4a/b Naturals Who Use Protein, I Need Your Input!


New Member
Now that my moisture game is in check, I'm thinking about incorporating protein into my regimen. I don't even remember the last time that I used protein, if that tells you anything. Currently, I have some Aubrey's GPB left over, and one packet of Aphogee that I have never tried.

The last time I used protein (Aubrey's GPB), it dried out my hair something fierce. But then again, my hair wasn't properly moisturized, and I think I probably left the protein on too long.

My question is what protein do you 4a/b's use, how long do you leave it on, and what do you DC with? Kenra MC is my DC staple, but will if be effective following a protein treatment?

Also, do any of you use Aphogee? If so, how do you use it, how often, and what do you use to DC with afterwards? I bought a sample packet but never used it because of horror stories I read about women with natural hair whose hair became a crunchy, brittle, nearly irreparable mess after using it. :eek:

TIA ladies :)
My hair isn't very protein sensitive...

I would only use mild protein conditioners. GPB works great for me.

I use it two ways:

1 - I coat my ends with it for 15 minutes before I shampoo ( I shampoo weekly). It helps cut down on splits.

2 - I deep condition with it with heat for 15 minutes once a month (I always follow with a moisturizing deep conditioner for 30 minutes afterwards)

Some people's hair doesn't need it and even isn't able to take it. Imo, naturals that don't color their hair rarely need very heavy protein treatments like the aphogee treatment. Not the 3 minute one, the stinky one :)
I dunno. I was thinking about doing a light protein. Like a reconstruction conditioner. Every time I put eggs in my hair it ends up a hot mess. That's protein, right?

I'm scared of Protein....but I'll just chill here for answers.
I have a theory that, unless you use heat or color your hair, hardcore protein isn't totally necessary for naturals. I at least find this to be true for myself. A while back I tried the hard core aphogee and man was it hard to recover from that:wallbash: I figured out that mild protein is just fine for me. I usually use cholesterol-type conditioners so that seems to be enough protein for my hair. Also, if I feel I really need it, I will use duotex. But I don't use it as directed (I know, I'm bad :grin:). I'll usually mix it with a moisturizing conditioner.
I just did a protein treatment last night. I read that it was recommended to do protein about every 6 weeks, however, I treat my hair when I notice shedding.

Last night I:
1. lightly washed/rinsed my hair with Creme of Nature Detangling shampoo.
2. Protein treat with Organic root simulator and 2 eggs (left over from cooking my egg whites) for 1hr wrapped w/ hot towel over plastic cap.
3.Rinsed- didn't feel real supple like after I co-wash
4. Conditioned w/ Trader Joe's Essential, Nourish Spa & Lustrasilk moisture max conditioner
5. Sat under dryer hood w/ plastic cap about 20 min
6. Rinsed and sealed with castor oil
7. Under the dryer again
8. Smoothed coconut oil over dry hair:lick:

My hair is absolutely Yummy!! Oh yeah, I have two strand twist. Check out my siggy!! This is after the coconut oil. Ooohh!!
Now that my moisture game is in check, I'm thinking about incorporating protein into my regimen. I don't even remember the last time that I used protein, if that tells you anything.

First and foremost there was a WONDERFUL thread that was put together on the protein/moisture balance by 2 members. I don't remember their names but do a search and I am sure that you can find it. The articles they link you to teach you about protein/moisture and the balance. :)

My question is what protein do you 4a/b's use?

-I use henna every other month and Aphogee for damaged hair 4 times a year. I also have light protein condish(I am a no pooer) such as trader joe's spa nourish, garnier fructis (sp) but my mainstays are henna which helps me cover my grays, and aphogee. I like to prevent problems before they start.

how long do you leave it on,

-for Henna 4-6 hours even overnight, depending on what's goin on that weekend. I just wrap my head up and put on a head wrap so that I can still go out or have guests or whatever. It's quite convient for me :).
-for Aphogee, I put it on clean,moist (water only) hair. I make sure to clarify before hand, and follow the directions on the application. I use the blowdryer to get the drying process started, and let it airdry 80% of the way. For me it takes like 2hrs to get my hair mostly dry. I use the blow dryer at the end to try to get the inside dried. It just takes a really long time.

what do you DC with? Kenra MC is my DC staple, but will if be effective following a protein treatment?

I can't speak about Kenra MC b/c I havent' used it ever. I follow up with a MOISTURIZING deep condish.My staple is QP DPR-11 mixed with honey,vatika oil, shea and other condish (that I am tyring to use up) I detangle as I apply and use large twists to section off my hair. I will let the condish for several hours to 30 min. It really depends on how much time I have, ya know?

Also, do any of you use Aphogee?

Yup sure do, just look up to the previous answers.

If so, how do you use it, how often, and what do you use to DC with afterwards?
Look to the other answers. Hth :)
I've used aphogee once but it was just to runny and sticky and smelly.. just awful:nono:. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with Sebastian Penetraitt? I think I may want to try it.
I like to use ORS hair mayo or Aubrey GPB once a month. I only use them before shampooing, on dry hair. I usually leave it on for 30 min to 1 hr tops.
protein user here. my hair does great with protein!!

i use it for preventative maintenance :grin: - every 3-4 months and no i do not use heat frequently nor color my hair.

Which Aphogee treatment are you asking about, the 2 minute keratin reconstructor which can be used once a week to every two weeks or the Aphogee two step treatment for damaged hair which is generally used every 6 - 8 weeks?

Maybe we should establish this before making recommendations. Let us know.

Just as a point of reference though, if you use any type of protein treatment (which BTW is recommended for hair that has signs of breakage) whether for 10, 15 or 20 minutes, it should always, always be followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner preferably under a hooded dryer or with heat for at least 30 minutes to an hour for proper penetration. HTH.
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I have really dry naturally and my hair hates protein...but when I do need protein (prob once a month) Aubrey Organics GPB is the only protein conditioner that is mild enough YET effective.

1.I usually apply it to dry hair for 15minutes.
2.Shampoo with Creme of Nature.
3.Then deep condition with Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose (with some EVOO, and any other oil i feel like throwing in :yep:)
every couple of months I do a hardcore aphogee treatement! That stuff is great:grin:, u just gotta do it right:yep:
every couple of months I do a hardcore aphogee treatement! That stuff is great:grin:, u just gotta do it right:yep:

ITA, once you do it the right way, this thing is like magic at stopping breakage. I follow the directions exactly as instructed and I am getting great results. I tend to use it about every 7 - 8 weeks.
Thank you so much ladies for the responses! Ya'll are awesome! :grouphug:

I notice that some of you apply protein to dry hair, while some shampoo first and then apply the protein.

To the ladies who apply it to dry hair first before shampooing, can you explain why you don't shampoo first and what benefits you have seen by applying it to dry hair?

To those who shampoo first, what benefits have you seen by doing this method instead of applying the protein to dry hair?

Also, is it absolutely necessary that protein treatments be done with heat?

Which Aphogee treatment are you asking about, the 2 minute keratin reconstructor which can be used once a week to every two weeks or the Aphogee two step treatment for damaged hair which is generally used every 6 - 8 weeks?

Maybe we should establish this before making recommendations. Let us know.

Just as a point of reference though, if you use any type of protein treatment (which BTW is recommended for hair that has signs of breakage) whether for 10, 15 or 20 minutes, it should always, always be followed by a deep moisturizing conditioner preferably under a hooded dryer or with heat for at least 30 minutes to an hour for proper penetration. HTH.

I am asking about Aphogee treatments in general, since I am not familiar with the different types. The packet that I have is white with purple and black writing. It doesn't say anything about leaving it on for 2 minutes. It just says to shampoo with Aphogee shampoo, apply the treatment, and then condition with a balancing moisturizer.

Would you recommend a certain Aphogee treatment for natural hair?
The Aphogee treatment you have is the heavy 6 - 8 week protein treatment which in my opinion is needed mostly for hair that has been altered by chemicals. I believe that naturals do not really need this particular Aphogee treatment unless they are using excessive heat that result in a lot of breakage. Otherwise, the Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor is fine for natural and relaxed hair and because it is a mild protein it can be used once per week but some people choose to use it less frequently for various reasons.
Thank you so much ladies for the responses! Ya'll are awesome! :grouphug:

I notice that some of you apply protein to dry hair, while some shampoo first and then apply the protein.

To the ladies who apply it to dry hair first before shampooing, can you explain why you don't shampoo first and what benefits you have seen by applying it to dry hair?

To those who shampoo first, what benefits have you seen by doing this method instead of applying the protein to dry hair?

Also, is it absolutely necessary that protein treatments be done with heat?

i follow the directions on the back of the bottle of those little packs just because the directions are there for a reason :grin:. i use aphogee hard core protein with heat, shampoo first, let it harden, rinse and moisturize either with HSR (not that 2-step conditioner mess) under a dryer for 15-20 minutes or overnight w/plastic shower cap if i don't want to be bothered with the dryer.

my hair loves this stuff (loves protein in general), i have not had one split end or any thinning since i bc'd and my ends are in perfect condition.

i use no dyes and very infrequent heat use so i totally disagree with protein only being needed for damaged hair. it's simply not a true statement for all naturals.
i follow the directions on the back of the bottle of those little packs just because the directions are there for a reason :grin:. i use aphogee hard core protein with heat, shampoo first, let it harden, rinse and moisturize either with HSR (not that 2-step conditioner mess) under a dryer for 15-20 minutes or overnight w/plastic shower cap if i don't want to be bothered with the dryer.

my hair loves this stuff (loves protein in general), i have not had one split end or any thinning since i bc'd and my ends are in perfect condition.

i use no dyes and very infrequent heat use so i totally disagree with protein only being needed for damaged hair. it's simply not a true statement for all naturals.

Thanks for your response! I have a few questions. What is HSR, how many packs do you use, and do you also use the Aphogee shampoo or only the Aphogee treatment?
Thanks for your response! I have a few questions. What is HSR, how many packs do you use, and do you also use the Aphogee shampoo or only the Aphogee treatment?

aphogee in the sample packs: 2 of those.

i don't use their shampoo but i do use herbal essences degunkify (i think that's what it's called) to clarify a little (it's mild).

the HSR is aubrey organics honeysuckle rose. this has worked consistently well whenever i use the aphogee. i coat my hair with it really well and let it marniate. you can get it online or @ a local [SIZE=-1]Vitaminshoppe[/SIZE] Store.

since aphogee dries so hard, i go right from under dryer straight to the shower and let the water soften it up first before trying to manipulate my hair. it rinses out easily believe it or not ;)

remember to rinse really well and don't forget to do your deep moisturizing afterwards. you may even have to do a couple of them but it's ok.

sunshine, remember everything doesn't work for everybody! that's one thing these hair boards have taught me ;) but you'll never know what works for you until you try it.
aphogee in the sample packs: 2 of those.

i don't use their shampoo but i do use herbal essences degunkify (i think that's what it's called) to clarify a little (it's mild).

the HSR is aubrey organics honeysuckle rose. this has worked consistently well whenever i use the aphogee. i coat my hair with it really well and let it marniate. you can get it online or @ a local [SIZE=-1]Vitaminshoppe[/SIZE] Store.

since aphogee dries so hard, i go right from under dryer straight to the shower and let the water soften it up first before trying to manipulate my hair. it rinses out easily believe it or not ;)

remember to rinse really well and don't forget to do your deep moisturizing afterwards. you may even have to do a couple of them but it's ok.

sunshine, remember everything doesn't work for everybody! that's one thing these hair boards have taught me ;) but you'll never know what works for you until you try it.

Thanks so much for your response, LynnieB! :) I think I'll give Aphogee a shot! :yep:
my hair loves this stuff (loves protein in general)

i use no dyes and very infrequent heat use so i totally disagree with protein only being needed for damaged hair. it's simply not a true statement for all naturals.

I agree with everything you've written. Every time I use the treatment (anywhere between 6-16 weeks), I feel as if it transforms my hair...I can't explain it but the new formula is the ish! I used the old formula for years as well but they've definitely improved it quite a bit. My hair loves protein and I also do not use any dyes. In addition, I have not used any direct heat in almost 2.5 years. :drunk:
I agree with everything you've written. Every time I use the treatment (anywhere between 6-16 weeks), I feel as if it transforms my hair...I can't explain it but the new formula is the ish! I used the old formula for years as well but they've definitely improved it quite a bit. My hair loves protein and I also do not use any dyes. In addition, I have not used any direct heat in almost 2.5 years. :drunk:
what do u like about the new formula? haven't tried it yet.
I agree with everything you've written. Every time I use the treatment (anywhere between 6-16 weeks), I feel as if it transforms my hair...I can't explain it but the new formula is the ish! I used the old formula for years as well but they've definitely improved it quite a bit. My hair loves protein and I also do not use any dyes. In addition, I have not used any direct heat in almost 2.5 years. :drunk:

hopefully, this time around I will find the right bounce of protein for my hair. I know what you mean about the feeling of transformation after a protein treatment, too:yep:
I use hardcore Aphogee every 6-8 weeks. I use it cause my dyed hair needs extra care. I t the only time I use shampoo- Suave Clarifying to make sure all the shea butter and product residue is washed out so that the protein can penetrate. Because my hair is dense. I have to apply the Aphogee in sections. I make sure to work it through to EVERY hair then I sit under the dryer. My hair gets rock hard! (But its supposed to) then I rinse it out and add a moisturizing deep conditioner. I am in agreement with the other Ladies- Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose is a great moisturizer. I also like Curls Ecstasy Hair Tea. Can you say butta???
what do u like about the new formula? haven't tried it yet.

I like the way it makes my hair feel...I believe the new formula has hydrolyzed vegetable protein instead of the hydrolyzed animal protein the older formula has...I need to read that thread about all the different types of proteins again but I just know that this new formula makes my hair feel different....in a good way.
Aha...this was in the protein thread that was recently bumped:

*Vegetable protein -- Vegetable protein absorbs more easily into the hair shaft (than animal protein) and does not create build-up, leaves the hair very shiny, radiant, luxuriant, and healthy.

*Animal protein -- Animal protein breaks down into fatty acids, which coats the hair and create residual build-up.

:arrowup: Well there you have it....I can honestly say that description of the vegetable protein results are spot on...I couldn't put it into words but my hair feels (and looks) like that and more.