4a/b's CAN have oily scalps!!!!


New Member
I always used to believe that since my hair type is the driest, that I could go a year without washing my hair, and it'd never get oily. Thus, I felt like I always HAD to have something on my scalp. For the past two weeks, I've applied NO products to my scalp, just my hair. I took my bun out yesterday, and the first four inches of my hair closest to my scalp was so oily!! I've come to the realization that I don't need all that extra stuff on my scalp, in fact, it may be doing more "harm" than "help" as far as my growth efforts are concern. For decades we've been informed that we HAD TO put something on our scalps, and I've just discovered that it isn't necessary...
I agree, the oily-ness of your hair has to do with hormones, diet, and a myriad of other factors, not just hair type. I wished my hair was more oily:)
The thing is, is that it took nearly a week before the oil built up, whereas I think for Whites it's only like a day. Perhaps that's why I never noticed because as soon as my hair was pooed, it'd load it down with stuff before it had a chance to build up it's own oil.