REALLY likes you - he'll make it CLEAR. Men aren't that complicated - we complicate things by trying to find signals and overanalyzing their every action. When you're 15 minutes into a first date and he's already talking dates 3,4,5 & 6, he likes you. When he's asking about your family and friends, he likes you. When he mentions that you look nice or notices changes to your hair, skin etc, he likes you. When he goes out of his way to give you compliments, he likes you. Hell, when he says "can we go out some time" he likes you. :rolleyes:

"He blinked twice after I said 'beauty supply store' - maybe he likes me".

And for whomever started this thread - please don't think I'm coming down on you - cuz I'm not. I do this mess too - "he touched my arm when we were playing raquetball while diving for a shot while I was standing in his way" - he must like me.

Errr - i started the thread as a bit of fun.
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Errr - i started the thread as a bit of fun.

I figured as much - that's why I put the "caveat" in there. And I'm not immune.

I know it's fun - but on another level, don't you think that's what messes up in the first place? We're looking for signs, signals, burning bushes and lightening bolts. Men just do.
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"He blinked twice after I said 'beauty supply store' - maybe he likes me".

And for whomever started this thread - please don't think I'm coming down on you - cuz I'm not. I do this mess too - "he touched my arm when we were playing raquetball while diving for a shot while I was standing in his way" - he must like me.

OMG, this has me crackin' up!!
What you say is very true, though. We are constantly looking for signs that a man is interested...I'm guilty of it too. The bottom line will always be, if a man is interested, there's no need to look for signals because he makes it very very obvious.
#2 is SO TRUE! He Talks About Everything But Sex.

I have learned to weed out the ones just by that rule alone. Shouldnt be asking me about sex on date number 2,3,4. Big sign. Not very many guys pass this test.

I've hung up on many people who want to ask me "whats your favorite position?" "do you like to give or recieve?" "how many partners have you had?" All of this within a 20 minute conversation??!!!


:lachen: Been there, done that, and I totally agree.