4s that stretch...


New Member
Did you have one month where you were only about to stretch maybe 2-3 weeks longer and then the next stretch was significantly longer? If so, what did you do differently? I went to 9 weeks last time and then relaxed because of breakage/shedding but want to really stretch it next time. I liked how my hair looked at that stage but it wasn't happy with me. What helped you to say, okay, i think i can do it longer next time by doing this, that or the other? Was it ritualistic use of scurl? Not touching your hair at all? What did you do???
I stretched 5-6 months. I left my hair alone. I used to wash my hair daily with conditioner but after month four I had so much growth that I couldn't do it anymore. I decided to just wash my hair once a week, rollerset and flat iron the new growth only.

Also, I wanted to let you know that there is hope. The longer your hair gets, the easier it is to stretch! :weird:
anky said:
I stretched 5-6 months. I left my hair alone. I used to wash my hair daily with conditioner but after month four I had so much growth that I couldn't do it anymore. I decided to just wash my hair once a week, rollerset and flat iron the new growth only.

Also, I wanted to let you know that there is hope. The longer your hair gets, the easier it is to stretch! :weird:

Well, for one, I can't not wash my hair all week. Most weeks, I run 5-6 days a week, so I can't go that long without washing. In fact, I can *maybe* miss one day of not washing, but that has to be on a day that I didn't run the entire time I was on the treadmill.

Also, how does it get easier to stretch as your hair gets longer? Does it not break simply because it's longer? *looks confused* I don't get it...*stupid look* Help me out here, girlie.
The conditioner washes help a lot!!-2-3 times a week
air dry and where in bun for the week -very little manipulation
Going to the Domincans at week10-12 helps too then the last month
I usually get my hair braided..cornrows; etc. something simple.
In the winter months.. the last two months I may get individuals..
tasha said:
The conditioner washes help a lot!!-2-3 times a week
air dry and where in bun for the week -very little manipulation
Going to the Domincans at week10-12 helps too then the last month
I usually get my hair braided..cornrows; etc. something simple.
In the winter months.. the last two months I may get individuals..

This is exactly what I do! After awhile with practice you'll become better at stretching. I just texturized last week after 6 1/2 months of stretching so it's doable.:)

I am at 14 weeks post relaxer(longest ever w/no braids); these some things that work for me:

1. I can't wash every week and pony dry...I have to roller set or my hair starts to get tangled and matted(been here twice)

2. Scarves are a GOD sent...

3. Rod settings, rag curlers whatever to match my hair texture helps...no straight styles unless I go to the Dominican salon.

4. A protein/moisturizing conditioner mixture to strength the hair helps with breakage..

5. As your hair gets longer, it does get easier to stretch, because the length camouflages the new growth.

6. Hot oil treatments...