4a Naturals....cholesterol conditioning or not


New Member
What is the purpose of cholesterol conditioning ? I am just wondering if it hinders growth. I was reading the thread on "Interesting info regarding curly hair and moisture" on this site. Do you think that cholesterol conditioning is bad for the natural hair ?
Sometimes 1-2 times a week I will leave the cholesterol conditioner on overnite and wash it out in the morning. Just tryin to give my hair the moisture that it so desparately needs. Thus the reason for the question...
I certainly don't think adding moisture to any type of hair is a bad thing. I would certainly encourage you to find a method that gives your hair moisture, sheen, and shine without clogging your pores and weighing your hair down.
I use LeKair Cholesterol (Aloe Detangling Formula), and I've never had any problems with it. I find cholesterols to be both strengthening and moisturizing, and I usually leave them in for at least an hour.
As far as you leaving them in overnight, I don't think that would hurt your hair, but it may bother your scalp (if you're sensitive).
I use Lustrasilk Herbal Cholesterol. I leave it on for about 20-30 minutes under a plastic cap, and it makes my hair feel so soft! I read that article you are talking about, and I didn't think the cholesterol part applied to my hair type because it works just fine for me.
i like the lekair and queen helene (peach colored) cholesterols and like miss brown said i find them both very strenghtening and moisturizing. i also love to leave it on overnight and wash out in the am. they really soften and moisturize the hair. also great for conditioner washes too. i have had no adverse effects from using cholesterols. i think the concern may be over the mineral oil content in some formulas, but mineral oil is so far down the list i dont think it really harmful.