4B's: Why did you go natural?

I didn't read anyone else's responses but my reasons for going natural are pretty much because of what you explained. I was seriously tired of trying to 'save' the relaxed look by not sweating/not washing my hair etc etc. I would get a touch up and a week later have friends commenting about needing to get a touch up. that was frustrating because styles I prefered to wear (straight) just didn't work after a week. I always loved the natural styles (big hair) so I figured I'd just not relax.
even though I liked the straight classic look when I was relaxed, now that I'm natural, I don't miss it nor am I feeling it so I really haven't even bothered with straightening other than once this past summer out of curiosity.
good luck with whatever decison you made.
oh by the way- i have no clue if i'm 4b or 4a but i know this fluff is thick and never held a relaxer! :D
I'm not sure if I am 4a or 4b, but I will answer anyway.

I went natural (the first time) because I had started college, and my grandmother was not using $50 a month to pay for my bus cards. I could no longer afford a relaxer. Then, I started to see my natural hair come in, and I feel in love with all the little curls it, so BC'ed.

After that, I relaxed/went natural/relaxed/went natural. Both times I went natural again because I hated how weak my relaxed hair was. It was falling out all over the place. It just looked gross to me. So, the last time, I made a commitment that I was going to find out how to take care of my natural hair no matter what.

At first, I wore a head scarf all the time. Then, I found some websites about natural hair care. When things finally started working, I knew I could do this. Now, I can not imagine going back to relaxed hair. It is too much work, and I really don't like how flat my hair looked when I was relaxed.
I personally went natural because my hair is fine and it seemed impossible to grow my hair out relaxed. It would just thin out and break over and over, even when i didn't use heat but i didn't know about the importance of deep conditioning or protective styles.I had begun to believe that my hair was just "impossible" and I always admired natural hair. I felt that women who wore their hair natural seemed so confident and comfortable in their own skin and I thought that was beautiful. If i had found this forum maybe i would have given staying relaxed a try but I don't regret it at all. I stand out in a crowd and make a statement with out saying word, what more could you want.

Now I have a weave and enjoy it honestly and who know maybe in the future I may relax again. No none wants me to relax, but a part of me wants to challenge myself to see if I could actually grow it out with a relaxer. A part of me though is natural for life so even if i relaxed i know i would eventually go natural again, its just a part of who I am.
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I'm a 4b (and PROUD!) and I decided that it was time for me to get rid of the relaxer, when I got tired of not being able to do the things I wanted with my hair. I wanted to swim, I wanted to sweat. NO DICE.

That, and my hair was STAGNANT (like POND WATER, do you hear me?!), always at my ears from breakage. I knew that I had "nappy" hair, I had "kinky hair" but I also knew that it was STRONGER than my "permed" hair. I mean, my chemically relaxed hair had all the strenth of construction paper. It may fit the American standard of beautiful, but it wasn't MY kind of beautiful, and I was ready to start embracing that.

That's why I understand why you phrased your topic the way you did. For someone with a tighter, or z-shaped pattern to their hair, it can be disconcerting to show it to the world. I mean... If I had hair like Mya or Alicia Keys, maybe I would have went natural sooner. (Since we are enlightened we KNOW that good hair/bad hair is a myth and all types of healthy hair is beautiful. But the average person on the street is looking at my head and going, "How she coming out of the house like that? She needs a perm!")

I wanted my kinky, strong, thick hair back. The relaxer didn't work for me, and I was tired of believing that's the only option I had.

I used to get my hair straightened with more so than relaxed. But I stopped getting it straightened because I saw somebody with natural hair whose hair was also type 4. Before then I hadn't really known anyone in real life who had type 4 natural hair and wore it kinky (as opposed to straightening). Once I saw that and realized I didn't have to go to the salon if I were natural, which I HATED, that was it for me.
I just wanted to explore my natural side. was tired of worrying who and when I was going to get my hair relaxed. my last relaxer was from a friend who jacked me up so I knew it was time to give it up. I saw how my hair flourished when I was taking good care of it relaxed so I knew as long as i was here, looking at youtube, blogs and talking to my sister I was going to be ok! Yes it can be difficult and yes the knots are annoying but I wouldnt want it any other way. Also other then the first month when my hair was relaxed I never wore it straight I always liked it curly or styled other then being straight.

Thank you for starting this thread OP!!!
I was tired of chemicals, I never looked like my hair was relaxed anyway, and I always liked the feel of my new growth...that and I LOVE cutting my hair. Snip. Snip.
you ladies are an inspiration and I'm glad that this thread is addressed to 4bs. Sometimes I wonder how I could go natural b/c my hair is so thick and kinky. I rarely wear my hair straight anymore, usually just braidouts, rollersetting is a chore and I always have to flat iron my roots, even right after a relaxer. Even the half wig I just purchased will match my braidout hair.

I went to the shop two weeks ago (maybe at 5-6 weeks post) and the hairdresser asked me if I had a relaxer :lachen: She refused to do a rollerset so I had to settle for a blow dry and flat iron.

It feels good to find other ladies that feel that way :-)
The reason that ive decided to go back natural is because i was tired of all of the hair breakage, not getting my hair to grow pass a certain lenght, the itch scalp, and having to keep up the look.

Plus i love big hair so i cant wait