4naturals products?


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies ,

I recently purchased all the products from this line and So far I tried the shampoo and reconstructor . The shampoo is quite cleansing although its not drying and the reconstructor is moisturising and strengthening .
The leave in is a scalp product so I m quite confused by that ,don't have scalp problems .
Anyone else tried this line?
I did try this line and loved it. Unfortunately Sally's stopped selling it and it is almost impossible to find all of the components. I still have the reconstructor and the shampoo. I have used up all the rest. I did love the leave-in for the scalp. It helped keep my scalp hydrated in the dry winters and this hot summers. I think I probably bought 6 bottles of it. I scoop them up every time I see them.

Unfortunately I don't think it did well in the stores. I'm not sure if the line will make it. I had to go in search of a new line :sad:
I tried the moisturizing conditioner which was good - nothing spectacular.

I think they had kits tailored to your specific curl pattern if I remember correctly which I thought was quite clever. I never did purchase the kit though.