4a/b naturals (especially those with TWAs)! Do you comb your hair often?


New Member
I have been co-washing and moisturizing daily due to daily exercise. I find it difficult and time consuming to comb after every wash. Is it ok to just moisturize and go? Is it safe to comb just once or twice a week? What do you do?
@blackbarbie986-i'm loving all these soulglo gifs! dang, adora got errybody on the jerry juice:grin:

anyways, i don't comb often. i only comb after a wash and DC, and i usually only do that only once a week.
however, if you're going to cowash every day(which btw may not be that necessary-i exercise frequently as well, and i don't need to, but i guess it depends on how much you sweat in your scalp), i would really advise you to at least do a quick detangling with a wide tooth comb everytime you cowash.
when i didn't-i thought i was doing something good and "low manipulation"-i developed a LOT of single strand knots and ended up having to trim about 2 inches off

this is just in my experience, however...everyone's hair is different
@blackbarbie986-i'm loving all these soulglo gifs! dang, adora got errybody on the jerry juice:grin:

anyways, i don't comb often. i only comb after a wash and DC, and i usually only do that only once a week.
however, if you're going to cowash every day(which btw may not be that necessary-i exercise frequently as well, and i don't need to, but i guess it depends on how much you sweat in your scalp), i would really advise you to at least do a quick detangling with a wide tooth comb everytime you cowash.
when i didn't-i thought i was doing something good and "low manipulation"-i developed a LOT of single strand knots and ended up having to trim about 2 inches off

this is just in my experience, however...everyone's hair is different

this is very tru, i workout daily for 2 hours and i have to alwayyyys wash the sweat out of my hair so i rinse or co-wash and when i do i try to lightly detangle with a super wide tooth comb. bcus if i dont i get tangles too and have to trim some strands.
i used to cowash everyday and i never detangled every cowash but thats because my hair is EXTREMELY fragile when its wet so i generally just finger comb everyday and detangle with a brush every month or so with conditioner. i dont cowash everyday anymore cuz its winter and i use the juice and its better with build up :)
I cannot wash and go. I get horrible tangles. I have to plait or twist my hair after washing. When working out I prefer to wear twists and twist outs so I can rinse as needed. There is no way I can wash w/o combing, I tried this again recently and ended up cutting knots out of my hair. When my hair was short I don't remember it being an issue.
I cannot wash and go. I get horrible tangles. I have to plait or twist my hair after washing. When working out I prefer to wear twists and twist outs so I can rinse as needed. There is no way I can wash w/o combing, I tried this again recently and ended up cutting knots out of my hair. When my hair was short I don't remember it being an issue.
This right here. When my hair isn't braided or something I comb or pick daily, to not do so will have me around here:wallbash:.
I used to comb it every day. I'd put in some KCKT and comb it out every day. but may hair wasn't very tangled. But since I've stopped doing wash n go's I've been keeping my hair braided or twisted under a hat for a week then letting it out on the weekends and on sunday washing and Deep conditioning.
I comb through with a detangling comb after washing/cowashing (1+2x a week.) Any other time I just pic the fro after using da juice. :look:
I do with a Jibere shower comb in the shower when I'm washing my hair. I've noticed that it's too short right now to get tangled though.