4BEEZ list your products, techniques & regimens to help us newly natural sisters.


Well-Known Member
I notice a lot of threads being created from women who are newly natural with 4B texture hair. So I am creating this thread with hopes that women who have been natural for sometime and have learned some techniques and products that can help style and maintain 4B texture hair.
I sometimes get frustrated as a newly natural sister and have yet to wear my hair out. I am hiding under wigs for now.
So 4BEEZEEZ please come out and share your products, techniques and anything you can to help us sisters out. I do know what works for one may not work for all which is why I am calling on sisters with 4b texture.

4beez, soft puffy clouds, no curl pattern please share. I am all ears or shall I say eyes. :drunk:
Good thread to start!!!

I'm all eyes, too.

I consider myself newly natural, too, having BCd 4/2010. But I see your hair is way longer than mine (mine is a 3" - 4" TWAl.)

I'm still having fun playing with my hair at this stage. Although, I just started having problems with SSKs. So, I've been oil rinsing and keeping my hair well moisturized by spritzing and/or using hair butters a lot to cut down on the SSKs.

Also, I may comb my hair on wash day (2X/week), but it's really not necessary. The only time I give my hair a "good" combing is when I'm doing a henna treatment.

Don't get me wrong, my hair does tangle, but I oil-rinse and "finger" detangle my hair after washing.

I know it sounds like I'm all over the place, but I just wanted to throw some things out there that works for my hair. I do not consider my texture 4B. It's 4Z/c-napp, fine with medium density. I have no visible "curl" pattern. I, also, wear my hair out in a TWA. I re-twist my hair every night to keep it stretched and tangle-free.
I'm a 4a/b. I love WGO and hemp seed oil along with other natural oils like Coconut oil and EVOO. I've learned that Wash and Go's don't work for me.... Sure its a low manipulation style but with the knots I get it's just not worth it. I find that my hair looks better with I keep it stretched with braidouts, twist outs, braid and curls, or banding. Moisture moisture moisture is the key for me.. I've heard some talk about their hair being over moisturized and feeling "mushy" but I've never experienced this.. .my hair can't get enough. I hope this helps!
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Well, I'm not a vet by any stretch of the imagination (only 3 months fully natural lol), but I have found a regimen that I feel is working wonders for my mostly 4b hair. I've posted it before, but I'll post it here too:

GOALS: WL & Finally Overcome Chronic Dryness

*Co-wash 2x per week with Suave Humectant mixed with honey, CO & EVOO

*Moisturize with water/glycerin/aloe vera juice/CO juice spray as needed (1-2x per day)

*DC weekly with the same co-wash mix indicated above, under 45-60 minutes of hooded dryer heat

*Only comb when I DC

*Use "kimmaytube" leave in (Knot today Detangling/Leave-in Conditioner, jojoba oil, CO, aloe vera juice), after each co-wash and DC

*Seal with castor oil after I co-wash, DC, or thoroughly wet my hair

*Poo as needed (1x every 4-6 weeks, maybe?)

*Protein DC with yogurt/mayonaisse/1 egg/honey mix every 6-8 weeks

*Protective style (1/2 wigs, tiny individual braids & twists) for 2-4 weeks at a time

I've retained about 2.5" of growth since my BC on 5/31/10, so I feel pretty good about this regimen. HTH someone!
The best I have done for retention is ps. Braids undervalued wig while keeping it moisturized. I need ideas for when I am ready to wear my hair out. I don't plan on it until I am between sl & apl unstretched.
My current regi and products

Single braids for 3-4 weeks.
Pre poo w/ avocado oil
Wash while in braids 1x a mnth with Jasons biotin shampoo
Co wash 1 or 2x a week with jasons biotin conditioner or giovanni TTC
steamer 1x a week while using one of the following Jasons, ORS, QH Cholesterol, Giovanni TTC mixed with one or two of the following oils (JBCO, Wheat germ oil, Coconut oil or EVOO)
DC 1x a week with just shower cap & scarf method (maybe heating cap) using one of the above conditioners and one or two oils

Take down braids 1 x a month clarify using ORS scalp scrub or Jasons on hair and baking soda and water on scalp
Then let hair dry 80% in big braids then braid with shea butter (may start doing this with an organic conditioner then seal with heavy oil) thanks ladypanola

Spritz daily with she scent it or taaliah waajid mist bodifier seal with JBCO
scalp aid is BT or sulu mixed with natures blessings

I wear a wig so the above regi is a breeze.
Well I'm newly natural and informed, I was previously natural from birth till about 18

I dont do wash and go's, I did at first but, rinsing out product every 2-3 days wasn't working for me

I don't comb my hair, maybe once a week, usually i dont have to( the reason why, further down)

I henna every 6 weeks, loved it on my relaxed hair, currently using up what was left over from that time.

I clarify with bentonite every 3-4 weeks

I do oil rinses every week, this is why i no longer need to comb my hair or detangle before styling.

Sometimes after the oil rinse I will DC, sometimes i will just do a co-wash to get rid of the excess oils-

Every wednesday I twist my hair. My leave-in is a variation of 'kimmay' from youtube . I twist with cantu shea butter leave in and castor oil. 5-6 days my hair is twisted, otherwise its freeeeeeeeee

Sometimes I moisturise during the week, when i do its usually water and aloe, sealed with oil or water and aloe, something creamy(anything i have on hand that needs to be used up) and oil.

My hair is 4-5 inches long, Its softer than it was when i was natural before, and very well behaved.

....also I did a caramel treatment 2 days ago, I might re-introduce that to my "regimen"

I use Ayurvedic oils and powders, hemp oil, avocado oil, shea butter, clove oil, castor oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil , and aloes. Aubrey organic conditioners,Trader Joes Nourish Spa and tea tree rosemary conditioner, Giovanni leave-in,cantu shea butter leave in.

Some of those items are left over from my relaxed days and early LHCF PJ days. There many more, the ones above are the closest things I have to staples. They work equally well on my hair so I use whatever, whenever, however.
Damaged but not out

I just purchased some bentonite clay. I believe it is the Aztec brand. What brand do you use? I keep hearing about kimmay leave in. Off to search yout tube. LOL
your regi sounds great!! Glycerin and castor oil works well for me too!

Well, I'm not a vet by any stretch of the imagination (only 3 months fully natural lol), but I have found a regimen that I feel is working wonders for my mostly 4b hair. I've posted it before, but I'll post it here too:

GOALS: WL & Finally Overcome Chronic Dryness

*Co-wash 2x per week with Suave Humectant mixed with honey, CO & EVOO

*Moisturize with water/glycerin/aloe vera juice/CO juice spray as needed (1-2x per day)

*DC weekly with the same co-wash mix indicated above, under 45-60 minutes of hooded dryer heat

*Only comb when I DC

*Use "kimmaytube" leave in (Knot today Detangling/Leave-in Conditioner, jojoba oil, CO, aloe vera juice), after each co-wash and DC

*Seal with castor oil after I co-wash, DC, or thoroughly wet my hair

*Poo as needed (1x every 4-6 weeks, maybe?)

*Protein DC with yogurt/mayonaisse/1 egg/honey mix every 6-8 weeks

*Protective style (1/2 wigs, tiny individual braids & twists) for 2-4 weeks at a time

I've retained about 2.5" of growth since my BC on 5/31/10, so I feel pretty good about this regimen. HTH someone!
keeping my hair protected most of the time helped alot..natural products suck as castor,olive and coconut oil,shea butter,aloe juice & water to moisturize,henna every now and then and black soap to shampoo when needed..finger combing also helps..im trying to keep the comb out my head to see how that will turn out. right now im using half wigs for protection.i co wash about 2x a week and redo my plaits every couple of weeks
Damaged but not out

I just purchased some bentonite clay. I believe it is the Aztec brand. What brand do you use? I keep hearing about kimmay leave in. Off to search yout tube. LOL

...Also I use it diffferently. I sometimes add powders to it, i dont use vinegar. I also dont use it with a shower cap. I put it on and leave it till it dries(upwards of an hour). Then i loosen it up under the shower and carefully rinse out.
I am going to try the bentonite cay in my hair but not right now. I know I have to use it in my hair when its loose and I haven't washed my hair loose since the day I BC'd. I will be doing a soft protein treatment this week with Jherri Rhedding and QH Cholesterol since I have been using lots of moisture type products in my hair.
Pompous blue my AVi pic is during my transition the straight ends is now gone. I think I have about 5-6" of hair now. So I too have a TWA I think. I never wear it out so IDK. LOL